Happenings & Activities On Cedar Pond

Friday, June 17, 2011

Saying Good-Bye To Someone Who Matters

My friend Pam has cancer, and more than a year ago was told she had until last summer to live. Well, she thoroughly enjoyed her days and made plans , and continued on taking trips, showing her miniature horses at the fair, enjoying family and friends, having tea parties . After surviving, and LIVING through the summer, she enjoyed the beautiful fall we had. The doctors told her to prepare for the end by Christmas... ...and she had a great Christmas with her husband, son and his wife, and her two grandchildren. Pam planned a trip to Europe and we fully believed she would be sending us postcards from England next week. God is taking her home to be with Him instead.Pam is amazing. Throughout this scary time she has not complained.She has enjoyed life to the fullest and the other day after visiting her in the hospital I realized what a big part of my life she has been, what an important part of my life she has been. Although we knew she was "terminal", I somehow never expected to have to say good-bye to Pam. Above is one of her horses & cart, her grandchildren and some of mine. She will be greatly missed by them, they all love her. "He has made everything appropriate in its time. He has also set eternity in their heart, yet so that man will not find out the work which God has done from the beginning until the end. I know that there is nothing better for them than to rejoice and do good in one's lifetime." Ecclesiastes 3:11,12


  1. Hugs to you Kathy as you say goodbye to a dear friend.



  2. I'm so sorry, Kathy... death is most cruel to those of us who have been left behind....
    Prayers for her family and friends- she sounds like a truly special lady.

  3. Tears in my eyes, as I cry for you and her family. Isn't it wonderful that we can rejoice that she's healed and with our Almighty God.... and you will meet again.

    She sounds like a very special lady!

    Prayers and blessings,

  4. My deepest sympathy in the loss of your friend. What a beautiful smile she had. I know you and her family/friends will miss her so. May God comfort you.

  5. I'm sorry to hear about your friend, Kathy. It sounds as if she lived a good life and was very much worth knowing.

  6. I'm sorry to read that you are saying good-bye to your dear friend, Kathy. It's hardest for those of us left behind.
    Hugs. H

  7. Pam sounds like someone I would have loved to have known and would have wanted to emulate. How blessed you are to have a good friend like that. No wonder you will miss her very much.

  8. I'm sorry Kathy, Peace be with you and Pam's family. I know Pam is in peace already. I know you will miss her and remember her fondly.

  9. So sorry to hear about your sweet friend! She sounds so lovely and spirited - definitely living life to the fullest!

  10. I don't think we can ever write down all the good things about Pam, all the special memories we have with her. What a special, generous, amazing, kind, tough, fun, incredible and inspiring lady!

  11. Sorry for your loss Kathy. It is so hard to say goodby to a dear friend. We know God will take good care of her and she lived life to its fullest right to the very end.

  12. My heart goes out to all; planning for the future and preparing for the end is an odd juxtaposition.

  13. my heart and thoughts are with you and Pam dear friend. how noble of her to be so strong. and, oh, thos ponies are so revealing of her.

  14. So very sorry. My prayers and hugs go out to you and to her family. blessings,Kathleen

  15. Oh, KAthy, I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. Only a person who has a confident trusting relationship with the Lord above can move through that journey with hope and faith and a joyful spirit. I'm sure your friend Pam was one of those people. Sending a big hug your way - I know she'll be missed...

  16. Oh Kathy, how my hurts for those who have lost Pam to cancer. Yes, I celebrate her trip to Heaven but I know we as humans suffer when those we love pass

  17. Pam sounds like a lovely person and true friend. So sorry for your families --such a difficult time. Blessings to you all and peace for your friend.

  18. I'm so sorry - I remember you mentioned this sister in Christ and trust we'll get to hear her stories in eternity. I know it leaves a big hurting space in the hearts of those blessed by her friendship and relationship with the Lord - sorry for the pain and rejoicing in having the gift of knowing her.

  19. How we all hurt with Pam's passing .She was a very brave lady.It is very hard for me to know she is gone.Always fun and happy when we were together,at sewing, the fair and just visiting.
    My love to you and her family.

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