"It is well to remember that the entire population of the universe, with one trifling exception, is composed of others." A.Holmes

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Remove Vexation , Life Is Fleeting

I have been getting ready for the annual Lake Lawrence Christmas Bazaar which is this coming week-end.My home looks like a wool workshop and I am hurrying to catch up with all I did not accomplish this past summer because I was busy playing and having fun with my grandchildren. This nativity shepherd has a very large flock of sheep, many of these sheep will be adorned with bells, leaves, or stars, many will also be left unadorned, and these little sheep will be for sale at the bazaar. The weather has been cold, but the days have been sunny and beautiful. I have wanted to spend the days walking in the crisp autumn weather with my husband and my dogs. I have wanted to take walks at Alder Lake, drive around our beautiful country-side, sit in the sunshine and take in the last days of this year coming quickly to end...but I am instead busily crafting away for an upcoming bazaar.Next week I will take the time even though the bazaar is next week-end. But I ask,what if this is your last week here on earth? What if your busy-ness keeps you from what is important right now? Only you can ask and answer these questions for yourself, but I have decided I will enjoy this time of crafting AND enjoy time outside in the fall weather I love, and most importantly, with the husband and family I love. "So, remove vexation from your heart and put away pain from your body, because childhood and the prime of life are fleeting." Ecclesiastes 11:10


Anonymous said...

Your sheep are adorable, Kathy. This is a busy time of year, but you are wise to remember to enjoy the season and the ones you hold dear. God bless you and your entire family during this Thanksgiving season.

Pondside said...

More wise words, Kathy.
Your sheep are adorable! Crafting and beautiful autumn weather seem to go hand in hand, so I've no doubt you'll make room for both. I'll be on my way back west later today and your post has made me re-think my frustration at a day spent on planes and waiting to make connections.

Deb from WhatsInMyAttic said...

Wise choice, Kathy...and those are the sweetest little sheep faces I've every seen! :o)

Vee said...

I was sent here by Pondside and I have loved what I found. Never heard of that scripture before, but I so appreciate your featuring it. It's going on the fridge today.

Each one of your sheep has the sweetest expression unique and wonderful. Now I want a flock of sheep. ;D

Off to look around. I think there is treasure everywhere here.

Priscilla said...

I come by way of Honora at Pondside. Your sheep are just darling. You have a lovely blog, and I look forward to reading more posts.

Anonymous said...

They're cute and good verse!



Keetha Broyles said...

Such cuties.

Whenever hubby sees a field of sheep he says, "All we like sheep have gone astray."

Connie said...

Yes, best to enjoy the beautiful fall weather while it is here because it won't stay forever. I love your little sheep. They are so cute. I hope the craft bazaar goes well for you.

Snap said...

Oh, yes! Fleeting ... enjoy it all! Love your sheep!

Schnitzel and the Trout said...

I came over from "Pondside" and have fallen in love with your sheep!!!! Sweet, so sweet.

Maggie said...

Your flock is a delight and reminded me of an English nursery rhyme that I loved as a small child.
Little Bo peep has lost her sheep
And doesn't know where to find them.
Leave them alone and they'll come home,
Bringing their tails behind them.
Little Bo peep fell fast asleep
And dreamt she heard them bleating,
But when she awoke, she found it a joke,
For they were all still fleeting.
Then up she took her little crook
Determined for to find them.
She found them indeed, but it made her heart bleed,
For they left their tails behind them.
It happened one day, as Bo peep did stray
Into a meadow hard by,
There she espied their tails side by side
All hung on a tree to dry.
She heaved a sigh, and wiped her eye,
And over the hillocks went rambling,
And tried what she could,
As a shepherdess should,
To tack again each to its lambkin.
I'm so glad that Pondi sent me your way today.

rkbsnana said...

I'm not sure through whom I found your site but I am so glad on this particular day. We too have complained of "too busy" but what if this was our last week? Love your sleep. Good luck with your bazaar, my new friend.

Karen said...

Wow! That is a good verse that I had not noticed before!!! I needed that word today. Blessings to you Kathy.

EBet said...

I've always loved your sheep and these ones are very cute! I hope you do enjoy your week....good luck at the bizarre.

Oregon Gifts of Comfort and Joy said...

Oh, Kathy, they are adorable! I've been doing some crafting, but need to do some more. The weather WAS beautiful, but I guess winter is here now; there is a bit of snow on the ground and it is supposed to keep going throughout the week.

In answer to your question ... I would just want to spend time with everybody in person, on the phone, and via computer, if it was my last week.

Best of luck on your sales!



Deanna said...

God Bless you, Kathy!!!
You are a great Grandma spending time with your sweeties.

Your lil sheep are darling.
I like the scripture you have shared.

God richly bless you,

GardenOfDaisies said...

Pondside sent me over... Your flock of sheep is very sweet and I'm sure those will sell really well at your bazaar. I am really glad you know when enough is enough, and put aside the projects to enjoy the beauty of the earth and the love of your family. Wise words to live by.
(I have a small flock of sheep that comes out for display each Christmas. Will any of yours make it to your etsy shop? I'd be interested in purchasing one.)

