Happenings & Activities On Cedar Pond

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Distracted By Bouncing Spots!

I have been reluctant to get to work around here. There is a lot to do, and my husband is preparing a special dinner Friday night for my sisters and their husbands...but I keep finding myself standing by the fence line with Beatrix ( above).....
...I have chicken pens that need a lot of work done in them, wool needing to be spun and locker-hooked, but I am standing at the fence line with Hawk ( above)...
....there are dishes and glasses needing that extra special polishing , table linens to select and arrange, a dessert to be baked, but I find myself standing at the fence line with Willow (above)...what are we distracted by?
Bouncing spots!Little bouncing spotted lambs. They are so much fun to watch, and watch, laugh and watch some more. Sigh.........I am not going to be getting as many things done as quickly as I had planned. And then to add distraction upon distraction,
Miss Alice from Thoughts of Home* sends me these squares of fabric for quilting projects that perfectly suits my color and fabric taste. Now I am distracted by bouncing spots and blue and yellow squares and so much more fun to come. Thank-you Alice!
Distraction: "Confusion from a multiplicity of objects crowding on the mind and calling the attention different ways;" fr. American Dictionary of the English Language


  1. Those are the cutest lambs Kathy! What fun they must be to watch. I also love the pretty fabric squares Alice sent you. She lives not too far from me and she and her daughter, Val, are just the sweetest. I know you will have a busy and enjoyable day!

  2. Ah well, if one is going to be distracted, bouncing spots seem like a worthwhile thing to be distracted by. The lambs are so cute. Might as well enjoy them now, Kathy. They are little for such a short time. I'm sure your sisters will understand if you don't get the glasses polished. :-) Lovely fabric too!

  3. Oh, go ahead. Daisy is right, they grow up quickly. Pick up chinette when you go to the store and go casual:)Everyone will probably want to go out and watch the lambs.

  4. I have a similar problem - not so spotted but the goat babies all have the "jumpies" now - cannot seem to get from place to place without jumping in the air and twisting around - I could watch them for an hour! The fabrics are beautiful - but they'll keep - baby anythings are a perishable commodity.

  5. If I were you I would do the same : watching little bouncing spotted lambs! They are so funny :o))!!!
    I like the photo of Hawk, he looks so smart and serious!

  6. Hey Kathy, I can see why you won't be getting as much done as you would like. Those little lambs are precious. If I had them I'd be in the pen with them.

    Nice fabric you received. I hope you show what you do with them.

  7. I love to just sit down and watch the lambs for hours. Ours aren't here yet and I'm getting very impatient, but the sheep are all sitting around groaning and about ready to pop!

  8. If you don't mind me asking, what kind of lambs are those?! I use a bit of pasture at a friends house and I'm sure she would love to have some of those running around during the summer!

  9. Lambs! What fun this time of year is. Late night parties in the dark and then more parties in the sun watching Lamb O'Leepics. Nice fabric

  10. They are very distracting, but oh so cute!!! I agree - enjoy them now while they are still small and cute :)

  11. I somehow get the feeling that distractions or no the house will be spotless come Friday night. The lambs are darling. City slicker that I am, I didn't know they could have spots. Have a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

  12. Bouncing spots. Beautiful lambs. Filled with new life. Nice distractions.

    Kathy, it is making me very sleepy, but I have been holding myself to the un-interrupted scheduling in of paperwork. In my case, procrastination only makes for a more difficult job later.

    Enjoy your lambs. I will enjoy the goat kids. The few that we have (early in the season) are now going through the "I had jumping beans for dinner!" stage.

  13. I would be doing the same thing...I love to allow myself to be out there in nature and be mesmorized by her and all that she offers! Come say hi :D

  14. Oh, dear! They are so, so, so dang cute! I'd be right there with you, for sure!

  15. I love your animals....A farm keeps you busy that's for sure and they are So much fun.
    I love quilts and fabric too. The French ones are a little different...
    I still have one i need to finish...:)

  16. How can you resist those puppy dog eyes! What wonderful babies you have bouncing around your farm! blessings,Kathleen

  17. Kathy your posts are truly entertaining. If envy wasn't a sin I would be that about the beautiful life you and Jim have built for yourselves and your loved ones

    I haven't felt my best for awhile but keeping my head up

  18. They are very cute! I would also have a hard time doing anything other than watching them. I love the wee little spotted lamb that you made too.

