Happenings & Activities On Cedar Pond

Monday, June 14, 2010

Sweet Sunday

How sweet Sunday was. We were able to be with family, especially good for my husband who has not had many days this year without outside obligations. Our daughter and her 4 children were here today, along with our son's oldest daughter, a wonderful surprise! Dear friends brought her here to visit this week. Our first time ever having her here to ourselves and we intend to enjoy our time with her. ( above, our daughter with her youngest daughter)
Mommies like to play with dollhouses too.
Little 'J' also likes to play with the dollhouses. Especially the doll's cars.
Long distance picture of granddaughters playing with the doll house. Where is the blond head of our oldest granddaughter?
Ahh, there she is!
The grandchildren had plotted to make water balloons and bomb Poppa with them,but big squirt guns were nice too.
Little 'J' was very happy to get a hold of this big squirt gun , and although he could not actually operate it, I can tell it gave him a sense of being a "big boy".
Hoses worked even better for him though. ( note the change of clothes, there is only so much mud and water a boy can soak himself in before he needs a change of clothes)
Poppa even let Little 'J' help him mow the lawn.
Then it was time to row the boat around the island. Finally Little 'J' is big enough to ride in the boat with Poppa. ( The patches of white in the pond are the fluffy seeds of the cottonwood trees. They are so thick around here it appears to be snowing.)
He's pretty happy about that! ( I still haven't cleaned and painted that boat)
After Little 'J' gets his ride around the island in the pond, the rest of the grandchildren get in for a ride. What a sweet, sweet Sunday. Time with our family, good food to eat when we're together. Just hanging out together. Thank-you Lord for this precious gift!


  1. Sounds like you had a great week-end!!
    Lovely photos!

  2. Thank the Lord indeed! What precious time with beloved family! That little "J" is all boy, isn't he? I like the picture of him with the super soaker. You have so much around you to make a visit to grandma and poppa's a real treat. I know they will always remember the special things yall do with them. I'm so happy for you, Kathy!
    God has been so good to you and your family.

  3. You and Poppa have the ideal place to entertain precious grandchildren. What a blessing to be surrounded by family on a beautiful Sunday afternoon.

  4. Nothing is as sweet as spending time with the grands is it?! You sure have some cute ones...little J with that squirt gun, it's as big as he is! LOL Come say hi :D

  5. Sounds like a nice time with family!


  6. Timi, we did have a great weekend, and it was finally a weekend full of sunny weather too!

    Debbie, Little 'J' is all boy , I think trying to keep up with his big brother helps, but he was pretty attached to that super soaker!And I don't forget to praise God for all our grandchildren and for their health and safety.

    Mildred,thank-you. I was reflecting with my husband that after the last 2 summers when I was concerned for the well-being and where-abouts of some of our grandchildren this was truly a time for us to tangibly see an answer to so many prayers , and prayers answered in a way that makes us very happy.

    Julie, I know you too know such sweet times, and I will be by!

    Amy, it was wonderful!

  7. Looks like everyone had a blast. I'd play with that dollhouse myself!

    Nothing better than spending time with the kids and grandkids...we had a family BBQ Sunday with 30 in attendance...

  8. What a wonderful day! Such cute pictures, Kathy. It's so nice to see the love your family shares.

  9. What beautiful grandchildren! You've truly been blessed with a wonderful family!

  10. What an awesome surprise! Looks like everyone had a great time!

  11. Your family is so beautiful! What a wonderful blessing to spend time together...... it looks like everyone was having so much fun. Your home is a paradise for children to play and explore. Love the doll house too...

  12. Had to tell Tom to check out Little J's 'dream date' with Papa on your blog! Love his face on the tractor and boat! He's still talking about it " Papa, Bees. Papa - Boat." It was a really nice day.

  13. What a great way to spend a sun filled day! And, a memory making day!

  14. Carol, a family barbecue with 30 in attendance, sounds like a memorable and fun day to me!

    Daisy, thank-you. I love listening to the children talk amongst themselves. That is the really fun part of getting them all together.

    stickhorsecowgirls, thank-you. Family is precious and sometimes it takes a crisis or tragedy to remind us very quickly just how precious and 'not to be taken for granted' these family times are.(Thank-you for that perspective too)

    NancyM. it was an awesome surprise, and we get her for this whole week all to ourselves!

    Dolores, we did have a good time and you're right, there are a lot of hidden places children love to explore and trails and paths that lead thru the woods to other family members' homes.

    A.Joy, ha ha. That is a good name for Little 'J's day Sunday. His dream date! I just loved watching him discover so many new things that are old hat to his siblings. The first looks of astonishment and discovery on his sweet face are priceless.Just melts my heart.

    Flower,my husband and I sat by the campfire after our daughters' family left, and our granddaughter was playing with the doll house by herself, and I remarked to him that if we died today all our grandchildren would have happy memories of time spent with us. What more can a person ask for?

  15. This could be a day spent here with Granpappy! The grands are saying Granpappy does this with us. The water balloons, guns, lawn mower rides and the boat ride in the Crawfish pond. I sure your tired of hearing what my Grands are saying but I have one that can read, and is making sure I say what they want. lol Wish I had cottonwood trees! My granddaughter loves the doll house!


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