Happenings & Activities On Cedar Pond

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Target ( Not TeaTime ) Tuesday

I have been away from my computer but stopped in briefly to post and see what you all have been up to. No tea cups or tea parties today. I have things to attend to and visiting grandchildren to enjoy. Above is a picture of my day with our youngest son and his wife as they kindly allowed me to try my hand at some target practice.
O.K. Mom, there is the target, stapled to a dead tree trunk.
Our daughter-in-law Breezy smiles before she...
...cleanly hits the target almost all the time.
My turn.
Did I hit it?
Maybe once or twice, but look, we killed some firewood!


  1. That looks like a pretty labour-intensive way of getting your firewood!...........but perhaps it's easier on the shoulders than chopping!

  2. I used to enjoy target shooting - plenty of aggression released through those pistols! Breezy is a doll isn't she? Good contrast - tea parties and target practice - part of being a well rounded woman.

  3. Isn't it funny that one family activity is target practice...it is the same for us. I usually leave the shooting to the guys but last Thanksgiving, everyone participated-all the nieces and nephews. Yes, we grew up with firearms!

  4. I haven't been target shooting for a long time. Isn't it fun?

  5. What a fun time, it's written all over your faces! I love shooting.

  6. Hi Kathy,

    That looks fun! What a nice day to be outside doing something different.

    Have a great week,

    Kathy M.

  7. LOL! Nice firewood though.



  8. So when you put the wood in the fire does it refire the bullet? Yea Haw ....love Karen

  9. A very handsome couple...... I know you're having a great time with family.
    Looks like a gun day!!! Poor tree....ha!

  10. Looks like maybe you found a new hobby?

  11. I don't know the first thing about shooting a gun, Kathy. I'm sure you did better than I ever could have. Nice that you could spend the time with family.

  12. Wish I were there! Where's my turkey???

  13. I do remember the days we taught the 4H children to shoot. It was really fun!
    I stopped by to say
    Congratulations, you are the winner of my giveaway the lovely collectors book of poetry Anthesis, by Muse. email me your address at ladykatherineteaparlor@gmail.com and I shall mail it to you.

  14. guns instead of tea? well, i never would have thought my kathy b could hold a gun. xplain. is it for security reasons? i am not a gun person so really have trouble understanding but i'm sure you have a good reason.

  15. Wow, that really does look fun! But I bet it was not so easy. Me, I probably would have laughed at myself for not hitting the target so well. Everyone looks happy in the photos, especially beautiful Breezy. :)

  16. "killed some firewood"...cute! I love to target practice and looks like y'all had a good time as well. I think people who are afraid of guns are people who have never bothered to learn about firearms and safety. Dave has a niece who said, "I count it as a personal achievement that I have never touched a firearm." Well, bully for her. I suppose if someone tried to harm her son, she'd just talk them to death, eh?
    Breezy is so pretty and married to such a handsome man.

  17. Oh it looks like you all were having so much fun. What a cute couple they are!


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