Happenings & Activities On Cedar Pond

Friday, November 5, 2010

It's Almost Here!

This little granddaughter is already excited about Christmas. In early September she whispered in my ear, " Grandma, it is almost Christmas!" Of course around here it is always Christmas, a celebration of Christ, we just wait until the end of summer to resume playing Christmas carols. "One man regards one day above another, another regards every day alike. Let each man be fully convinced in his own mind .He who observes the day, observes it for the Lord, and he who eats , does so for the Lord for he gives thanks to God; and he who eats not, for the Lord he does not eat, and gives thanks to God." Romans 14:5,6 and "This is the day that the Lord has made; Let us rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24


  1. Your granddaughter is lovely. What a beautiful color of dress she is wearing. Wishing you all a happy weekend.

  2. "This is the day that the Lord has made; Let us rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24

    That is one of my favorite verses, Kathy. :D

    Christmas through the eyes of a child is quite magical, isn't it. I love the picture of your granddaughter. What a sweetheart.

  3. She is absolutely adorable! Aren't grans just the BEST?

    I made the post I promised you, and even gave you a SHOUT OUT in it - - -

  4. What an exquisitely beautiful little girl! At first I thought the picture was a painting.

    To a child, the year is just the template for the special things -- Christmas, summer holidays, birthdays... :-) That's why childhood is so special.

  5. My son called yesterday to say that his three year old had asked if it was almost [his] Christmas time. He held up five fingers and asked if it was 'this many sleeps?' They'll be here for nearly a month and I' can't wait!
    What a beautiful child your granddaughter is!

  6. She is so cute ! Thank you for this post :) You are such a great example. it warmed my heart.

  7. Yeah, we were just talking about what Christmas's will be like when all these kids are grown up. We'll probably have to hold dinner until Little J. get's off work, KN will be super picky about the dishes she's preparing, MN will come through the door like a party and CT will be slightly early and helping supervise everyone's kids ... or something.

  8. Such a sweet little girl! When our children were small they were also excited about Christmas coming! Loved this post! blessings,Kathleen

  9. Your little granddaughter is beautiful. My first granddaughter was born in May, so we may have to wait a while for her childhood Christmas excitment, although our two grandsons will make up for it. :-)

    Thanks for this lovely post.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. It is coming; I can feel it too. I have been listening to Christmas CDs already. I just love to music.

  12. Your family just knows how to celebrate living! She is a beauty - keeping the heart of Christmas is more important than a date isn't it? We feel each day is a gift (some I wish I had the receipt to return but hey I'm picky!) especially with awareness of potential limits on how many active days DH had -
    btw - most days of my childhood was I awakened by my mom saying arise and shine for thy Light has come Isaiah 50-1 -

  13. She's such a little sweetheart, Kathy. so cute! Isn't it fun to celebrate the holidays with the heart of a child!

    How's ya'll's mole count coming - my gophers have been much more active lately with the rain showers we've been having. My cat even caught one!

  14. She is so precious!!!! God is sooo good, that HE gives us these beautiful children in our lives to brighten our days!


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