Happenings & Activities On Cedar Pond

Monday, August 9, 2010

A Quiet Tea Time Tuesday

We were camping this past weekend with our family. The granddaughters who have spent the summer with us went home with their father. I miss them already but am catching up on the many things left undone while I was having fun with the little girls. It was cool and drizzly outside, my kind of weather. I brewed a pot of peach tea and chose a new teacup to drink from while I sat on the porch and enjoyed the quiet of a softly raining afternoon. "We need quiet time to examine our lives openly and honestly...spending quiet time alone gives your mind an opportunity to renew itself and create order." Susan Taylor I find I crave quiet time, especially when life is busy, so today I treat myself to a cup of tea, a comfortable porch rocker,paper and pen to write out lists and notes to myself, the only distractions are what I see and hear from the porch."If we have not quiet in our minds, outward comfort will do no more for us than a golden slipper on a gouty foot." John Bunyan This teacup has no markings on the bottom, but there is a sticker saying it is from The Secret Garden Collection, Delton Products - made in China. I love the delicate and realistic violets on this teacup and just below the porch railing I have many real violets growing, so this is a perfect tea cup for sipping tea on my front porch. "Be still and know I am God." Psalm 46:10 "Traditionally we are taught, and instinctively we long, to give where it is needed - and immediately. Eternally, woman spills herself away in driblets to the thirsty, seldom being allowed the time, the quiet, the peace, to let the pitcher fill up to the brim." Anne Morrow Lindbergh Fortunately, God can and does give us that peace when we need it, just ask. That quiet and peace can be had while doing the dishes, calming a crying child, facing the many trials and calamities life throws at us. "Meditate in your heart upon your bed, and be still." Psalm 4:4 Please visit Martha *,Terri*,and Lady Katherine* to view other teacups and tea parties, then pour yourself a good cup of tea into a lovely teacup , sit back and be still~ if only for a few moments. Take time to reflect on your blessings, they are many!


  1. Such pretty images in today's post Kathy. Those violets are so sweet on the teacup. I imagine it seems very quiet without your granddaughters but your heart and memory must be filled to the brim with special times spent with them this summer.

  2. I love violet, and slow, rainy days. We are getting a little rain, but the heat and humidity take the fun out of sitting outside. Thanks for your lovely comments on my blog; I know you must miss them. Isn't God good?

  3. I love your violet teacup, so pretty and I like the label. Glad you found time to relax.....Christine

  4. Sounds like a perfect way to start your morning.

    Cute teacup.

  5. I love the *quiet* of your post ... the lovely white tea pot and the beautiful secret garden teacup. Time to slow down a little now that the *grands* are gone! New adventures to come.

  6. Your porch is so peaceful & relaxing; a perfect spot to have a cup of tea :) Your teacup is so lovely, love the violets :)

    Happy Tea Tuesday!!

    Warmest hugs, Brenda

  7. Isn't it good to recognize when you need a peaceful and private moment or two?.........and then to have the place to indulge that need? You really have a perfect spot for a quiet time of reflection and thinking back to the good times you had with your granddaughters.

  8. Dear Kathy, I enjoy dropping by your place on Tuesday for tea and conversation!

    Always a pleasure to see what you've been up to. Just sitting in the quiet is heavenly.

    God bless and thank you for the prayers! I greatly appreciate you.

  9. I love peach tea! and rainy summer afternoons are just the right days to enjoy such a cup.

  10. Afternoon, Miss Kathy. Enjoy your peace and quiet time and get refreshed for the busy fall ahead. I wish you could send us some slow rainy days as we've had temps in the triple digits for the last couple of weeks, and looks like more to come...

    I know your little granddaughters had a WONDERFUL summer with you and took home lots of great memories of tea parties and such! I'll bet they continue the tea parties even at home!

  11. I would love to join you on the porch for tea. A white wicker rocker always looks so inviting.

  12. I know you're missing the grands but also know you're enjoying your quiet time. I must have quite time if I'm too function with any degree of success.

  13. I savor my quiet time too, Kathy. It is a necessity for me. Lovely, peaceful post. :)

  14. The delicate flowers are so pretty on your cup!
    I do love quiet alone time too. It feels so good to be still.
    Thank you so much for sharing with us today.

  15. Very pretty teacup...and I love the simplicity and cleanness of that white teapot.

    I'm sorry your little granddaughters have gone home. But what wonderful memories you have of your time with them...many of which you shared with us via your blog.

    Blessings to you,

  16. Wow! I came for the Rooster Fun and stayed for the tea set fun and BOTH were full of gorgeous photos of wonderful Kitchen rooster dishes and delightful tea sets including such lovely and unique teapots! Loved all the blues, especially! Thank you for a wonderful visit AND for popping into SandwichINK. Have a terrific week. :)

  17. Seems that I treasure quiet moments more and more these days. With the changes in my family's life it seems I have more time for reflection - I do appreciate you sharing this post and the quotes -
    I hope you have a very blessed day,

  18. Love the pictures of your adorable teapot and cup and saucer, Kathy... and I love my quiet time, too.

  19. The violet cup is so lovely! Oh, what a wonderful place to rest and renew! I simply loved reading your words! How comforting to the soul! Thank you!

  20. i like you more and more as i read along


A kind word lifts my heart,a humorous word makes the day lighter,a word of wisdom gives me perspective,thank-you for your comments. I am truly honored you have read my blog and taken time to leave a few words about it. I read all the comments, and often answer them here in the comments page.~ Thank-you ! ( Because of the enormous amount of spam from anonymous comments I have decided to not accept "anonymous" comments anymore. )