LindaSue said...

the sheep are adorable but so glad you realized - there needs to be time to live and not DO.

Farmgirl Cyn said...

Baa! I love these cutie patooties! Wouldn't a whole nativity set be sweet made like these sheepies? Well...maybe not a whole set, but definitely Jesus, Mary, Joseph and a few more animals!

Anonymous said...

Great advice, Kathy - and such sweet sheep. If I were at your bazaar I would want to take one or two home! So whimsical, too, with the adornments planned. I have good memories of my crafting days a decade ago already. Wishing they were a part of my life again as I miss the creativity. Can't say I miss the work of building inventory for shows, and then not selling out! New things to crowd my day - the removal of vexation in my life is much desired. Thanks for the reminder that WE can make that difference through quality choices.

Stella Jones said...

Interesting thoughts! and I love the sheep. They all look individual, which is as it should be.

Pat said...

Found you by way of Pondside...have just returned from a weekend retreat with sister quilters up in our northwoods...refreshed and recharged. The problems I left behind for 3 days are still there but can be approached with a clearer head and with your words to remind us of blessings close to my heart. I will refer to them often in the days ahead.

Your little flock is adorable and I hear Handel's All We Like Sheep in the back of my mind...

Scriptor Senex said...

I love your sheep and your philosophy. It is so important to live as though every day were one's last and treat one's loved ones accordingly.

PeregrineBlue said...

they are so adorable kathy. i love their faces. faces are hard to portray aren't they? but you've done a beautiful job.

and, yes, childhood is fleeting. by crafting and creating we somehow return to that bliss and innocence.

luck at the fair. wish i was there.

genie said...

Yes...my time is fleeting. I have gone to the top of the mountain and I am on my way down but at a bit of too rapid a pace. I do need to stop and smell the roses. Remember the memories, tell those I love I love them, and try to live out the rest of my days as the best person I can be. I adore your sheep. genie

H said...

Just popped over from Pondside and I'm so pleased that I did. Wonderful words of wisdom. Thank you.

Lady Jane said...

You are so right Kathy. Life can be fleeting... I love those little sheep and those little nativity figures are precious. Hugs! LJ

Dolores said...

Oh Kathy...... I want to hug each of those precious little sheep...... they're so sweet!!!

You're so wise....you spent time with your grandchildren during the summer.... making memories you and the children will never forget.

Now you're doing crafts.... more fun times.

Your life is such a blessing to me!!!

Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson said...

How true! I love this post!! Yes, we must do the things which we have committed ourselves to in life. But if we don't take time for the things that are really important (faith, family, friends) none of it really matters. Hopped over from pondside. Could not see where to follow you. I dearly love your flock!

A. Joy said...

The sheep look great for this year's bazaar! I'm really glad we've had some sunny weather this November. MY husband will be out for the next two looooong weekends enjoying nature and his dogs while searching for birdies and I'm excited that in a couple weeks I will get to spend time with him hunting and enjoying nature as well. =)

Lisa said...

Your sheep are so precious. I am glad that you are feeling able to do both!

Eggs In My Pocket said...

I so agree with your wonderful words. We all need to take time to stop and smell the roses. Love that sweet little herd of sheep you got going! blessings, Kathleen

Elizabeth Musgrave said...

Another one here via Pondside. I am always struggling with the "too busy" conundrum and will remember your words.

Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

Hello! First of all, I love your sheep!! What a sweet little herd of happy faces! Do you sell them online?

Secondly, I am here via our Pondside friend, the beautiful Honora. Like you, I have been in the crafting mode and have not enjoyed these best of days. Funny you posted this, because just the other day I told my husband that I feel like a prisoner in my house and cannot seem to make the time to go outside and be with the puffy white clouds - which are my favorite in a blue sky. So, thank you for sharing this verse. I need to be so mindful of it. Do you mind if I share it with my blog readers? I will link you to them.

Have a beautiful day!!!!


Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

PS: I just not saw that you DO sell online - on etsy! Oh yea! Can I order four of the all white sheep? I would LOVE to have two for me and two for a friend. My email is sweetcottagedreams1@comcast.net. I can pay you through paypal, too.

Hope this is ok!

:) Becky

Come Away With Me said...

Just found you via a link at Pondside...what marvelous little woolly white sheep you have created!

Reading your recent posts is a refreshing dip into all that you speak of, slowing down, enjoying and cherishing what each moment brings...I know I'll be visiting again.

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

I'm quite smitten with your little wooly friends! Sweet!!!

If this were my last week on earth I would be doin' exactly what I'm doin'. We're havin' a wedding her on the Ponderosa this weekend. Woohoo!!!

Just another, 'Happily ever after'!

Have a bless and beautiful day sweetie!!! :o)

Paula said...

I love your little woolly flock, Kathy! They are so precious.
Hope you enjoy your crafting and your outside time too...