Happenings & Activities On Cedar Pond

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Cozy Rain, Time For Tea

The weather was rainy, very rainy, today - and I just felt like sipping my tea from a cheerful pink butterfly cup and saucer, and sitting back on the sofa to view the pond from a warm and cozy spot.I did not feel at all like venturing outside to do all the necessary things around here, like feeding the sheep , chickens ,dogs, and even more daunting responsibilities like cleaning their pens. Do you have any idea of how back-breaking and yucky it is to clean chicken and sheep pens after this much rain? Slogging in the mud and poo is a more apt description of such activities. I made a pot of Red Rose tea and sat it on the coffee ( tea ? ) table on top of a big stack of magazines I have not had a chance to read yet. What a perfect day for sipping tea and reading magazines. Miss Marple sat on top of the sofa so as to be near me and see what was going on in her domain outside. ( not to be confused with her domain INSIDE )
Lots of informative, inspiring, and interesting reading !
The pink butterfly pattern of this china makes me happy. It is one of a set of 6 cups and saucers by Yeti, Classic Coffee & Tea , made in China
Miss Marple is not impressed, it is NOT catnip tea, but I very much like the gold butterfly handle and design of this teacup and saucer. The tea is tasty too.
Time to get busy, stack the magazines, take one last sip of tea and get going. Outside to feed the animals and make a list of things to be done before shearing the sheep and lambing begin. Gotta get the chicken pens cleaned too... Miss Marple doesn't even give me an excuse to linger over tea. She abandons her spot on the top of the sofa to check out the bird feeding stations from her other indoor perches.
"The best kind of rain, of course, is a cozy rain. This is the kind the anonymous medieval poet makes me remember , the rain that falls on a day when you'd just as soon stay in bed a little longer, write letters or read a good book by the fire, take early tea with hot scones and jam and look out the streaked window with complacency. " - Susan A. Toth, 'England For All Seasons ' Please check out cozy tea times and beautiful teacups these ladies have to show you ~be sure to have a good hot cup of tea and something to nibble on as you enjoy all they have to share.


  1. Good Morning Kathy, You know how I love butterflies and this pink cup and saucer is so pretty. Wishing you and your assistant, Miss Marple, a good day!

  2. I love that tea cup and saucer! Glad you enjoyed the rainy weather dear sister! Love you to pieces!

  3. Hi Kathy,

    It seems we are both up late!

    Thank you for your cozy and cheerful post. Even though the day was a dreary one, I appreciate you taking the time to share your pretty things with us and keeping us update on your kitty.

    Have a wonderful week,


  4. Stay warm and dry Kathy! It's really not too cold here today as it has been though.

    Have a wonderful Tuesday!




  5. The pink butterfly cup and saucer are lovely and so cheery, Kathy. I can see why you would choose them on a rainy day.

  6. What a lovely tea time to get you ready for the rest of the days chores...I do not envy you all that scooping and slopping, I am so glad our chicken yard has a roof lol.

    Talking of chickens, I scrolled down and read about your lovely rooster Rose...I think it suits him hehe...Our rooster is Bravo because we had 3, Alpha, Bravo and Charlie...but Bravo turned out to be our Alpha and only survivor.

    Well I am off to face my own rainy day.

    Blessings Kelsie

  7. Heard you were sending the rain my way. It is suppose to begin this evening and end tomorrow night with some wet snow.

    Gorgeous tea cup and saucer!!

    Blessings, hugs, and prayers,

  8. Miss Marple is probably wishing that was a cup of tuna instead of tea :-)


  9. Know what you mean about magazines stacking up, I got a call from one magazine yesterday begging me to re-subscribe, I told them I couldn't bear watching them stack up and not have time to read them!

  10. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't want to muck out those stalls - - - rain or no!

  11. I would have been a bit worried having the cat so close to the beautiful cup! LOL The butterflies are so dainty and the handle is very unusual.

  12. Hello Kathy,
    What a pretty pink teacup; a very unique shape! Love the butterflies; makes me think about warmer days! I do not envy you your jobs in the sheep pen and chicken coop! I remember my grandmother having to clean theirs and it was a very smelly job. I'm glad you got to enjoy your cup of tea before hand. Love your kitty!
    Thank you for joining me for tea and helping me celebrate my Tea party Anniversay.


