Happenings & Activities On Cedar Pond

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Pretty Please With Black and White Spots?

I had the best of intentions, really.
I have admired this beautiful little kitten at Lanny's* for awhile, and secretly, well, not so secretly coveted her and her sister.
We were at Lanny's earlier and this little kitty has grown even prettier and more friendly, and she was very friendly to start off with.
She is so friendly I had trouble taking her picture because she kept trying to attach herself to me, all the time purring and snuggling up to me. She shows NO fear, toward anything new, or to dogs, or other cats...a trait not shared by the other 3 cats living here. As friendly and bold as Miss Marple ( one of my 3 cats) is toward myself and my husband, as fearless a vermin killer as she is, if you were to visit my home you would NOT know she lives here. Nor would you know we have 2 other cats. They would disappear and if they ever catch a glimpse of you catching a glimpse of them they are gone in a flash and blur of fur! Because I have fallen in love with this little miss kitty I brought her home with the intention of giving her to a friend tomorrow, however, tonight as I was doing a little cleaning up, writing "thank-you's" and just enjoying being home, this little kitty was snuggling up to me and purring. And then there is this , over the last few weeks at least 4, count them, FOUR people have asked me where they can get a kitten and I have sung the praises of the beauty and friendliness of this kitten and her litter mates, and all 4 said they would call Lanny's and NONE did. Surely this is a sign I should adopt this precious little kitten , don't you think? Please say "yes' ! Then tell my kind and long-suffering husband I really DO need this little bundle of spots. Besides, how can we not bring into our family another spotted pet? We already have black and white spotted ducks, black and white spotted sheep, black and white barred chickens. Seems the most natural thing to do is add this little black and white spotted kitten to our family, please?


  1. Yep, you have to keep with the decorating of your home, and farm. Black and white.

    She is cute!

  2. Spot on Cutie Cedar Pond Cat - yep - she is a keeper and you are right - your Jim is a good man about animals. I'd love another cat - and spotted kitties are just so wonderful (like striped kitties, solid color kitties and oh yes Calico)

  3. Well, she does seem to have been custom made for you---and she will fit right in... :D

  4. Black and white spots...and repeat! Yes, she is a beauty.

    Spike just ate his first "real" meal in 2 days, Kathy. I think he is on the mend.

    Have a great Sunday!

  5. Her personality sounds JUST LIKE Magic's!!! And you know....I had to keep him too.

  6. Me thinks she is ALREADY yours! As well she should be!

  7. Absolutely - she belongs in your home Kathy. And, I can vicariously be a kitty owner since I will never be able to have one. She is beautiful! And, Jim, it is Christmas . . . consider it another gift from you. :-)

  8. I really think you need to keep her. She is so sweet.

  9. She is too cute! I would have to agree you "need" her and she you~

  10. Ok, I've been sweating this all day. You know I always like to leave you a comment, so here goes. I'll remain neutral on the kitty issue; I don't like cats in the house. But I think that if you want this kitty, and she seems to be a, gulp, good kitty, then she is a fortunate kitty indeed.
    Now, how was that. How about another nice puppy?


  12. Well you know the rule.......Cats pick their owners and it looks like she has picked you! Follow your heart and keep her! Have a wonderful new year! blessings,Kathleen

  13. She is a keeper for sure Kathy! She's adorable!

  14. all good comments about how sweet and cuddly and cute she is - now if you really want to be in style and fashionable - BLACK AND WHITE IS "IN". So you have to keep her.

  15. Yes, simply yes.
    You MUST give this beauty a home where she'll be loved, adored and enjoyed for all her days.

  16. I'd say she is definitely YOUR cat :-)

  17. I'm so glad that you got her, she looks very happy.

  18. Absolutely you should keep her ;)

  19. "Surely this is a sign I should adopt this precious little kitten, don't you think?"

    Um ... no, Kathy...! I think it is a sign this little tyke has adopted you! All the best cats do that. :-)

    Please give her a little scritch behind the ear for me, and tell her I think she has found a wonderful home.

  20. Thank-you all for your comments, my little spotted kitty thanks you too! My poor husband, another kitty...but please know that if he said "NO!" I really would have found her another home...a good one too.

    Tomorrow she goes to the vet with Miss Marple for vaccinations and boosters. I have not decided on a name for her yet, it will come in due time.

    Debbie, I came from a family where cats were barely tolerated and most definitely outdoor pets if they were allowed at all. My Mother was very afraid of cats and some dear family members are afraid of or allergic to cats. I try to make sure no one has to have any contact with my animals unless so desired when they visit here.

    That being said, I must now say, Thank-you dear Husband! The kitty will leave extra cat hair in your study as a token of her appreciation~ but I will vacuum it up!

  21. enjoyed myself, "getting lost" in your blog. So much life and love


  22. a very spot on kitty for sure. I'm glad you came and voluntarily got her as Anna has been wanting to pack her over to your house for some time now and I rather object to foisting kittens or anything else that has a feed bill and heart strings attached to it.

  23. Audrey, your comments mean so much to me and I always know they are heartily felt and expressed, thank-you Sister.

    Lanny, I love, love, love this kitten! She is such a perfect kitten and I am having fun with her, thank-you very much!


A kind word lifts my heart,a humorous word makes the day lighter,a word of wisdom gives me perspective,thank-you for your comments. I am truly honored you have read my blog and taken time to leave a few words about it. I read all the comments, and often answer them here in the comments page.~ Thank-you ! ( Because of the enormous amount of spam from anonymous comments I have decided to not accept "anonymous" comments anymore. )