  19. Oh my gosh...I don't blame you. Besides you are doing something for yourself and aren't we told to do that sometimes?

  20. Wow Kathy! I fail to see how you can get anything done with all that cuteness going on outside the house and beautiful fabrics calling your name inside the house. What a dilemma!!
    I am sooo jealous!

  21. Mildred, you have a lot of sweet ladies living in your vicinity. I do believe the South produces many of the best "ladies' in the best sense of that word.Gracious is another word that comes to mind.And thank-you.

    Daisy,you can believe i do spend a lot of time with my cup of hot coffee just standing at the fence line watching them. They do my heart good!They make my heart merry.

    Debbie, My sisters would have been fine with the Chinette, but I used my best china anyway...my dear husband, who built the pens and buildings to help me shelter my animals prepared a wonderful dinner and real china just seemed to be the best. ( he would have been O.K. with Chinette should I have decided otherwise)

    LindaSue,I have been praying God will allow me to keep these memories, that they will not fade. It just seems the memories of lambs and baby goats kicking up their heels and jumping just for the joy of life would make my heart happy in old age.

    Timi, thank-you! Hawk really does love to watch the lambs, and the chickens and ducks. So far though, even though he is a hunting dog, he has not been a killing the animals dog...which is a good thing.

    Susie,I do get in th pen with them!And when I get to sewing again I will post what I make with the squares.

    Ebet, I still have 6 more ewes to lamb, and they are doing plenty of groaning, so I know what you are saying. This beautiful weather is just screaming for lamb antics to accompany the frogs and birds singing all day..right?

    Casey, they are Jacob Sheep Lambs, and I love them!

    Lanny, Lamb-o-leapics! Love that perfect name for them, thanks.

    Noble pig, distraction, a woman lovingly raising 2 sons, being a good wife,trying to build a vineyard and start a winery all the while cooking up a storm and publishing in magazines, and...yup, I think you know that word well.

    Shannon, you must be triply distracted! Your Jacob lambs had lush green pastures in which to frolic.And you have a young son at home to enjoy the distraction with...

    Mary, you're right. i did get things pretty clean and polished up, but not without a lot of trips outside to enjoy watching my lambs.

  22. Mary, this next week I will be doing much of what you did this past week..can't wait ( yeah, sure)and you are so right about procrastination. I hate it but embrace it, now that is a bad cycle to get on.

    Julie, spending time outside watching them is akin to dessert for me...I steal away time to just savor it.

    FarmGirl Cyn, come on over!

    Frenchy Chick, thank-you. Will you be posting pictures of your finished quilt? And also, I have tried to leave comments on your blog several times and my comments come back to my e-mail from the dreaded e-mail daemon telling me my comments / e-mail are undeliverable.

    Kathleen, thank-you! And I sometimes resist those beautiful puppy dog eyes for their own good, especially when it comes to giving them treats. They ( the dogs) are all sleeping at my feet as I blog though, so they get a lot of what they want most, ME.

    Audrey, please keep up. I love to read your writing, and - thank-you!

    Leslie, thank-you. I see you have many feathered and furry critters to distract you too. Aren't they fun?

    goatgirl, yes...and I do often enough. Guess it makes me feel guilty sometimes to have so many blessings and take time for them, thank-you.

    Penny, sometimes it is a challenge. That is why I like rainy days and snow days. I HAVE to be indoors and then can relish doing indoor things without guilt. Does this make sense? And, thank-you.


A kind word lifts my heart,a humorous word makes the day lighter,a word of wisdom gives me perspective,thank-you for your comments. I am truly honored you have read my blog and taken time to leave a few words about it. I read all the comments, and often answer them here in the comments page.~ Thank-you ! ( Because of the enormous amount of spam from anonymous comments I have decided to not accept "anonymous" comments anymore. )