Happenings & Activities On Cedar Pond

Monday, October 11, 2010


Hawk can often be found in the sun room striking this pose, and he can hold this pose for long periods of time.
Miss Marple can often be found in the sun room striking this pose, and she can hold this pose for long periods of time.
Can you say "obsession" ?
Poor Bob & Belle, they are so oblivious to the fact that if they were not safely housed in cages they, the objects of so much attention are really the objects of natural appetites. ( Belle whistles 'Thy Loving Kindness' & 'Jingle Bells' all day . She has a musical obsession.)
Look at her, she likes the dog and cat's attention, little does she know...
"Well, I am a BIRD dog!"
"Meow~Just let her out of the cage once...purrrrty please?"


  1. :) That was cute! It's a good thing that the bird is safely behind bars!

  2. This is the cutest post Kathy! I remember your daughter posting about one of their dogs obssessing over her oldest son's turtle!!!
    I did not remember that you have birds. Hope you have a very nice week.

  3. Very cute pictures, Kathy. I guess you really can't blame Hawk and Miss Marple for just being who they are. HA! :D

  4. Oh Kathy, it's true! The animals we love don't always love each other. Sad to say, it can be the same with other loved ones. (Cain and Abel, etc.) Laws of nature overcome! Our pets are the source of great joy and fun for us, as long as barriers are kept up between some of them:D
    Beau has some pretty funny poses too. He likes to sit at the turn of the stairs and look out the window for SOMETHING to go by that he can bark at. Cats are his nemesis! He strikes a good pose for a cheese snack too. He sits and stares at me till I break down and give him a bite.
    Happy Fall, love your pumpkins!

  5. Very lovely post!! I like Hawk very much :o), he is sooo cute! Thanks for the pictures!

  6. Hawk is such a handsome dog - and obsessions not acted upon must be frustrating - hope Hawk gets out often to chase squirrels or some varmints out of your yard! Birds are fun - their ignorance of the danger outside a bird cage is rather endearing - my brother and I ruined a lovely singing canary my mom had (when we were VERY young children) by "giving it a bath" while she was away for some medical care. When she came home - bird never sang again - we'd stuck cage and all under a cold running water faucet - apparently the term well intentioned was not appreciated by poor half drowned bird. Thanks for reminding me of that memory - will have to jog brother's memory about that even when they are here for holiday

  7. haha!
    Love those expressions on your big animals!

  8. I love animals so much! These are adorable pictures of your beautiful animals.......our gifts from God!

  9. I love it, Kathy. Animals are so entertaining. Such company, and so interesting. Special gifts from God.

  10. How funny!! (Not for the poor little birdies, though!)
    I think that is so cute that Belle whistles Jingle Bells!
    Hmmmm.... wonder if I could teach my Silkies to do that...

  11. Very cute post with great pictures! I'm glad the birds are oblivious to the obsession :)


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