Happenings & Activities On Cedar Pond

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

She Chose This Teacup ~ O Happy Day !

She chose this teacup. I laid out the teacups and the pot of peppermint tea and told her to choose her teacup. This delicate pink and white teacup is very simple, and I believe, elegant. I found it at a thrift store for $5.00. My granddaughter and I had the whole day to ourselves, and what a sweetly happy day it was. This 4th of 6 granddaughters is a very happy little girl and she brings her big smile and happiness with her. She is quick to cuddle her grandma and share whatever is going on in her life. We spent the day at a few places that especially please her, but her favorite place besides her own home is MY home!
The simplicity of this Royal Stafford bone china teacup appeals to me. The inside of the cup and part of the saucer is a very pale pink , the photograph does not do it justice.
My granddaughter and I drank a total of 3 pots of peppermint tea. She likes a lot of sugar in her tea and I think she also likes the sound of the tiny silver spoon clinking against the china as she stirs the sugar in. I put a program on T.V. for her to watch as she snuggled on the sofa and sipped her tea. It was raining outside, we were warm and happy inside. " Pleasure is spread through the earth In stray gifts to be claimed by whoever shall find." William Wordsworth
"If you are not happy here & now, you never will be." Taisen Deshimaru "What a wonderful life I've had ! I only wish I'd realized it sooner." Colette
"If you search the world for happiness, you may find it in the end, for the world is round and will lead you back to your door." Robert Brault Surely you all know someone to share a cup of tea and a smile with. Maybe someone who can use a word of encouragement with their tea, or someone who'll encourage you. A friendly cup of tea is so simple, yet offers more to the soul than words can express. Share a cup of tea with the ladies listed below and take away some good cheer , maybe a recipe or two, an idea for your own tea time with a loved one. Remember, no matter your circumstance, you are blessed ! I know one of my great blessings, a blessing often taken for granted, is having an abundance of very precious people in my life to share a cup of tea or coffee with. People who share their lives generously with me, people who take time to be uplifting and encouraging.God is so good to me. Are there special people in your life you can encourage? Are there special people in your life who encourage you? Praise God for them all ! "Every now and then, when the world sits just right, a gentle breath of heaven fills my soul with delight..." Hazelmarie 'Mattie' Elliot


  1. What a pretty granddaughter. I love her long hair. That's a lovely cup she chose to have her peppermint tea in. Sounds like you two had a wonderful day together. God bless you and your family, Kathy.

  2. I popped over from Wanda's blog. Your post made me smile as my grand-daughter is only 18 months and I can't wait to introduce her to tea and tea-cups. I have been collecting some tiny ones for her to have a tea-party some day. Lovely post. Deb=^..^=x4 Canada

  3. Lovely little lady with her pretty cup of tea...what memories you are creating in her little heart.
    Thank you for sharing the beauty of your day XXOO
    Shirley in Virginia

  4. you always encourage me! Your grandchildren are SUCH a breath of fresh air in a world of stale!

  5. A most precious post. I am eager, now, for my one little grandbaby, Mackenzie, to be old enough to share tea with! Oh- how blessed I shall be, too, when she spends a day with her Nana and gets to choose her cup!

    Just turned, one, I'm afraid - a few more years to wait . . .


  6. The joy that you and your grandchildren take on each other is lovely to see. Your granddaughter chose a lovely cup! I have it in the same pale pink and also in yellow. I love the shape, and the fact that it is a generous size.

  7. Dear Kathy,
    What an adorable little girl your granddaughter is. She looks so cute sipping her tea from the pink cup. Special times and making memories! I enjoyed all the sentiment too. Thank you so much for sharing your lovely tea with us today. Wishing you a delightful week.


  8. Hi there, thank you for your visit, and comment. This looks like a wonderful day with such a cutie of a grand daughter! She will remember these times with you always I am sure. (As far as Mrs. B's comment, I can only tell you what I told her...by saying it is the only way just means, we believe that the Lord's "fullness of the gospel" has been restored. You can go to (lds.org) or go to some of the sites on my side bar and get answers to any question you might have. Thanks again for your comment) :D

  9. Hey Kathy. She is such a pretty little lady and has such a sweet smile. looks like you two ladies have been doing manicures, too! I know you enjoy that time with her! Pretty pink cup, too! HOpe someday that I am close enough to my grandkids to able to spend such good times with them!

  10. Yep, she looks pretty happy. Her favorite place to hang out! Thanks for still being around for our kids to enjoy!

  11. What beautiful memories you're making, Kathy; they will warm many a cold time to come...for both of you.

  12. Hello there lovely Kathy,

    My oh my, but you are a most blessed to have such a precious and very sweet and pretty little granddaughter,(among several other dear grandchildren)!

    What a cozy and charming, blessed day you spent together with the rain falling outside and the two of you,all cozy and warm inside!

    What a lovely and inspiring tea post! So thought provoking in a good way and most heartwarming as well. Thanks so much for sharing this lovely time with us.

    The peppermint tea sounds refreshingly yummy and the white cup is just perfect!.., I chuckled when you mentioned that you think perhaps your dear little granddaughter likes 'the sound of the teaspoon tinkling against the teacup' just as much as the addition of the sugar to her tea. Or perhaps that is moreso the reason why; just to hear the 'silvery' tinkling' sound.

    ..,I must admit that is precisely why I started, and continue with some teas to use sugar tongs and silver teaspoons with my tea!.., Wink!

    Thanks also so very much for joining us for Tea.~ We always love having you partake!

    Hugs, Wanda Lee

  13. Lovely Cup and Saucer! So pretty. Lovely Granddaughter....precious!!!

    Special time together.
    God bless,

  14. I love this post.....it warms my heart seeing your precious (beautiful too) granddaughter relaxing with her cup of tea.
    I admire you so much, you take the time and spend these special times enjoying life and making memories together?

    I've never had peppermint tea...I must try it.

  15. Lovely post. It is always wonderful to share a cup of tea with a special someone. Your grand daughter is a cutie. Love the cup. There is a certain elegance in simplicity! Love your yarn, too!

  16. Oh you are such an amazing Gramma I love the cup but I especially love theses stories of you Grandchildren and you. B

  17. Your little tea drinkin' buddy is just a beautiful precious princess.

    Tea for two...just Grandma and me...life just doesn't get any better. Your makin' memories sweetie!!!

    God bless ya and have yourself a remarkable day!!! :o)

  18. What a fun day of sweet memories and tea! blessings,Kathleen

  19. She is so beautiful and serene! What a special day for the two of you.

  20. Your granddaughter has such a beautiful, sweet smile. What a wonderful time to treasure with her and to make great memories for you both. :)

  21. A lovely cup for a lovely granddaughter! Oh, and peppermint Tea!! What fun!

  22. dearest kathy: YES, we are moving.
    we had first thought of buying while interest rates are still low but the prices here in california are still prohibitive, especially where we live which is close to the beach. so we will wait and enjoy a lovely home we found for rent in ventura.

    thank you as always for always stopping by. if you and the bee keeper ever come this way, there is plenty of room for you to stay at our home.
    blessings, constanza


A kind word lifts my heart,a humorous word makes the day lighter,a word of wisdom gives me perspective,thank-you for your comments. I am truly honored you have read my blog and taken time to leave a few words about it. I read all the comments, and often answer them here in the comments page.~ Thank-you ! ( Because of the enormous amount of spam from anonymous comments I have decided to not accept "anonymous" comments anymore. )