Happenings & Activities On Cedar Pond

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Happy Birthday Easter Baby!

Happy Birthday David! You were our Easter present so many years ago, our Easter Sunday baby. Our celebration of the resurrection of Jesus was graced by happy memories of the birth of our first son and caused me to reflect all the more on a Heavenly Father who would allow mankind to crucify His Son in order for His blood to cleanse us from all unrighteousness . Our prayer for you , your brother and sister has always been that you seek God and His ways... God has been gracious and kind to you. He has preserved you through warfare and personal tragedy. He provided for you and your 4 young daughters when there seemed no hope, and He has answered so many prayers in ways that make your heart happy in spite of circumstance.Son, always "Delight yourself in the Lord; and He will give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4


  1. Happy Birthday David. May God continue to bless you and your precious daughters.

  2. Happy Birthday David!

    Blessings, andrea

  3. Happy Birthday to your handsome son!! Praying for continued blessings for him and those beautiful little girls.
    Have a blessed weekend!

  4. I didn't remember that he was born on an Easter Sunday. Happy Birthday to my wonderful nephew.

  5. Happy Birthday. You have such a testimony of the goodness of the Lord!

  6. Happy Birthday, David. May you life continue to be filled with God's wonderful blessings.

  7. Happy birthday! Hope you had a great one.

  8. Happy Birthday to your strong and handsome son - he is a good man and a devoted father.

  9. Hey beautiful! Yes i took all the security off so the comments go thru right away except for the old posts.
    Thank you for your visit and sweet comments. I may have a Party for my naturalization success :)
    I was thinking about you few days ago. I am putting you on my blog roll at the end of my blog page so i can keep touch with you. How are the chicks and Silkies?
    Happy Birthday to your son...Easter baby is so special! My daughter (the baby was born around Easter) Having her birthday soon. Right now she is sick, so not very happy :)
    Gros bisous, happy week end.

  10. Kathy,
    Birthday wishes to your fine son.
    You did good Momma!!!

  11. Hope your family had a wonderful birthday celebration today! Many blessings to David and you all!

  12. What a special Easter gift! I hope David had a great birthday!

  13. Mildred and Karen, your prayers were very important in all our son's trials, thank-you!

    Andrea and Delores, thank-you very , very much!You know Moms never quit being concerned about their kids, and then the kids have kids and that is just more people to love and be concerned about! Makes me so glad to know they are ultimately in the hands of God!

    Alice, (Wobegone Cottage) I spent Easter Sunday in the hospital with David, Thanksgiving in the hospital with A.Joy, Daniel always has a 3 day weekend because his birthday falls around MLK day, my birthday often falls on Labor Day and Jim's on Easter too.Imagine this, David had bunny cakes often for his birthday, and so did Jim!

    Mary & Jennifer, thank-you, now he is getting on with the business of working and caring for and enjoying his girls.

    Linda Sue, I am surprised by how much strength he has and also by how tender he still is toward those down and out and seemingly undeserving.Thank-you.

    Le Chateau Des Fleurs,I am honored to be on your blog roll, I am so enjoying your joy at your most important upcoming naturalization !!!! You positively exude joy over this!I will be posting pictures of my chicks soon, I love my white frizzles and I think you will too. An Easter baby, happy birthday to her!And get well.

    Deanna, thank-you, every Mom wants to hear this, and he actually has thanked me too!

    Stickhorsecowgirls, thank-you! And thank-you for your encouragement and enlightenment regarding some of the issues surrounding family court!

    Nancy M. I think he did have a great birthday, am waiting to hear back from him.Thank-you.

  14. Aw... Happy Birthday, David. You were a special gift and a blessing to your mother!

    Our Marigold was born on Easter Day too.

  15. Best Easter gift for a mom I'd say! Happy Birthday to David! Come say hi :D

  16. Happy belated Birthday to David, today is my brother's birthday!


  17. Happy Birthday, David. I love your name "a man after God's own heart". I had a baby at sheep shearing day but her Mom took Nora back.
    Well, the truth is, Nora started crying and I gave her back. I think she was tired of being trotted all over the place and meeting tons of new people -grin-.


A kind word lifts my heart,a humorous word makes the day lighter,a word of wisdom gives me perspective,thank-you for your comments. I am truly honored you have read my blog and taken time to leave a few words about it. I read all the comments, and often answer them here in the comments page.~ Thank-you ! ( Because of the enormous amount of spam from anonymous comments I have decided to not accept "anonymous" comments anymore. )