Happenings & Activities On Cedar Pond

Friday, May 28, 2010

Of Turkeys & Memories

Two of my Midget White turkey poults at a few days of age, exploring in the sun room.
Here is a picture of our oldest Grandchild, our Grandson CT, holding one of the poults. This brought back so many fond memories of him as a toddler, fascinated by other poults we raised.
Just look at how small he was way back when....
The size his baby brother Little 'J' is now. Here Little 'J' is carefully reaching to touch one of my new poults. Just like his big brother did a few years ago. Where has the time gone?
Little 'J' carefully and tenderly petting the baby turkey.
Sister M.N. also holds the little turkey, she is very careful and gentle.
The turkeys have already grown so quickly, and so have our Grandchildren. I pray often I will remember these moments, so many sweet and special moments. Children and Grandchildren grow up and baby animals grow up even more quickly. We grow older so very quickly, and then... Life is a gift from God not to be squandered, but to be enjoyed, lived with love and joy in Him, no matter our circumstance. I want to remember this! "So teach us to number our days, that we may present to Thee a heart of wisdom, oh satisfy us in the morning with Thy loving kindness, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days...make us glad according to the days Thou hast afflicted us...and let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us; and do confirm for us the work of our hands, Yes, confirm the work of our hands." Psalm 90 : 12,14,15,17


  1. It is hard not to rush the days. I am looking forward to next year at this time, but you have reminded me to look at each day and make that day count. Time passes so quickly as it is, let's not miss anything about today.

  2. A lovely post Kathy, and a valuable reminder not to squander what we have so generously been lent.

  3. Those grandbabies are so sweet! I know they will enjoy the memories you create for them.

  4. A beautiful post Kathy ~ a reminder to cherish every minute of the day. Such sweet grandchildren. I wish all of you a safe and happy holiday.

  5. Nice pictures!


  6. solid reflection on one of life's unchangeable facts - too fast we grow old and too slow we realize how love is the only important part of life - love of our God and those He puts into our lives. Bless you and savor those moments!

  7. solid reflection on one of life's unchangeable facts - too fast we grow old and too slow we realize how love is the only important part of life - love of our God and those He puts into our lives. Bless you and savor those moments!

  8. What a beautiful post, Kathy. The gift of memory is powerful and the gift of life quite precious. I hope you are having a wonderful day. The children are beautiful. Blessings...Mary

  9. All sorts of babies in all sorts of cute!

  10. What a precious posting. Your grandchildren are so cute with the baby turkeys. Time sure passes quickly. The grandchildren are growing up quickly. They are so darling.

  11. What a thoughtful reminder that we are to enjoy our lives, our gifts as the sun rises each day.

    Kathy, I am thinking on your Google Reader problem. I haven't ahd that particular issue. With Blogger itself, updating on the side bar, yes, but not with Reader.

    Have a beautiful Memorial weekend.

  12. Oh what sweet pictures and a beautiful post with such a good reminder/message!!
    Have a great weekend

  13. AMEN! Time is swift and our days all too few. At the point of missing out on...what, I wonder?...anything?...I keep my days close for family and friends.

  14. That is so true! I love the babies and the sweet grands..they are each so cute! Come say hi :D

  15. That's one nice thing about having your blog, Kathy. You can look back at your posts and treasure all the memories you are storing up here. Your grandchildren are all so cute. It must be wonderful to spend time with them.

  16. Time does pass so quickly! I need to remember and treasure these times!


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