Happenings & Activities On Cedar Pond

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Blessings Of A Good Dog Or Two

"Any woman who does not thoroughly enjoy tramping across the country on a clear frosty morning with a good gun and a pair of dogs does not know how to enjoy life." Annie Oakley
The top photo is of me and 2 of my beloved Labrador Retrievers.These two are sisters. They are from different litters though and the dog in the first photo, the one trying to climb into my lap, is Willow. She is 2 years older than Beatrix who is behaving herself at my feet. Do you know how hard it is to get a good photo of yourself with your dogs? My daughter was patient, and the dogs were both so excited to see the children, run around, try to get in my lap...and I love them. The sisters are perfect companions around here on Cedar Pond. They are from the last 2 litters of purebred Labrador Retrievers we bred. I miss having puppies around, but not too much. It is hard work to properly raise and socialize puppies. Then there is the emotional toll of selling them, and there is ALWAYS one puppy that steals my heart and I miss forever more (* Peppi). I do have two little heart- breakers here in the photos...although my husband did mention to me they both seem to be in need of a reduction in the amount of food they are eating, and looking at these photos I agree!
The Annie Oakley quote above is so true, although I do not trek with a gun, I do love to take long walks on frosty days, well, any days, with my husband ~ and my dogs at my side. I love to take the dogs camping with us, and we have taken at least one dog on many a trip and been very happy we did. "We give them the love we can spare. In return dogs have given us their absolute all. It is without a doubt the best deal man has ever made." Roger Caras
"The one best place to bury a good dog is in the heart of his master." Ben Hur Lampman


  1. Your Labradors look so lovely! They are very smart, too :o)! We have Belgian Sheperd Tervuren dog, he is 14 years now, but still so faithful...

  2. Your dogs are both beautiful Kathy! I would love a walk on a frosty morn thru the woods.

  3. Such a wonderful picture of you and your dogs Kathy. They are great company and fill our days with joy, don't they? Have a great day.

  4. Good morning, Kathy.

    I have way too many dogs. 2 at the barn, one of them I truly love. He is a happy one that watches over the cats. Seriously. He and the cats share in a dog house. The other dog, well, he guards the goats, and he isn't "normal." Ha!

    The 3 dogs that we have up at the house are boxers. They have settled at 5 and 6 years old. We raised a couple of litters. I, too, have a difficult time releasing my heart to sell a puppy. I am better off without that tug.

    Dogs...constant friends...always wanting to please.

    Your walks sound wonderful. And I am listening. I need to take regular walks too.

    Have a blessed day.

  5. Beautiful dogs, Kathy. Our beloved chocolate lab, Jake, was killed by a car back in the summer. We miss him SO much. A kinder, gentler soul you've never met before. We'll be getting another or two, but in a bit. We're not quite ready yet...

  6. They are beautiful! Such wonderful companions!

  7. I love the picture of you with your buddies. The three of you were made for each other.

  8. Hi there!
    These are great pics of you with your beloved pets. They are sweet.
    We have 4 Airdale Terriors and they are my husband's buddies.
    I wish we had more ground around for them to run about!
    God bless you and may you have a wonderful November,
    d from homehaven

  9. Great photos and yes, I do know how difficult it is to get dogs photographed. Dang near impossible.
    I've got several guns I enjoy; my favorite is a Marlin 30/30 lever action...great gun.

  10. I love going for walks with our dogs. They are so fun to watch frolic through the fields. It always brings a smile to my face. Your dogs are lovely! The pictures are great.

  11. They are beautiful dogs and wonderful companions I'm sure. We need dogs over here!

  12. You are a woman of my heart! Me too...I love my dogs and we do walk everyday together..3 miles. They are the best walking companions in the world because there is no gossip going on! Ha ha! Your dogs are really beautiful, give them a hug for me! Come say hi :D

  13. Timi, Belgian Tervurens are very smart dogs. They are known for being very loyal too...what is his name?

    Susie, thank-you.

    Mildred, my dogs and cats are good company. They do fill my days with joy...most of the time!

    Mary, you sound like me. I have way too many dogs. 2 of our dogs are outdoor dogs..they just have never been comfortable in the house, and we have 4 house dogs. As nature takes it toll on the dogs in advancing years I do not think I will ever have more than 2 dogs at a time, but I always want dogs. If we have puppies here again it is because we have brought one home from somewhere else, to stay!

    Vickie, same breed of dog as ours, just a different color. I love chocolate Labs,most Labs are great dogs once they get past the first year or so of puppy-hood.Will you be getting another Lab?

    Nancy M. & Mary, thank-you!

    Deanna, FOUR Airedales? That is a lot of wire-hair! Would you show us a picture of them in your blog? Please?

    Sandra ( Thistle Cove) Now I can picture you toting your gun as you walk your fields with your dogs!You and Annie Oakley..

    Kenleigh Acres, your dogs don't run, they fly like gazelles!I love your blog posts about your dogs and your get-togethers with others for 'luring'.

    Noble Pig, you do need a dog or two, now that you have so much property to roam. Your boys need dogs..my husband and I also took our Viszla on a tour in your area and we noticed most hotels / motels are very dog friendly, as were most places we visited. ( our dog was well-behaved )

    Julie, how can one not have dogs when there are so many children and grandchildren to enjoy them?Plus, I like having them around. They are snoring at my feet right now.

    centenniel, it is! Thank-you.

  14. Kathy, those pictures may have been hard to get, but they turned out very well. I would enjoy walking with these lovely animals too. :)

  15. I enjoyed hearing about your canine companions, Kathy. Loved the pictures- you are such a pretty lady!


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