Happenings & Activities On Cedar Pond

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Tea Cup & Tea TimeTuesday

I am really enjoying Teacup and Tea Time Tuesday. I should re-title my Tuesday posts as All Things Tea-Tuesday ! This is hosted by Martha* & Terri* and Tea Time Tuesday is hosted by Lady Katharine*. Click onto their names to see their blogs and the tea cups and tea settings of so many others.
Today I used Polish Ware my sister Karen gave me and the special tea cup is a gift from my grandmother. Do you see the little polka dotted lady in kerchief? She is the cover of a covered dish. This works very well for dining on the porch. I can keep my croissants filled with chicken salad safe from the cats and any other critters looking for a free meal until I actually sit myself down to enjoy my tea time lunch. The Polish Ware teapot is the nicest tea pot I own. I rarely use it for fear of breaking it, although it is actually a very heavy and easy to handle tea pot. The tea pot has it's own warmer too.
Blue and white with silver metallic embellishment, what's not to love about this tea-cup? The bottom of the cup and saucer say "Made In Germany" and "U.S. Zone".
I used linens I have collected. This woven table runner is one I purchased in an antique shop. It is made of linen . There are no tags or labels on it but it reminds me very much of a lot of Scandinavian linens I love and admire.
I love to read while eating and sipping tea.Today I read about the history of Memorial Day, also known as Decoration Day.
Remember: "Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but the woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised." Proverbs 31:30
Blessings to you at Tea Time and all through the day, thank-you for visiting me and allowing me to share my special tea cups and dishes.


  1. Good Afternoon Kathy, I always look forward to your Tuesday post. I have admired this Polish ware in stores. What a thoughtful gift to enjoy. I love the "dome" for your croissants too! How special the cup/saucer from your Grandmother is and the table runner is very unique. Everything is so cozy and inviting. God bless you richly today. Thanks for sharing your pretties with us.

  2. Hi Kathy - I've admired your Polish things before. They're so colorful.

    Now I could sure go for that chicken salad sandwich about now. It's lunchtime here and I'm starved! I know your lunch will be super-delicious with tea from that beautiful cup!

  3. Mildred, that's the word I was looking for , "dome'! I couldn't remember that word for anything, so "cover" had to do. And, thank-you!

    Vickie, that is what is so nice about baking chicken on Sunday, left-overs make good lunches!You know, I have never before sipped tea from that cup, so you can see Teacup Tuesdays has allowed me to indulge in a special weekly tea time and appreciate the lovely dishes I have in abundance~

  4. I love you teapots.......
    and you take such great photos that show them off.

    My wonderful X-mother-in-law (I really mean wonderful!) used to collect teapots and we always had tea-time when we visited her. She had one blue and white pot with a bird design and she told this bird story related to the design. I can barely remember since this was about 40 years ago! Do you know anything about that? I'd like to tell my granddaughter about this.

  5. I have enjoyed your post and looking at you lovely table setting and tea dishes. On the day before Mother's day I went to a tea party hosted by the women at my mother's church. We went all dressed up and the tables were beautifully decorated. I wish I knew some women nearby that would like to have a regular tea party but since I don't, this is the next best thing.

  6. Croissants filled with chicken salad.... Oh my gosh... who could ask for anything more..... other than serving on your beautiful dishes.....
    I'm starved.....

  7. Very pretty tea set, Kathy. That sandwich you have there looks delicious! I like the red and white linens too--very patriotic look you have going there.

  8. Dear Kathy, All is so very lovely!
    Neat reflection in your cup of tea.

    Have a pleasant week.

  9. Looks like a wonderful "tea time" Kathy. Your croissant looks delish.

  10. I so love your cute little tea pot and the beautiful linens! So nice they were given to you! Thanks for sharing them. Come say hi :D

  11. You have some beautiful Polish pottery!! It is very big here in Pa. A lot of people of Polish descent live in my area. Both my hubby and I are of Polish descent. My father's parents came from Poland.

