Happenings & Activities On Cedar Pond

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Decades Of Love ! Happy Anniversary Jim ~

I have been married to the man of my dreams for almost 4 decades. I have known him that long. We were high school sweethearts, and married while we were both in college and working part time jobs to support ourselves. My beloved was still going to college and working two jobs when our first born , our daughter Autumn , joined our family. Shortly thereafter our two sons were born and we were still working part-time jobs , my husband was still attending his college classes. I am amazed when I look back on our lives to see how hard my husband worked for us ( often 2 jobs at a time), and still took time to play with our children, help me out with the children, keep up our home, and enjoy many simple yet rewarding family times, the times that count in the grand scheme of things that matter. My husband also made sure we were at church every Sunday morning, often helping out at church too.He supported our homeschooling the children in a time when home-schooling was unheard of and friends and family were not so supportive. Without the quiet strength and love of my husband, my beloved, I do not think we would have fared as well and God was so kind and gracious to me to give me my Jim. Happy anniversary Jim, I love you.~ ~" For this cause a man shall leave his father and mother , and shall cleave unto his own wife; and the two shall become one flesh..." Ephesians 5:31


  1. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY WISHES! May God continue to bless you both.

  2. Aw...Happy Anniversary! What a beautiful love story you have!

  3. That is a wonderful picture and you look beautiful. I hope you had a special celebration, and many more to come. He sounds like an amazing husband. Congratulations..

  4. Happy Anniversary to a very handsome couple. I love the picture, Kathy you are so beautiful, and Jim so handsome!!!

    Your example of true Christian love and living is such an example to pass on to everyone who knows you!

    Your love story is beautiful!!!

  5. Happy Anniversary to you both. It is so wonderful to hear such a good testimony about one's husband. Yall have made some good decisions together no doubt due to your God-centered life. I want to wish you many, many more of the same.

  6. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! 40 years is something to be proud about! You are both so blessed to have each other! Also, loved the little kitten on your weaving in your previous post!

  7. Happy anniversary!!!
    You look so lovely on the photo! (I mean both of you :o))
    I am so glad that I've found your blog and we've "met" :o)!!!

  8. Aww that is so nice! Happy Anniversary.

  9. Happy Anniversary, Kathy and husband! We are right behind you, coming up to 38 years in October. I'm grateful to have 'met' you, as I believe that one of the best things for a good marriage is other good marriages - even in cyberspace!
    ...and what a beautiful photo!

  10. Happy Anniversary from Us both! You are two very special people and we hope you have another great year together! Loves!

  11. Just beautiful. Happy Anniversary and God Bless!

  12. What a beautiful testimony of true covenant love! You both are so blessed and you are a true inspiration!

  13. what a beautiful story. the photograph of you two all dressed up is amazing. jim so handsome and you so pretty. you have both been blessed by each other. i just look at the results and know that GOD has been by your side all the way.

  14. And you wouldn't have as many objects to search for every day. =) You're a great example of what marriage should be.

  15. Happy Anniversary to you both, Kathy! What a sweet post and wonderful story. :-)

  16. Lots of people have decades" of love, but few of us have decades of love to one person. That is truly being dedicated to the vows we made to each other and before God.

  17. Jim and Kathy, Happy Anniversary, you two! God has truly blessed your marriage and your children. You have such a lovely family. "all because two people fell in love" AND because your lives were lived for the Lord. I applaud you both for your commitment! Have a happy time together!

  18. Happy Anniversary! What a great picture of the two of you~ lovely testimony. Blessings to you both.

  19. Happy Anniversary! If I was Delilah, I would sing it three times!
    What a beautiful tribute--you are so blessed!

  20. Happy belated anniversary!



  21. Happy Anniversary!! A sweet testimony in the face of today's self centered (short lived!) marriages. Refreshing!! :-) Praying for many more happy years to come!!

  22. Happy Anniversary. What a wonderful man you married but I am sure you are just as wonderful making you a perfect pair....Christine

  23. happy anniversary and thank you for
    the touching testimony. four decades
    with the same man is an amazing feat
    these days.

    we are a few years behind you, but my
    husband and i have the same story.
    aren't we blessed?

    i am also glad to know you and i are
    kindred readers.

  24. Happy Anniversary, Kathy and Jim; may God continue to shower His grace and blessings upon your lives!

  25. Congratulations, Kathy and Jim. I'd say that you both did an excellent job of choosing.


A kind word lifts my heart,a humorous word makes the day lighter,a word of wisdom gives me perspective,thank-you for your comments. I am truly honored you have read my blog and taken time to leave a few words about it. I read all the comments, and often answer them here in the comments page.~ Thank-you ! ( Because of the enormous amount of spam from anonymous comments I have decided to not accept "anonymous" comments anymore. )