Happenings & Activities On Cedar Pond

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Tea Time Tuesday

Tea Time Tuesday is here again, the days are flying swiftly by. I have barely 3 weeks to finish making the items I hope to sell at the first of two Christmas Bazaars. I have been too busy having tea parties and as usual I am hurrying to catch up with my crafting. So what did I do? I invited one of my granddaughters over to spend the night and have a doll tea party with me later today.I still have two projects on my loom ( above) to finish, a rug only half done to finish, at least another pound of Goth's wool to spin up, and 100 Wee Little Sheep to make before the second weekend in November. Guess I'd better have a cup of tea. I watch my sheep outside the window that over looks my loom. The cat and one of our dogs sleep near-by.I can hear the Grandfather clock downstairs ticking loudly. Today is supposed to be very stormy. A good day to share with a granddaughter and have a tea party for lunch. She brought her dolls for tea.We will be very snug and cozy inside while the storm rages. I will get a fire going in the fireplace.We can nibble on cookies she baked last night while we sip our tea. So, back to teacups. Do you like my blue and white teacup? Blue and white are my favorite colors. ( I know, white is not a color) The cup and saucer are made by Royal Worchester of England. There is no given name for the pattern on the china but to me it looks to mimic Asian design. I am very pleased with this teacup & saucer. To see other beautiful teacups and tea times be sure to visit these ladies, and leave them a comment. Kind words and comments are like tasty tea time treats, well loved and savored~


  1. Good Morning Kathy, That is a beautiful rug you are working on! We had rain storms early Monday morning. I can just picture in my mind you and your granddaughter cozy inside by the fire sipping tea with the dolls. It sounds like a perfect way to spend the afternoon. Sending my love to you and your family.

  2. Your project on the loom is so pretty, Kathy. I love the colors, and it looks so soft. I hope you enjoy tea with your granddaughter. (I can't think of a reason why you wouldn't!) :D

  3. What a beautiful tea cup and saucer! I just love blue and white!
    I am in the same boat as you are. I have about 2 weeks to go before my first craft fair and I really need to get a lot more thing made.
    Too bad i can't take a month or 2 off from work.....


  4. Hi Kathy,
    You have the right idea!! A tea party on a stormy day will be delightful with you granddaughter.
    A little fun to keep you fresh while finishing your project.
    How gifted you are! Your little sheep are so sweet. You will do very well with all of them.
    Thank you for stopping by. Look forward to seeing you soon. Keep us updated.
    Have a blessed week.

  5. Your rug is stunning, but tea time with a grandaughter...that is special.

  6. That is so neat that you have a loom, is it a rug you are making? looks like a good project. Pretty tea cup too! Come say hi :D

  7. Hi Kathy,
    How lovely to sit and have a little tea party with your granddaughter. Precious memories! I must tell you that I would love to be able to look out the window and see a flock of wooly sheep! It must be such a charming view while you're working.
    Your teacup is just gorgeous! I love the pattern inside and outside the teacup; very striking! The rug you're working on is a lovely colour! Would love to see the finished product. Thank you for sharing and for joining me for tea today.


  8. Love your loom and the rug you are working on. The teacup is so elegant. I love the blue and white.


  9. Hi Kathy!
    What a lovely tea cup! I am a blue and white lover and always love seeing them! Have a great tea!
    Happy Tea!

  10. love your work and the pink would be great for our new grandaughter. I was up at 2:30 (the wind woke me up) so I had a cup of chamomile tea and thought about your Tea-time Tuesday. I can't wait until Eleanor is old enough to have tea parties with.I guess I should go prepare for our hurricane wind gusts.Good luck with your craft fairs. I told Paul we should find somethnig to make when we retire and do holiday craft fairs.

  11. Hi Kathy - Very nice blue and white teacup. Goodluck on your christmas bazaar!

    Happy Tea Tuesday!

  12. more than the teacup what caught my eye was the blanket you are weaving. what patience. i love the pink colors and it must be so soft. i skipped the craft fair this year since setup fees were up to $180 per booth. i barely broke even last year.

  13. Your blue and white teacup is beautiful!

  14. No matter how many tea cups I see.............they are always so beautiful. Your work is just lovely! blessings,Kathleen

  15. Your teacup and saucer is lovely.

    Good luck at finishing your project.


  16. Hi Kathy: You blue cup is amazing. I have never seen one like it. Thank you so much for sharing it with us. Have a wonderful week. Blessings, Martha

  17. Like the colors. Reminds me of my old bedroom. ( The runners you're weaving. )

  18. Very nice Kathy! It was a rainy and stormy afternoon and evening yesterday.


  19. Hi there, Kathy. You sound busy too. It is that time of year! Your project looks beautiful, I love it. What you do emits love, care, and warmth. I hope you are doing well.

  20. I love the blue and white tea cup.... so delicate. The rug is so pretty..... I love the softness and colors.

    Sipping tea with a granddaughter, can't get much better than that!

  21. Absolutely beautiful tea cup and saucer! I love the delicate blue pattern on the white. And I love the shape too.

  22. Pondside directed me to your blog because I posted on (what I believe to be) Jacob sheep today and she told me you had a herd.

    I've just read the tale of two brothers. Rams are powerful animals; not to be messed with.

  23. Your blue and white teacups look delicate! What I love about tea is that it's not only for a nice bonding time with someone, it also has a lot of health benefits. Tea may reduce the risk of heart attacks, it protects you against cancer, keeps you hydrated, and more. This is just one of the few reasons why I love tea. Do you still have tea parties every Tuesdays?

    Kevin Walls


A kind word lifts my heart,a humorous word makes the day lighter,a word of wisdom gives me perspective,thank-you for your comments. I am truly honored you have read my blog and taken time to leave a few words about it. I read all the comments, and often answer them here in the comments page.~ Thank-you ! ( Because of the enormous amount of spam from anonymous comments I have decided to not accept "anonymous" comments anymore. )