    There are so many different patterns available now. And all are so pretty!!


  12. As a newbie to all things tea party, I am unfamiliar with Polish ware. Yours is absolutely delightful! Love your linen runner, too. So nice to meet you. It's so much fun to visit "new to me blogs' via these parties.
    :-) Sue

  13. I love teapots, teacups and good tea! Learning to make some of my own herbal tea with the herbs I am trying to grow. It is so fun! I love how beautiful your pictures turn out, what a gift! :o)

  14. Carol, thank-you. The story you remember is probably regarding Blue Willow China~ the china has pictures on it depicting the sad story of 2 Chinese lovers. There is a poem written about the Blue Willow pattern.

    Leslie, that sounds like fun! The tea parties I attend are here at home usually with family.

    Dolores, thank-you. The chicken salad croissants were delicious!

    Daisy, you noticed the patriotic colors! I was trying to fit the decor to a somewhat Memorial Day theme.

    Deanna, I have been pleasantly surprised at the reflections captured in the tea cups!

    Susie, thank-you. This Tuesday tea time has been fun and caused me to sit down and take time for tea and reflection , nice~

    Julie, thank-you.Many of these gifts of dishes and linens are from people I love who are no longer alive, which makes them more special.

    Nancy, thanks!

    Debbie, I had never remembered seeing the dishes until my sister came back from Germany years ago and had a kitchen and dining room full of these wonderful dishes. She bought them in Poland, and since then I have seen them for sale in other places and even bought a few little pieces myself.

    Sue, this is fun, isn't it? And thank-you.

    Have Courage,herbal teas are pretty easy to make and the herbs make nice bouquets for the tea table too!

  15. Hello Kathy,

    Very charming tea today. I especially love the tea cups from foreign countries and yours is no exception. Wonderful!


  16. Beautiful. I love your tea cup and tea time Tuesday. And I see a lot of blue, which I have noticed before, thinking you like blue.

    I need to find a quiet place,set the table for myself, and enjoy some reading as you have.

    Thank you for the enjoyable tea time visit. God bless.

  17. It feels as though I've been to tea at your house! Your china is very pretty and the lunch looks yummy! All the blue makes me want to linger.

  18. Bunny, thank-you. I am having fun visiting all the different tea parties and seeing the many beautiful tea cups~

    Mary, this Tea Time on Tuesdays has given me the motivation to do this, and a deadline! When I finally sit down to a lovely tea, just me, by myself, I am so thankful to have set aside the time to read, reflect, and enjoy the blessings here at home, it is hard for us when we have livestock and many home responsibilities, isn't it?

    Flower, you're another lover of blue, aren't you? I love your gardens and a tea party in them would be lovely!

  19. Hello Kathy- Everything looks so cozy and inviting. I like this type of tea the best. Maybe it's because I was raised a country girl, but your blog makes me nostalgic. Take care.

  20. I have greatly enjoyed your blog today Kathy. This is my first time hear and looked at several of your tea posts. I was encouraged and blessed by the sharing of spiritual quotes and insights. I will be back. For now I must get back to work.

  21. Oh, Kathy I just love your Polish Teapot and warmer! The covered dish lady is just wonderful! The sandwich in a croissant, yummy! Great for Tea! The tea cup is lovely! I adore your linen runner! So much! Thank you for joining me for Tea Time Tuesday, sorry I am so late, not feeling well these days. But I do love seeing your Tea So Much! I love all your woven cloths! As a weaver it is a treat to get to see your Tea and cloths!


A kind word lifts my heart,a humorous word makes the day lighter,a word of wisdom gives me perspective,thank-you for your comments. I am truly honored you have read my blog and taken time to leave a few words about it. I read all the comments, and often answer them here in the comments page.~ Thank-you ! ( Because of the enormous amount of spam from anonymous comments I have decided to not accept "anonymous" comments anymore. )