Happenings & Activities On Cedar Pond

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Freya Gives Birth to Twin Lambs ~ Part 2

Freya has successfully given birth to her second ram (male) lamb and now she finishes cleaning them of afterbirth and tending them. Freya is a very good mama. I still have her grown twin ewes and they too are good and fierce mamas. Freya is an Icelandic sheep and exhibits the qualities appreciated in 'leader sheep'. I have been told her line possesses leader sheep and if you do any research into the character qualities of leader sheep it is easy to see Freya does indeed qualify. (Sometimes her abilities and determination make her a very hard sheep to contain !)


  1. Always heartwarming! I just love seeing those little tales wagging. :)

  2. HOW SWEET:) Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

  3. We were just at the State Fair where they had newborn sheep and goats. You had two new ones. That is so great.

  4. Oh, sweeties! Congrats on the new additions.

  5. How sweet. I enjoyed the video so much as I never get to see new born babies. Thank you.

  6. Wow the black one not even all the way cleaned up and he’s going for his first meal! They are really bigger than I’d thought. I still have my Gulf Coast Native Sheep!! I hope this posts I’ve tried so many times to post! This is Lady K from Lady Katherine Tea Parlor! I’m guessing your grandchildren have grown up as mine have. Still can have tea parties.

  7. Yay it published! Been thinking of u often! Hope all is well on Cedar Pond

  8. Hi Kathy - for some reason, I don't have you e-address or else have it but can't distinguish from the other Kathy's. You've been missed; wanted you to know you and yours are often in my thoughts and prayers.
    Sandra at Thistle Cove Farm

  9. Hello Kathy,
    I am trying to visit and say hello to blogging friends that used to post regularly. So much has changed.....people have moved to facebook and then the virus. I hope this finds you doing well . I still have the little sheep you made. I love them,
    blessings, Kathleen


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