Happenings & Activities On Cedar Pond

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Summer Weaving

The warp (fiber I thread my loom with ) threads are chosen,
with help from the granddaughters' kitten.
The loom is threaded and I begin weaving rugs, using wool roving, which is long , continuous strands of carded wool from my sheep .
Weaving is for me a peaceful pursuit when I have successfully threaded the loom and am happy with the end result. I was able to produce 4 rugs from this warp and am looking forward to again threading the loom in different warp colors. Each time I weave I learn so much more about the craft, and the process causes me to think about life in general as I throw the shuttle back & forth, back & forth. " My days are swifter than a weaver's shuttle." Job 7:6


  1. Sweet Summer blessings to you!
    Hi Kathy! That's a cute kitty!!! The kind I just want to pet and talk to. I bet kitty is very playful....i love this about kittens!

    Lovely pink color for weaving. You are so talented. The weaving is gorgeous. Do you have to dry clean the rugs, just shake them or can they be washed in the machine?


  2. The pink and black make a lovely combination.
    Reading this reminds me that I want to pay attention to the Fair schedule this year, with the possibility of making it if you're there with your sheep.

  3. That's the cutest kitten....fat too.

    Your weaving is so beautiful, and such pretty colors. You're so creative and accomplish so much........ plus having so many good times with your grandchildren.

  4. Kitten is a charmer - the whole concept of weaving sounds magical to me - the colors and precision - using wool from your own animals to create something of beauty and utility - most mimpressive.

  5. Beautiful rugs, Kathy! BTW, did you receive the bookmark poem I sent you "The Weaver"? This post made me think of it.

  6. Turned out beautiful...I love the red thread.

  7. Kathy, this is so cool. I have been thinking about weaving, and have regretted giving away my small loom years ago. Your post is very inspiring. How many hours do you think that you have into making those 4 rugs? Do you sell them? They are gorgeous. You sure are a Proverbs 31 woman!

    Have a wonderful week,

    Kathy M.

  8. Your weaving is beautiful, Kathy. You are very talented. :-)

  9. Very nice!



  10. What a sweet kitty and your weaving is beautiful, Kathy. You are so very talented and we treasure the hand woven runner we have from you.
    Do any of the granddaughters have an interest in weaving?

  11. It was so good to hear from you today on my blog. Thank you!!!! I was just here yesterday and tried to leave a comment, but was having computer troubles. I am just amazed at your weaving and love the colors, etc. Of course, watching Kitten help you out was sooooo cute. I read what "Pondside" said, and am I understanding that you are spinning your own wool for this????? How neat is that!!!

    And yes, how can I not count each day as a gift from God???? I thank you for walking with me through those dark days. My doctor calls it all "amazing." I call it the Hand of God! Thank you again!


A kind word lifts my heart,a humorous word makes the day lighter,a word of wisdom gives me perspective,thank-you for your comments. I am truly honored you have read my blog and taken time to leave a few words about it. I read all the comments, and often answer them here in the comments page.~ Thank-you ! ( Because of the enormous amount of spam from anonymous comments I have decided to not accept "anonymous" comments anymore. )