Happenings & Activities On Cedar Pond

Friday, June 25, 2010

Gwen Needs New Shoes. Our Hard Working Son Gives Them To Her

This is Gwen. She needs new shoes. Our youngest son is a farrier, more commonly known as a horse-shoer, and he will be putting new shoes on Gwen. She is a big girl and to me, intimidating. Turns out she is a sweetheart though. A few tools of our son's trade. "Real success is finding your lifework in the work that you love." David McCullogh I am posting these pictures in no particular order of his work. He hot and cold shoes horses and his forge and tools are very orderly and efficiently arranged in his trailer. "Nothing is really work unless you would rather be doing something else." James Barrie Our grandson CT holds up one of Gwen's shoes, showing it to be bigger than his head. "In order that people may be happy in their work three things are needed: they must be fit for it. They must not do too much of it. And they must have a sense of success in it." John Ruskin
Look at how Gwen looms over our son as he works on her feet. "All hard work brings a profit.." Proverbs 14:23
Our youngest son always was a hard worker. When he was a little boy he used to tell every one he was going to be a "worker man". And he meant that literally. This son was up at the crack of dawn every day raring to go. He would get his chores and school work done so he could be free to work on other things he loved more. "Some people dream of success, while others wake up and work hard at it." AU
The ease with which our son works and plays with horses amazes me.
Not sure where his love and innate ability to "read" horses comes from because neither my husband or myself have that ability.
Gwen seemed totally relaxed during her shoeing.
How does he do this? "It does not seem to be true that work necessarily needs to be unpleasant. It may always have to be hard, or at least harder than doing nothing at all. But there is ample evidence that work can be enjoyable, and that indeed, it is often the most enjoyable part of life." Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Daniel can carry on a conversation while attending to the horse, but I think Gwen is also a well trained and sweet horse too. "Every job is a self-portrait of the person who does it. Autograph your work with excellence. " A.U.
"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men." Colossians 3:23
One of Gwen's farm friends looks on. "Sweat is the cologne of accomplishment." Heywood Brown
I would like to say this about our youngest son, he is hardworking, kind, optimistic, and generous. He is a God fearing and God loving man. His wife Breezy is the perfect wife and helpmate for him, and I praise God for them both. "A generous man himself will be blessed, for he shares his food with the poor." Proverbs 22:9 One more thing, this son of ours is also a beloved uncle to our Grandchildren, and he has made a difference for the better. Thank-you Lord for our son Daniel.


  1. Gwen is a beautiful horse. How interesting to see Daniel at work. He and Breezy are special folks and I admire them both.

  2. Love this post! Thanks for some of the great quotes, I'm going to borrow them.

  3. Wonderful post. I enjoyed the pictures of your son hard at work, and that big beautiful horse. Thanks for sharing

  4. Farriers are part vet, part metal worker and big part lover of animals. He obviously is confident in his trade and a calm personality. Your children are such a joy in your life (that was accidental - putting one name in there!) Impressive - your legacy is a good one.

  5. What a wonderful post - the love and pride for you son is very evident. A 'worker man' is a great thing to be. Gwen is a beautiful girl - one of my favorite breeds!

  6. Daniel really does seem like a blessing, and Gwen is gorgeous!

  7. Your son has brought a lot of joy to you and your family, Kathy. He has given you many reasons to be proud of him. It was interesting to see him working. He makes it look easy, but I know only certain people would have the right talents to be good at such a job.

  8. Thankful for Breezy and Daniel and the love they have shown to all the family. The pictures remind me of trying to trim Caleb's nails. Though he was weak, when it came time to resist having his nails done, he became STRONG!

  9. I really enjoyed this post - the photos and the comments and the story of your son. We are blessed when we can look at a son and see a good, kind and hard working man. "A worker man" - that was lovely!
    PS I've enjoyed all your posts but have to say that your very sweet Sunday with the grandchildren was particularly beautiful.

  10. Nice pictures!


  11. Oh Kathy, this is such a beautiful and heartwarming post honoring your handsome son. I love all the pictures and the quotes are great!

  12. Farriers are amazing. Most of us could not get a horse to allow us to lift a leg, much less stand still. It takes a strength, patience, and a way with animals. And that is only half of the job. It very much seems like a God-given talent for Daniel.

  13. How awesome that he can help like that! Gwen is gorgeous!

  14. I love your big old horse..my favorite kinds! I know how much work this is, especially if they lean on you while it's being done! :D

  15. Wow, and it's not even his birthday. =) Apparently by your photos here - the job is all done with smoke and mirrors. =) Good post and I like the photo of the pretty ballerina on your sidebar!!!

  16. One of my very favorite posts, Kathy! Gwen, is she a Belgian? She's a beauty and if I had to do it all over again, I'd get draft horses. They are so sweet and gentle; just love 'em to pieces and think Shires are fabulous.
    Wish Daniel could trim feet around here; he'd learn a lot about founder, I'm sorry to say -smile-.

  17. Gwen is a huge but beautiful horse! Love the pictures of Daniel at work, he looks so patient with the horses. Wish you all lived closer, it is hard to find a good, reliable horse-shoer around here!

  18. I enjoyed the post about your son Daniel and his love for his work. The testimony you give of his love for God is a joy to read. Thanks for sharing! The quotes and the Scripture verses are great. ~~Rhonda

  19. Thanks Mom for the kind words. I learned how to work hard from the both of you. You have always been great examples and were always there and encouraged me to to follow my passion. Thanks Dad and Mom


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