Happenings & Activities On Cedar Pond

Friday, January 29, 2010

Jamie Oliver Friday~Italian Bread & Cabbage Soup

I bet you thought I forgot about Jamie Oliver Fridays.My husband thought I did. However, with all the holiday festivities and foods and all the family get-togethers this month there was not time for me to shop especially for the recipes in his book. Had I planned appropriately I would have saved some cabbages from our garden, but cabbages are very affordable and easy to find in just about any supermarket. This recipe is very affordable and easy but I have a few words to say about it first..... .........Jamie, please stream- line your recipes! After I prepare one of your delicious recipes I have always remarked to myself " boy, I could have made that in fewer steps and with a LOT less dishes, pots and pans". This alone makes me absolutely positive he has someone, or hey, even a whole crew cleaning up after him! Unfortunately I am unable to see how I can do this until I make the recipe, my mind doesn't work that way, but our daughter has said the same thing about some of Jamie's recipes she has used. She is smarter than me though and usually figures this out BEFORE she begins cooking. However, I digress~ above is a picture of Italian Bread & Cabbage Soup just before I put it into the oven. I was so excited about this recipe! I photographed the recipe and I believe you can enlarge it. I won't do this anymore, I will write it out, but I wanted you to see how Jamie publishes his recipes. I like the anecdotes he includes and his personal way of speaking comes through in his writing, and my husband and I very much enjoy watching Jamie's cooking program on the Food Network because of the unique and quirky way he prepares and presents foods. Here is my bowl of Italian Bread & Cabbage Soup With Sage Dressing. I thought it was delicious! However, my husband does not like soggy or wet bread and this recipe calls for a lot of that. I liked this hot, but do not think I would like this as left-overs and you can see I made a big pan of this for the two of us. We decided I would make this again but here is what I will do...and I think it will be MUCH better : instead of a layer of bread I will use a layer of toasted cubes of bread, or a bag of purchased non-seasoned stuffing, or even a bag of seasoned stuffing. This would soak up the flavors but not get soggy and my husband would be happy with that. I will make this again, with croutons or stuffing, cut the recipe in half, and simplify the cooking process. So try it, you might like it! (I almost forgot, we grow and use a lot of sage but we did not want the sage dressing so we skipped that part and were happy we did, sorry Jamie.)


  1. Very interesting how as good home cooks, we can look at a recipe and re-make it to our way and it's even better! that does look very good, I love cabbage! have a good day and come say hi :D

  2. Thanks for the tips of how to streamline the cooking!! Crispy is better than soggy!

  3. Hi Kathy!
    May you have a warm and cozy week-end!

    I woke to a snow dusted world this morning. On these cold days, the warm food dishes are wonderful.

    I haven't ever had this kind of cabbage soup, but think I would like it. We had a cabbage with boiled potatoes supper this past week. My husband's creation. Italian flavoring is popular with him.

    Happy cooking!

  4. Dirt would have liked it with the soggy bread, one of the weird things I had to get use to was seeing him tear up toast and pour milk over it! Not a favorite texture of mine!

    I don't have any problem streamlining recipes or instructions, my problem would be actually following a recipe, you are good to do his as close as you can, it really "tests" the recipe then.

  5. Did you hear that? The big huge tummy growl after I finished reading your post?


    I want to cook. I miss it. Lately I have cooked, but not to this degree.

    So, I am going to set one day aside per week to cook from an actual recipe.

    I am inspired.

  6. Your soup sounds wonderful. You're right, not only about Jamie, but other TV chefs as well. They do no prep work and no clean-up. Despite that, I love most of them :-). Jamie usually has wonderful recipes but I'd like to see him scrub just one pot :-). Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  7. I'm on my way over...(from Arizona)..hope you have leftovers! LOL

  8. Sounds good, Kathy. I think that is the best way to cook by making it your own with your own special touches. Only way to learn it is to do it, I think.

  9. Julie, I have learned a lot from Jamies' recipes by following them pretty carefully. He puts together some flavors I would not ever consider and I have been surprised by how well they work!So then after making it his way I have learned how to make it better for our family~

    Flower, my husband heartily agrees.

    Deanna, I love waking to a new dusting of snow, we have more rain and algae, Good cabbage soup weather!

  10. Lanny, eeewww, soggy bread. But I do know a lot of people who like soft bread puddings, I'll keep Dirt in mind the next time I make this.

    Mary, post us all a picture of what recipe you finally do prepare!I know when I have a lot to do outside around here cooking is not high on my list of priorities, plus, my husband is usually very, very happy to cook for us both.

    Carol I'll save some for you too...you and Dirt bring your spouses and we'll have a great time!

    Daisy, you're so right about learning by doing, and I usually learn how NOT to do it first~

  11. I am late to comment but I do love cabbage so. This looks delicious. I have been missing your Friday recipe posts. Have a nice weekend.

  12. Mildred, thank-you. You should make this dish, of course you must at least halve it! I also like just cooked cabbage with butter and salt, so this was a real treat.

  13. Jamie Oliver is interesting but I've never been enamored with his cookbooks. I look at them and put them back. But this soups looks good and with the winter we've had on the prairie, soup is good!

  14. Ooooh- it looks wonderful Kathy! My hubby isn't much for soggy bread either... I like your idea better.
    I love anything with cabbage in it- the last picture made my mouth water!

  15. This looks wonderful but not sure I'd enjoy how he's written his cookbook. I like to look at the recipes and then take off on my own. I use recipes more of a guideline than a road map. I do like bread in my soup and love cabbage, especially fried in olive oil.

  16. Oh dear! I have never heard of Jamie Oliver and it certainly is my loss. It looks delicious! Problem is my husband has led a sheltered life and shies away from soup. I have tried a few and they were delicious but he will only eat it to please me. But this looks GREAT! I love cabbage so I just may make it for myself.

    What a beautiful family you have!
    Your husband looks like a nice guy.
    Have a wonderful Sunday. :)

  17. Martha, I love his cookbooks because of the many aspects of his life that are similar to ours as far as gardening, hunting, family and food ,and incorporating them all together. My husband and I really like a lot of his recipes, I just need to streamline the methods!Thank-you for visiting me!

    Paula, thank-you! I find myself hungry again for this soup when I look at my blog post, so I know I have to make it again.No soggy bread next time.

    Sandra, that is my usual mode of cooking, and I love cabbage the same way. I have learned a lot following the recipes though..a lot of things I would never do but have surprised me by how much simple steps can make such a big difference for the better. That is why I am following these recipes as perfectly as possible the first time round.

    Mona( Wsprsweetly of Cottages) thank-you! Soup has not been a big hit in our family over the years, probably because the idea of soup conjures up stuff out of a can, so in making soups from "scratch" I am discovering how really good and satisfyingly filling soups can be.Thank-you for visiting me.


A kind word lifts my heart,a humorous word makes the day lighter,a word of wisdom gives me perspective,thank-you for your comments. I am truly honored you have read my blog and taken time to leave a few words about it. I read all the comments, and often answer them here in the comments page.~ Thank-you ! ( Because of the enormous amount of spam from anonymous comments I have decided to not accept "anonymous" comments anymore. )