Happenings & Activities On Cedar Pond

Friday, March 25, 2011

Look, Listen, Rest, Enjoy ~ Be Happy!

Chicory &Her Lamb
Today the weather warmed to almost 60 degrees. This past week I have been unable to settle down indoors and get so many needful things done. The flowering plum tree outside the spare bedroom window is covered in pink blossoms, the snow white crocuses and fragrant hyacinths are blooming. My sheep have lambs, 15 thus far, and I am still bottle-feeding one of the lambs. I have been dashing about cleaning and re-organizing inside and out. As I sat down late last night to respond to e-mails, Facebook, and write a blog-post our internet and television service went out. ( where DO they go when they go out?) There was nothing to be done about it at that hour so I settled myself in the living room in front of the fireplace and read a good book. I could hear the rain pattering on the sun-room sky-lights, and over the sound of rain I could hear the very loud croaking of the frogs- a sure sign Spring has arrived. A moment to simply enjoy the pleasures of blessings at hand . Don't you forget to take some time to do that. Just stop, look around you, listen, enjoy~~"Happiness : The agreeable sensations which spring from the enjoyment of good ;" Amer. Dictionary Of English Language


  1. I know what you mean, Kathy... our weather has been so beautiful and warm this week, I've hardly been able to stay inside! But storms and lots of rain are on the way for the weekend, so I plan on having some nice quiet book and sewing time.

  2. That sounds like such a peaceful moment, quiet rain, a fire in the fireplace, a good book...I've been outside a lot too but here it is in the mid 80's with another drought going on. I'd love to hear some rain right about now. I'm glad you got to take time and enjoy that quiet moment.

  3. I've had to be content inside since the temps fell again on Tues.
    We have snow in the forecast today and tomorrow. No acumulation, but the highs for the next week are only 30 and 40s. Guess those early warm days had us fooled!

  4. Sometimes I think the times when technology fails are gifts to us and good reminders to do just what you did. Rest and find something quiet to enjoy and make us happy. We all need to take a little break like that once in a while. :)

  5. Kathy, I listened to the lovely flute music on your blog. This relaxed me!

    Sitting by a fireplace and reading a book sounds uplifting.

    Taking a deep breath,

  6. What good advice! We need to stop and smell the fragrances and look and listen to all the beauty around us.

    Sure wish you could send some rain our way. It's very, very dry here.

    Your evening sounded heavenly.

  7. Sounds like heaven to me! Sometimes, I need to schedule peaceful moments. I think I'd look forward to all of our power going out - for a minute anyway!

  8. The frogs have started up by our ponds too. I love to go to sleep to the frog chorus.

  9. Ours has gotten cold again though! But on Monday it was 71 degrees though.



  10. oh how i love those lambs. i've thought so much about them that last night i actually dreamt with them. i keep thinking....what a blessing to live surrounded by the simplicity and wealth of nature. happiness indeed!

    oh, and as to my roots, too long of a story. my father was american, my mother chilean and they met at the chilean consulate in washington for chile's independence day. my mother was visiting with her mother from chile, went home and a the love letters starting pouring in from my father who lived in new york. unfortuantely, he was born with a heart condition and died during surgery when he was a mere 22. my mother remarried four times! yet she never left a man, they all left her for all the wrong reasons save the last who gave her 27 years of happiness until her passing last january 2010. he still lives but is now in connecticut. maybe one day i'll write about all this asince it's been an interesting road to travel.

    as always, blessings to you and the beekeeper

  11. We have had three day/nights of heavy rain also. It's always relaxing to read with the sound of the rain coming down. Hope you are feeling well and that your week will be filled with many blessings Kathy.

  12. Well that's the perfect way to spend an evening - relaxing with a good book. I don't know where the internet and such go 'when they go out'. That happened to me last night - I was ready for sleep though - my husband and daughter were sick so I was fluttering about making hot tea, chicken soup and changing the movies they watched while they 'convalesced'. :)

  13. Your babies are adorable!

    Can't wit to get back to my animal gang the end of April.

    I envied the visual of you sitting by the fireplace........nothing like the sight and feel of that. We did have some rain for a few days and I sat under the porch just enjoying it. Guess I'm just a natural Washingtonian! LOL

  14. Thanks for your visit. What sweetness this is...just a beauty of a baby! Thanks for sharing...come say hi on FB ;D

  15. What a cheerful view of spring!

    I'm starting to feel the cramping of being in more than out. A more consistant showing of the sun is sure to be upon us, right?(reluctantly)

  16. Your lambs are adorable! I just had my fourth lamb, and all for this season. Years ago, I would have 40- 50 a year. But now my flock is growing again with my different breed of sheep than I had before. I have one ram that came just a few days ago, an early Birthday present! Picture on my blog.


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