Happenings & Activities On Cedar Pond

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sometimes Mother's Day Hurts

Mother Hens Dora ( black) and Lucy ( red) protecting their chicks from me as I take pictures.These little tiny balls of yellow fluff are so cute,but it is easy for me to resist picking them up because as soon as I get too close to the chicks both mama hens fling themselves at me and squawk and scream , making a horrible racket. Though neither of these hens weigh more than a pound , they are scary when they attack me like that. Bantam hens are notoriously very good mamas . In Matthew and Luke Jesus compares Himself to a mother hen as He laments "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones those sent to her ! How often I have wanted to gather your children together , just as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you would not have it !" What a blessing mothers are to so many, most mothers love their children more than words can adequately express, and strive to provide the very best for their children often with self-sacrifice.Most mothers would not think twice about saving their children from danger at the risk of their own lives. These little bantam hens react instantly to perceived danger to their chicks , and almost every danger to their chicks is easily able to dispatch a tiny, angry, protective hen. We live in a fallen and imperfect world. There are mothers who are not so loving, there are many who do not have a mother in their lives. Mother's Day can be a painful reminder to many they are unable to have children of their own, or that their beloved mother is dead. Some mothers mourn the loss of children, or estrangement from the children they love more than life itself.Sometimes Mother's Day just plain hurts. God in His wisdom knows this. He can take the hurts and loss and hold you tight. He loves you and your children more than any human mother ever could. "He will cover you with His pinions, And under His wings you may seek refuge;" Ps. 91:4 "Can a woman forget her nursing child, and have compassion on the son of her womb ? Even these may forget, but I will never forget you." Isaiah 49:15 ~
"Mother : An appellation given to a woman who exercises care and tenderness towards another, or gives parental advice ; " Webster Dictionary
-Thank-you Lord for the wonderful children you blessed me with, and most importantly, they claim You as Savior ! Thank-you for the 8 grandchildren You have given me through them. You are kind and merciful beyond what I deserve. Thank-you Lord for my husband who is also an amazing father , making it possible through great sacrifice for me to be able to stay home and raise our children, a choice I will never regret. Thank-you Lord for the mother you gave me.


  1. Thank you Kathy for this Mother's Day message. It reminded me to be very thankful for my family life. I have been blessed with a wonderful husband as well and 2 extraordinary children. The best thing is that I will get to see them all today. Happy Mother's Day Kathy!

  2. Nary a chick around here, but my blessings overwhelm me! God is good and I am thankful for my children, although we are not together just today! :D Amen, sister; Amen!

  3. Amen. I have both lost a mama, and have an estranged daughter. Double pain this Mothers Day....

  4. You are truly blessed this Mother's Day, Kathy. Have a great Day....

  5. What a beautiful post, Kathy. Happy Mother's Day! Good luck on the giveaway....Christine

  6. Hi Kathy,

    I do believe that you are truly a Proverbs 31 woman. Bless you, and thank you so much for your lovely Mother's Day post. You have addressed another side of today's holiday and it is much appreciated.

    Hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day, and thanks so much for stopping by to say hello,

    Kathy M.

  7. It made me cry. I had just been thinking today about my mom and how many egg shells I had to walk on and not knowing really if anything I did ever pleased her and how very sad that is. (I do acknowledge that she was used as a vessel and the Lord reached in and grabbed me and my sisters and claimed us as HIS)...then quickly jump to today and how our 3children each made sure in their own way to remind me how much they love me. So I know I can not change the past but I can focus on today and the beautiful life full of God's blessings that I have. Even though sometimes my children wander off the right path they did ask Christ into their hearts as children and often they find their way back and that is a joyous moment. Christ loves us in a way no other can.
    Happy Mother's Day to all.

  8. Happy Mother's Day Kathy!



  9. absolutely perfect sentiments - you understand those of us unable to have children feel pain on Mother's Day - yet the Lord today has given me such a pleasant joyful day - nothing particular just the Holy Spirit giving me a gift - Happy Mother's Day Kathy -bless you friend

  10. Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day, Kathy. This was a great post.

  11. love this!! great story for mother's day! hope your day was blessed!

  12. I hope you had a blessed/wonderful mothers day!
    Beautiful post !!!

  13. Very nice post, Kathy. I hope your Mother's Day was a happy one.


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