Happenings & Activities On Cedar Pond

Sunday, April 24, 2011

If He Had Stayed

If He Had Stayed
If He had stayed where tender, caring hands had put Him, Wrapped around with linen and aromatic preparations, Stayed enclosed in the cool, dark rock, to sleep on, decayed and forgotten, while eternity rolled away into forever-ness. If He had stayed imprisoned behind the Roman seal, soon to be but another set of bones added to the numberless skeletons bred of earth, If He had stayed down where tradition laid His head, done with sight, and touch, and voice; Oh Beloved ! If He had stayed...excruciating contemplation! Hopelessness behind doom ahead, no gathering here today. Yet here we are, and it can't be said without enough power, not by human voice anyway; No, imagine it ringingly proclaimed by heaven's angelic hosts... ( He didn't stay ) He is risen ! poem by Audrey Yeager
"...and if Christ has not been raised , your faith is worthless; you are dead in your sins." I Corinthians 15:17 "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,to obtain an inheritance which is imperishable..." I Peter 1:3


  1. He is Risen Indeed - blessings to all on Cedar Pond and rejoicing with you -

  2. Such joy! Happy Easter, Kathy!

  3. Oh Kathy~~Powerful message and one to be repeated again and again:)
    Thanks so much for this lovely post...

    Praise God and many blessings to you and your family!


  4. Thanks you for this wonderful post, Kathy. Happy Easter! I am rejoicing!...Christine

  5. Good post!

    Have a blessed Easter!


  6. Kathy, that is beautiful! I couldn't help but think as I read this though, how his resurrection is one thing that shows others that Jesus is the ONE; if he had stayed wouldn't he maybe be seen as another prophet, instead of as the Son of God?

    I hope that you and your precious family are having a very wonderful Easter.

    God bless,

    Kathy M.

  7. Jesus is our living HOPE! Amen. God bless you, Kathy.

  8. Alistair Begg has been preaching on this verse this past week; good preaching too! Because He is risen, our faith is alive, praise Him forever.

  9. Your Easter Blog was perfect. So wonderful to read. Isnt it nice that your hubbys mom has decided to give each great grandchild a doll. What an heirloom passed down. I hope each girl saves them for their own girls someday. Very Special.


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