Happenings & Activities On Cedar Pond

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Look Down, Look Up!

I was happily scouring the lawn and ground around our pond for skeletized leaves to use for making my art cards, along with small cones and lichens I collect for other purposes. Then there are the tiny and detailed feathers left behind from my ducks and wild birds. While looking for these treasures I delight in the little bulbs sprouting, some fantastic fungi and ...OWWW!!!! I walked right into a low growing branch, poking my face and eyes. I immediately thought to myself, " I am so busy looking down I forgot to look up and see where I am going." And then I realized how like my life that is. I get so excited and distracted by my earthly treasures ( family, friends, possessions, hobbies, etc,) I hurt myself by forgetting to look up, up to my Heavenly Father and His Son in Whom rests my help, my foundation, my hope, my eternity. "If you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above,where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth." Colossians 3:1,2


  1. Good Morning Kathy, A wonderful analogy and thank you for sharing that verse today. I hope you and your family have a blessed Sunday.

    To answer your question, YES, I locked the door!

  2. Wonderful post, Kathy, and something we all need to remember. Good words to follow. Hope you didn't injure yourself too badly and are on the mend. Happy Sunday to you and your family. :)

  3. I do that too, and every once in a while, the Holy Ghost says to me..look up, and I do, and I see something so beautiful that I can't believe that I would have missed it if I had not listened to that still, small voice! Come say hi ;D

  4. good reminder and hope your face isn't bruised!
    Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
    Look full in His wonderful face,
    And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
    In the light of His glory and grace.
    we have a friend who has Parkinson's and difficulty walking - she says when she thinks she absolutely cannot make her feet move at all - she begins to sing that song and can move again - sweet thoughts this morning - thank you

  5. Kathy, what a beautiful analogy.

    I hope you're okay, and I'm glad you didn't poke your eye out!

  6. Thank you for the grounding message.

    A few days ago I realized how focused I had been on getting things accomplished. I suddenly realized that I was neglecting what really matters. I began to pray. It was nourishing.

  7. I have always found mushrooms so interesting poking their little way out of the ground, We had them in the yard before we moved here. Prayer is the best thing ..I have been doing it a bit more myself lately and it seems to be working.:)

  8. Good word picture, Kathy! How many times we take our eyes off of Him, and nearly get our eyes poked out! Think we'd learn the 1st time, eh?

  9. It will be awhile 'til we see the ground here since we still have tons of snow on the ground and it is mainly on our property too!


  10. I think we are all like that alot of the time Kathy. Hope you didn't hurt yourself too badly.

  11. Good little lesson there, Kathy. Thanks for sharing it with us. I'm afraid I'm guilty of looking down, too. Have a wonderful week!

  12. Thank-you for your comments, I did not hurt myself, just some tiny scratches, but I did feel stupid!


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