Happenings & Activities On Cedar Pond

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Spot On Resolutions For 2010

I know, I know....New years' resolutions, but I am a sucker for them and once in every year or two I have actually realized the completion of New Year resolutions, I just make sure they do not include diets or extreme physical fitness. So here are my resolutions for 2010~ I Thessalonians 4:11 "And make it your ambition to lead a quiet life and attend to your own business and work with your hands, just as we commanded you so that you may behave properly to outsiders and not be in any need." AND Ecclesiastes 5:18 "Here is what I have seen to be good and fitting: to eat, to drink and enjoy oneself in all one's labors in which he toils under the sun during the few years of his life which God has given him; for this is his reward." Oh, I have also resolved to organize, catalog, and put into albums the many photographs I have taken over the last few blogging years, and not follow my family and grandchildren ALL the time with my camera.( just a lot of the time) Thank-you for reading my blog, I love your many comments and so many of you have been inspirational to me and your prayers have truly upheld me and my family. I cannot adequately express how much this has meant to me and my family~Happy New Year, 2010 here we come ready or not!


  1. I love the verse from Thessalonians. I am going to copy it and stick on my fridge=and read it every day. Your blog is one that I read everyday and it means a lot to me. Thank you. Happy New Year. Don't stop following your family with that camera!

  2. I like these scriptures! I think I might imitate you!

  3. Wishing you a very HAPPY NEW YEAR too! Funny, I need to do the same, catch up my photo album, it's been neglected since I discovered blogging! LOL I like that scripture too...Come say hi :D

  4. I like your resolutions Kathy. I imagine you will be able to keep them. Good luck getting yours photos organized. I wouldn't even know where to begin doing that. We have photos everywhere.

  5. Thank you for allowing us to visit you on Cedar Pond and follow your life through the year. I love the Thessalonians verses - with DH's health challenges we have come to that state and find it quite pleasant. It is more productive spiritually for us - more focused time for prayer and scripture study. Bless you and yours in 2010 - we can all start the New Year with even small changes
    "Do not despise…small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin.” Zechariah 4:10 NLT "

  6. 2010 looks like a significant number. Time passes quickly!!

    Kathy, I am glad to be your friend. Your blog is a blessing in my life. That is the best way I can put it.

    Your in-depth thoughts meant a lot to me in 2009 as I muddled through a bit of murkiness. Thank you!

    Now for the new year, onwards and upwards!

  7. What a lovely verse to hold close! You have shared so many fun stories, recipes, celebrations and amazing photographs....I thank you! Your animals are some of the most interesting...and so it your "Spot on Cedar Pond! God Bless!!

  8. The scriptures you chose for this post are wonderful ones, Kathy, and excellent to use as goals to live by for the new year. Happy New year to you and yours! :)

  9. Happy New Year to you, too!!
    It is always so good to read your blog :o)! Thanks for sharing your posts with us!

  10. Thanks for the great words.
    Have a Peaceful and Happy New Year!

  11. I love that verse for Thessalonians, I have it under my header on my blog....I have always felt that was my life's statement. I have so enjoyed visiting your wonderful blog Kathy and I want to thank you for all of the times you have stopped by to offer me friendly words in blogging friendship. Have a very blessed year! blessings,Kathleen

  12. That is a good resolution: a peaceful life. It brings me peace to read your encouraging words.

  13. The Thessalonians verse is one of my very favorite Bible verses and true words to engage Every Single Day!
    Many thanks, Kathy, for blogging and for encouraging me. You are loved.
    Happy New Year
    from Thistle Cove Farm

  14. Southern Comfort, thank-you! I won't stop following them around with a camera, the poor kids!

    Kim T, I checked out your blog, what a lovely family and busy lady you are! Fortunately with God's wisdom you can be VERY busy doing the best things for Him and still be busy with your own hands leading a quiet life....( that doesn't mean not talking I hope or I am in trouble!)

    Julie, you must have thousands of pictures to organize, with your big family and all the memorable activities and and grand and great grandchildren! I am glad you discovered the world of blogging, what a blessing for you and us~

    Susie, I am often reminded of the great commercial for NIKE when I am overwhelmed with how to start a big project, JUST DO IT !So I will, really....

    LindaSue, my husband and I started our Bible Study together New Year's Eve and what a true blessing
    to read, discuss and ponder scripture with my husband, knowing he knows me and how I communicate and I him, and together in God just pondering His wisdom...that could keep us happily occupied for all our lives here on earth...of course one always has to be practical and get after the moles in between times!( those pesky moles)

    Mary, thank-you and I have to say 'back at you'! I am appreciating more and more your passion for your business, your care and concern for those who you have allowed glimpses into your life, and your POSITIVE but realistic persistence in tribulation~ bless you.

    Flower, thank-you, that means a lot coming from you. Your blog was one of the few I read when I first discovered blogs....then you quit posting for awhile, but you're back, writing from one of my favorite places, Oregon!

    Daisy, thank-you,And thank-you also for your spot of humor!

    Timi, thank-you, and how is your sheep, your beautiful and interesting sheep?

    Carol, a peaceful and Happy New Year to you and your family too.

    Kathleen, I have noticed this verse on your header, and your blogs seem to evoke that very feeling when I read them.

    Karen, this is true for us only when we remember He is in control in spite of our circumstances, and I know YOU know this very well. You are an encouragement, and seem to be able to nudge me gently to remember this thank-you.

    Sandra, your blog was the very first blog I read years ago, and did not know it was a blog! I had old time eating dial up internet. I think I left a comment on your blog back then and was surprised I could do that...but I found your blog when I was in need of a reminder about God's peace and perspective....

  15. Dear Kathy,
    I am late in coming, but I have so enjoyed getting to know you and your blog has also been a blessing to me!
    Happy New Year and thank you!
    with Love from the cabin,
    Claudia O.


A kind word lifts my heart,a humorous word makes the day lighter,a word of wisdom gives me perspective,thank-you for your comments. I am truly honored you have read my blog and taken time to leave a few words about it. I read all the comments, and often answer them here in the comments page.~ Thank-you ! ( Because of the enormous amount of spam from anonymous comments I have decided to not accept "anonymous" comments anymore. )