Happenings & Activities On Cedar Pond

Monday, April 11, 2011

Butterfly Tea Party

It might be April, but the weather around here says we are still in winter. Rain, snow, hail, sunshine, and tonight below freezing temperatures. No spring weather for enjoying butterflies outdoors, so we had our butterfly tea party indoors. "The butterfly is a flying flower.." Ponce D. Lebrun All 8 of our grandchildren, our daughter, and my husband's parents will be seated around the table to celebrate being together, with tea, sandwiches, salad,french fries, and angel food cake topped with strawberries and whipping cream. This is a spring time tea with butterflies as the theme. These teacups are so colorful and all sport butterflies. The table is set, simply. There will be 8 children around the table so we need lots of elbow room . The cake platters are ready for the egg salad and tuna fish sandwiches I hung little silk butterflies from the lamp above the dining room table."Beautiful and graceful, varied and enchanting, small but approachable, butterflies lead you to the sunny side of life." Jeffrey Glasskey We gather together to eat and sip tea or hot coco from the butterfly teacups. The grandchildren are of an age where they love to be together and have much to say to one another. There is always a lot of giggling when the 8 cousins visit with one another.How special to be able to share tea time with them, and their great-grandparents, my husband's parents.
My husband's parents seem to enjoy tea parties too, and they brought special gifts for these great-grandchildren, but that is for the next post.
Our daughter pours tea and hot chocolate, filling and re-filling the butterfly teacups.
The colors of this set of teacups are bright and cheery and not too feminine or delicate for the boys at the table. Look at this, froggy green and dandelion yellow teacups.
Sky blue, dark stormy blue, sweet pink, and there is also a pumpkin orange teacup. They go so well with the bouquets of flowers the granddaughters chose from the floral section of the supermarket.How could I resist buying these cheerful flowers to add to the table, especially when the cold weather has stalled all but the bravest and hardiest of flowers ( mostly weeds) outside . The tea party is over, there is more I will tell in another post. The teacups are packed away in their special box. These cheerful teacups are Yedi Houseware Classic Coffee & Tea Butterfly Teacups.* I use them frequently as they make me smile and my grandchildren like them too. Please take the time to visit the links listed below to see other teacups and tea parties, you will be surprised at the variety, creativity, and passion these ladies have for serving tea , sharing their tea treasures, and gracious hospitality.~ " Sometimes , I think, we rush so, we finish a schedule only to make a newer and busier one. We do not,ever, live deliberately and fully, for we haven't time. I know few people who go outdoors now and sit quietly for a couple of hours just looking at the miracle of spring." Gladys Taber ~Take time for tea today. If the weather is kind,sit outside and sip a cup of tea from a lovely teacup or mug while rejoicing in the good things and the lovely things God has given to you and you will be refreshed in body and soul.


  1. I always love your tea parties, Kathy. Today's table was very pretty. What a lovely idea, to have the generations celebrate around a tea table. The grandchildren are making memories and learning skills that will take them a long way in life.

  2. Beauatiful teacups and company.

  3. Another sweet get-together for your family Kathy. It made me smile to think of all the children together. Those are beautiful tea cups! French fries and salad....I like this kind of tea.

  4. Your tea parties are just the best - what a huge blessing for your family to gather, enjoy one another and forge those emotional bonds which will last a lifetime!

  5. Very nice! We've been having some nice Spring weather here lately though, on Sunday it was 81 degrees.



  6. What a lovely butterfly party! So nice you have a large group too...always nice to share tea.

  7. Oh I love it Kathy. Those little tea cups are adorable and the table looked so pretty.

    I know you guys must of had a wonderful time.

  8. These are Great tea cups! I am going to have to add them to my wish list and I know your grandkids had a fabulous time!

  9. Hello Kathy,
    Your tea party with family is just wonderful! The butterfly teacups are so cute and I love all your quotes as well. Lovely memories in the making for the little ones! Thank you for sharing your lovely tea and thanks for joining me for tea.


  10. I love all the butterflies. They're so pretty. Looks like a wonderful family gathering to me. :)

  11. What a fun gathering! Your butterfly tea cups are really gorgeous. The vibrant colors and designs really make them special.
    Thank you so much for sharing them with us.

  12. I love seeing the wonderful table of butterflies, and the family. Adore the cups!
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  13. O dear!! How sweet this Tea post is!!
    Both the tablescape and the children are so cute!!


  14. Kathy,

    What a lovely post! Nobody will ever forget that wonderful and beautiful tea party ... and your pretty pictures are there to remind them of the fun time when they were little, and you did all that for them.

    I love your tea cups too.

    God bless you.

    Kathy M.

  15. Oh Kathy.... your family together always warms my heart..... the love and togetherness... is awe inspiring!!!

    The teacups are so pretty and delicate...

    A great tea party!!!

  16. Beautiful butterfly teacups to share time with family.

  17. What a lovely table. I adore the colors¡ You all will have a lot of happy memories around this table! Thanks for your insightful comment on my blog today. Blessing to you!

  18. Thanks so much for stopping by my attic and leaving a comment (strange, isn't it, how we begin blogging and then look for affirmation in those comments)....eek! That's a deep subject!

    Aaaanyway, I've enjoyed looking through your thoughts here and on your other blogs. Your tea party with the grands was such a sweet idea...what a wonderful way to spend a spring afternoon!

  19. Family gatherings with our 9 grandchildren are always good memory makers. Especially Easter. We have it at our home this year :-)

    Take care and have a great weekend :-)


  20. Dear Kathy, A very lovely get together!
    The tea cups are so pretty and I think their special box is the first time I have seen teacups and saucers stored this way. Very neat. Like the idea.

    Your family is sweet!

    The saying you have about enjoying life and just sitting is so right on. Taking time to see God's beauty and drink it all in is a delightful and satisfying activity for life.

    God bless and may you have a sweet Spring,

  21. What a big happy family you have! It is always so nice to see a gathering like this. Your tea cups and the table are stunning!...Christine

  22. Oh I love the butterfly tea set. I also love the photos of your animals especially the lambs. Someday if I win lottery I want to have a small farm with lambs, pygmy goats, horse bunnies, etc etc I adore animals

  23. Now that was some tea party! I know the children loved having so many guests at their party! Glad y'all always have so much fun together!

  24. Kathy, so glad you stopped by my home at the farm!! Thankyou for your kind comments,


A kind word lifts my heart,a humorous word makes the day lighter,a word of wisdom gives me perspective,thank-you for your comments. I am truly honored you have read my blog and taken time to leave a few words about it. I read all the comments, and often answer them here in the comments page.~ Thank-you ! ( Because of the enormous amount of spam from anonymous comments I have decided to not accept "anonymous" comments anymore. )