Happenings & Activities On Cedar Pond

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Orpah & Obed

Naomi had the first lambs , twins- a boy and a girl. She is one of my older ewes. Nine years ago she was born to one of my favorite Jacob sheep, Ruth. I have kept the biblical names for this line of sheep, particularly names from the book of Ruth. I think I will name these twins Orpah ( the girl and not to be confused with the name Oprah) and Obed. "And the neighbor women gave him a name, saying "A son has been born to Naomi !" So they named him Obed. He is the father of Jesse, the father of David." Ruth 4:17 This is a beautiful story in the Bible and if you read it you will see the son was born to Ruth, Naomi was Ruth's mother-in-law, the mother of Ruth's first husband who died leaving Ruth childless and Naomi without children, or grandchildren . The book of Ruth is the touching story of Ruth, a foreigner, and her love and respect for her Mother-in-law Naomi . This little book in the Old Testament also"shows an oasis of faithfulness in an age marked by idolatry and unfaithfulness." comment in my study Bible. Ruth was the great- grandmother of King David.


  1. I love this story from the Bible and I think this tradition of Biblical names is beautiful.The twins are so cute, I wish I could see them in person.

  2. I too wish I could see the twins in person. How very sweet Kathy.

  3. They are so lovely lambs! I like their names..:o), Ruth's story is one of my favorite in the Bible!

  4. One of my favorite Bible stories. Those are beautiful lambs. I love their spots, and I like that you're naming this line of sheep Bible names! Mama sheep looks very satisfied with her work!

  5. Did you know Oprah's name was supposed to to Orpah? They mis-spelled it on her birth certificate so she became Oprah!(at least that is what I heard many years ago...) I think it is so cool that you have kept to the biblical names!

  6. I have always loved the book of Ruth and I love the way you are naming your lambs! blessings,Kathleen

  7. Lovely names. Naomi is sure a beautiful ewe - congratulations on the new lambs.

  8. I know the story well and love it. Sweet that you are using those names. Those are the cutest babies ever, just love them! Have fun with them and have a great weekend. Come say hi :D

  9. Congratulations on your new lambs! Naomi is a lovely girl. Love the names and story behind them.

  10. Beautiful little lambs and a proud mum! I wish I could give them a hug.
    Blessings, Star

  11. Hooray - now you have both - a girl to keep and a ram lamb to spread that lovely blood line somewhere else. The story of Ruth is truly one of my favorites - the concept of a kinsman redeemer - well it just sums up our need doesn't it?

  12. I have always loved the story of Ruth.

    Beautiful lambs and biblical names. Very fitting.

    I can hear the ewe talking to her lambs...she looks so attentive.

  13. Aw...they are so sweet. I have always liked the story of Ruth from the Bible. I like the way you continue to use the Biblical names too.

  14. That's such a sweet picture. I love their spots!

  15. Dear Kathy,
    The lil twins are as cute as they can be! Years ago we had a cat named Moses. Like the meaning of Biblical names.

    Kathy, Thank you for your prayers. I am strengthened by your prayers.
    God bless,

  16. Such beautiful lambs and I love their names.

  17. We have the entire Sarah Palin at the Nashville Tea Party Convention posted on Common Cents:


  18. I love this post! The book of Ruth is my favorite OT book. Love your farm!

  19. your lambs are so cute, now I really can't wait for our lambs to come

  20. Southern Comfort,if you come to WA then come on over, please!

    Mildred, you too, come on over any time, and bring Harriet, she would like to play with Beatrix I am sure.

    Timi,Kathleen,Patchwork Fibers,Julie,Shannon,Star,Jennifer and Daisy, thank-you!It is becoming more difficult for me to come up with good names , but for this line it is so easy. And if I were to write more about the mother, of this whole line it would be so apparent that these names fit. ( oh, now I am missing my Ruth)

    Vickie,the mama sheep is a very good and calm mother.She does take her mothering seriously, so I am very satisfied with her and her lambs.

    Farm Girl Cyn, I actually did know that.and thank-you!

    LindaSue, that is the best message from the book of Ruth, isn't it? And I also think the book of Ruth is a beautiful story of adoption, the most perfect adoption.

    Mary, it is interesting and heart-warming to hear ewes talking to their babies, isn't it?

    Becca, thank-you. I especially like that every lamb is unique with their spotting patterns. A big reason I love Jacob Sheep.

    Deanna, I am very interested in the meaning of names and so often names seem to determine the personality or traits of a person or animal. I have often wondered about that but maybe that is a future post.And I am praying for you & yours.

    Stickhorse Cowgirls, thank-you! Come on over for a visit any time. And I am looking forward to reading about your cruise!

    Anna, any day now for your sheep to lamb?

    Commoncents, I will check it out~

  21. Oh my goodness, Kathy- how adorable! And I LOVE the story behind the names, too! What a wonderful reminder of that beautiful story.


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