  13. Some very pretty pinks here today!
    Soon we will see pastels outdoors, or so I tell myself!

  14. Oh your butterfly tea cup and saucer is so lovely! What a treat to use this cup!
    Thank you so much for sharing it with us.

  15. Your teacup is lovely - I really like those butterflies against that pink background.


  16. Howdy Kathy!
    Sipping some coffee this afternoon trying to get energized!!!
    The tireds hit me.
    So I'll come by your place for some tea in a beautiful cup.
    Enjoying life,

  17. Kathy, The pink teapot is charming as are the butterfly cup and saucer. Nothing nicer than a really rainy day to sip tea and browse new magazine. Have a blessed week and hope the sun shines soon.

  18. Oh, Kathy~ I just love those happy butterflies!! Those could brighten up any day!!
    I love those "cozy rain" days too, but I know what you mean about sometimes the outside chores seem like... well, chores!

  19. Sounds and looks like a perfect rainy day......
    I love the tea cup and saucer, but especially the beautiful Miss Marple.
    Big hugs from Texas!

  20. Hi Kathy! Wow, what a lovely tea cup and the tea pot is amazing. Thank you so much for sharing it with us. Love it all! Blessings, Martha

  21. you have pretty teacup & saucer! love the butterflies on the them.. sweet!

  22. Oh, my. I think I'm in love with this teacup. So unusual and gorgeous! Thank you and happy tea day!

  23. Hello there dear Kathie,

    I'm delighted that you joined us once again with the fun for TTTT as well as for the 67th, 'Tuesday Tea For Two'; our little corner of, 'Tuesday Tea Time In Blogland!

    I love your pink butterflies teacup and kitty! ~ Thanks so much for sharing this loveliness with all of us!..,

    Have a wonderful week!

    Cheers and hugs from Wanda Lee @ http://theplumedpen.blogspot.com ~

    P. S. ~ Sorry I was so late this week in posting due to technical difficulties, (especially with my, 'The Plumed Pen' blog).

  24. Rainy days are a blessing when you can spend them like this! Looks so cozy and warm and the pur-fect companion to share it with. Thank you for sharing with us @TTTT. As always it was a pleasure. Look forward to seeing you soon.
    Have a blessed week.

  25. Beautiful tea cup, Kathy! It makes your place look so cozy...Christine

  26. Well at least you know how to start a rainy day off good!Send some rain here.......we are dry! Love the cup and the kitty! Don't get too mucked up from cleaning. blessings,Kathleen

  27. we're still having snow and lots of it at home; fewer than ten days and we're headed home...hard to wait! mud season will be coming up shortly so I'll be with you in the slogging. it's always so much fun when the mud/muck sucks my boots right off my feet..NOT! -grin-
    hope you/yours have been well, Kathy.

  28. I do know how yucky it is to clean the muck with that much rain-not fun but nothing like a pretty pink teacup to brighten you day. I love your pink teapot--perfect. I got my beautiful sheep today and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE THEM. They are absolutely adorable and I love how you packaged them and make it so personal sharing a picture of your sheep that made them. I am thrilled :) Thank you so much!

  29. Thanks for sharing tea time today. It is always such a pleasure and to enjoy it with Miss Marple also is the cat's meow...

  30. What away to spend time, you have all the magazines, I love, well except Southern Lady,lol The teacup is lovely! I love the butterflies! Miss Marble is too cute! How in the world do you keep the white sofa clean? I live in the country, with grandchildren, mud from the rain, and all the things brought in, yes they take off their shoes, but it would never stay clean here! Yes, I know how the mud and other is! I was sliding in it just today, I do not have a creep for the lambs as I use to, so I take them into a stall to feed, as their Mother Ewes eat away. Even though it hard work, I was thinking today, how relaxing it is just watching my sheep and lambs. Now the chickens, jump on my shoulder, and even my head while I getting feed ready for all of the them. lol It rained all day yesterday, hubby did the feeding for me, so I wouldn't have to get out, my excuse was, I have no rain coat. lol I do have a barn coat, and wear the hats I felted from my sheep or the scarf I knitted and made into to a hat, which ties. How wonderful it, so warm! Thank You for joining Tea Time! Love to hear about your days on the farm!


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