Happenings & Activities On Cedar Pond

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Almost Spring?

After the wonderful sunny and warm weekend I began to get excited about an early start to spring gardening.
Adding to the excitement to begin were some books on bees and bee-keeping and our gift from HomeTown Seeds coming in the mail! The books are next on stack of books to read and please check out the link to HomeTown Seeds in the side-bar for their unique product.
But what is this? Snow on the hyacinths?
SNOW on the tables I put out for outside dining?
The ducks eat the pellets of snow and hail combined.
The turn-around in our driveway framed in snow. The temperature is in the 20's right now, spring is yet to come, maybe tomorrow.


  1. Beautiful pictures...I love how everything is framed in the snow.
    Blessings, andrea

  2. Your march is a crazy as ours! But today the sun is shining, it is going to be a beautiful day.

    Your babies are beautiful. I love the photos you posted.

  3. The snow is pretty but I know you are ready for warm weather-me too. You have such a pretty place and I love looking at the pictures of your life.

  4. Ooh...I can almost taste it! And this morning there were robins in the front yard! Whoo-hoo! (I hope they know what they're doin'!!!)

  5. It's so hard to think about planting seed when there is still fresh snow on the ground. Your pictures are great and I especially love the ducks. It can't go on forever, Kathy.

  6. So enjoy visiting your spot on cedar pond!
    Ready for spring here as well!
    This has been a loooonnnggg winter for me.
    Kathy, Thank you for your prayers. Truly, thank you.

  7. I bought some petunias over the weekend, they look so pretty blooming in pots on our patio.

    Your pictures are lovely with the touch of snow and the beautiful flowers. I know you must be so anxious for spring.

  8. Pretty pictures, Kathy, even with the snow. Spring is on the way. It's taking its time, but it is coming. :)

  9. Gorgeous photos! It got very chilly here, too, and while the Olympics were on, it was almost summer. Now they have snow on the mountains. *sigh*

    Ya just never know, hey?

  10. Lovely pictures, it is still nice and sunny here!


  11. I am sitting here trying to warm up in front of the woodstove!!! Crazy weather! For my son's sake, I hope we get a little bit of snow :)

  12. It's that cold here too with more snow! Guess the gardens will have to wait a bit longer! Come say hi :D

  13. Ooooh- Kathy I love your gardening tools! They are too beautiful to use. I'm supposed to get some seeds from Hometown, too! I saw your ad for them on your sidebar. I can't wait to see what's in there.

    It's going to be 75 here today, and I'm SO antsy to get out in the dirt! Can't today, tomorrow maybe a shower, and then we're supposed to get several great gardening days! I can't wait! Good luck to you and me both on our seeds!

  14. The snow won't last long. Spring is here, even if she is just playing peek-a-boo right now. DH has had a thermometer stuck in the garden soil for three weeks, waiting for it to warm enough to plant the spinach. Soon, I hope. ~~Rhonda

  15. We had snow this morning, I couldn't believe it. Then the sun came out...go figure.

  16. Your comment was very uplifting and encouraging. THANK YOU! Very nice to meet you.

  17. Oh no, Kathy! I enjoyed a sunny 60 degree day today. I finally feel like spring will arrive. And look, you have snow. And I, in turn, realize it could happen here. We still have patches of snow around, and a lot of mud, but the season is changing!

    Love your gifts of seeds!

  18. We are warmer but rain and clouds for the next ten days, they say. I keep telling myself this is good for the flowers!! Beautiful pics, Kathy, thanks for sharing your thoughts.

  19. Your blog is such a lovely "spot"! Very nice to have found you. I'll be back to read more of your gardening and spinning and weaving.


  20. I like the way the hyacinths stand out against the snow. Very pretty Kathy.

  21. We had some sunshine and snow here on Monday, and then yesterday was just plain chilly!
    Your weekend post was lovely - yes, we do need a weekend like that one more often!

  22. Your circular driveway...I love it. Especially with the snow framing it..and the flowers peeking up through the snow. I love it too.
    I do love blogging..and you are right. The pressure is put there by myself. :) Thanks..just thanks!
    Your comment was good for me!
    You have such a lovely blog..it gives a warm feeling to visit you. I like that!

  23. despite your pictures of a dusting of snow - my mind keeps hearing "I'm as restless as a willow in a windstorm" - wonderful song from the musical State Fair. We are thriling to the appearance of peach blossoms and leafing out of our new plum tree!

  24. snow and flowers together? magic.

    i love this blog!

    thank you.

  25. It was kind of pretty..but ohhh soo cold! The daffodils survived!
    Don't the garden seeds look so hopeful, laying there waiting for warmer days? Mine are in a drawer...I peek at them often!
    Your pictures are beautiful!

  26. Love that claw and shovel! I'd use those AND remember to put them away after so the dogs don't chew the handles! We were driving home when that snow storm came through - saw it from Meridian and I said - " It's really coming down right over Grandma's house! " Sure enough - we passed your road and it was coming down! Then we got to our road and it was totally clear. We did not get any snow. Weird.

  27. When I saw the snow, I started chuckling. These past few days we've seen the SUN and it's been WARM! Oh, I know spring equinox is headed our way but for NOW...glory!


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