Happenings & Activities On Cedar Pond

Saturday, March 20, 2010

I'll Fly Away !

By the time this is posted my husband and I will have landed at the airport and be happily on our way home from a wedding in another state. We will have had a few days away from home and anything very similar to our home. Hope our youngest son Daniel and wife Breezy are able to care for the critters O.K. and the critters don't give them any trouble. ( Ralphie, pay attention! ) It is hard to get ready to leave for a few days and prepare for someone else to care for all these animals. The animals have a routine and seem to choose our times away from home to get sick, break out of their pens, or just kill each other . ( Goth and his brother Thistle). Our youngest son gave me the soundtrack to "O Brother Where Art Thou" because after he saw the movie he recognized all the songs I have sung to them throughout their childhood, and maybe our grandchildren will recognize these songs one day too. I know my sheep and chickens do, I burst out these songs all day, any day as I tend them, do my housework, and they just make me feel better. Not sure my husband agrees, my singing is not especially good, but it is enthusiastic! I learned a lot of these songs from my Dad, and from attending elementary school for a bit in Louisiana. And there is nothing like long road trips in the late 1950's and early 1960's as you travel highways, NOT freeways, through the south, the mid-west, and along the Pacific coast and the only radio we would get was most often gospel radio and the wonderful songs of our American Christian heritage. ~ "For our citizenship is in Heaven, from which also we eagerly await for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ; who will transform the body of His glory, by the exertion of the power that He has even to subject all things unto Himself." Philippians 3:20,21


  1. This is absolutely one of my favorite songs. We sing this in our little church often. And with mandolin, fiddle, guitars, those blue grass people really get going on this one! I'm sure the Lord loves the music and we mean every word of it! Hope you're having a wonderful time on your trip!

  2. Love that song!


  3. how serendipitious is this? I posted a youtube version by Alison Krause of exact same song! Guess we are both lovers of that fact - someday we WILL fly away! Enjoy and things will be fine.

  4. I learned the songs from my great grandmother as we picked up pecans in the fall or picked poke salet and wildflowers in the spring. She always had about 4 dresses on, one layered on top of another and all her pockets had something in them..Pecans, flower seeds, peppermints etc. Thank you for bringing back those memories with a beautiful song. Enjoy your trip!

  5. Love the song. I hat leaving my critters for very long too. Have a wonderful weekend too. :D

  6. Wooopeee..... I love listening to this song, one of my favorites!

    Hoping you have a wonderful trip.

  7. Beautiful! Have a safe and wonderful trip!!!

  8. This is one of my most favorite hymns, Kathy. I hope you enjoyed the wedding and that all was well at home when you returned. Enjoy your Sunday!

  9. Hi Kathy - by now you'll be home, safely by your pond. I hope you had a good trip.
    I've had a lovely catch-up on your recent posts and cried as I watched the video with the song/letter from old Ireland. It made me think of all those who bravely chose to leave home to come to North America to find a better life - and of the parents who never saw them again.

  10. i love that soundtrack
    and movie!

    have a fun time flying

  11. Debbie,bluegrass and old spirituals are made for each other. Your little church must be so joyful with all those instruments playing for God and the voices lifted up . These old songs just make you happy, don't they?

    Amy ( goatpod2) me too!

    LindaSue, great minds think alike, right? And for sure, I'll fly away kept coming to mind during the turbulence our plane experienced too, I was a-praying , for sure!

    Southern Comfort,what an interesting Grandmother you had. Can you scan and post a picture of her along with a story?

    Andrea, thank-you!

    Julie, I was thinking about you after reading your post and I know you'll be down for awhile after surgery and also relying on a lot of help afterward. Critters especially will be relying on the help, prayers for you.

    Delores and Shelley, we did have a wonderful trip. It was a true vacation for me~thank-you!

    Daisy, we had a great time and ALL was well when we returned. The animals were fine, the house was spotless and there was even a thank-you note from our youngest son's wife! How much better can it get...well, the coffee pot was all ready for us to turn on and then we'd have fresh coffee to boot!Love my daughter-in-law Breezy!!!!!!!

    Pondside, thank-you. We are happily home and you know,I have watched that video many times now and always tear up. I cannot imagine losing my children to another country and never seeing them again though they are alive, and for the children in a new land to never see their family back home ever again, so sad to me.

    Emily, thank-you, we did have a great time and I still sing all those old songs . They seem to come to mind all the time and I find myself singing them all the time.


A kind word lifts my heart,a humorous word makes the day lighter,a word of wisdom gives me perspective,thank-you for your comments. I am truly honored you have read my blog and taken time to leave a few words about it. I read all the comments, and often answer them here in the comments page.~ Thank-you ! ( Because of the enormous amount of spam from anonymous comments I have decided to not accept "anonymous" comments anymore. )