Happenings & Activities On Cedar Pond

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Miss Marple's At It Again!

My friend Kathleen crocheted me 5, yes FIVE little bears using some of my hand-spun Jacob Sheep wool. Do you see 5 bears here? I had a lot of work to get done today and as I was breezing through the house I spotted a ribbon on the dining room floor. It is the ribbon laying aside the bowl of bears. What the...? There is a white bear missing. No one home but me and...hey! MISS MARPLE!!!!! I looked everywhere for the bear but could not find it. I looked under all the furniture , in baskets of wool and yarn and no little bear. I did find some other things Miss Marple has hidden away. I found one of my felted balls and the big plastic spider under our bed. She carried the ball upstairs!I also found a missing sock she had hidden too, and a lot of dust bunnies. No bear. So later on this evening I decided to sweep and dust mop and lo, there it was! It was wrapped in the folds of a tablecloth , and although I had looked there, it must have been folded away very well but the little stinker Miss Marple had obviously come back for her prey and uncovered it for there was a little white leg sticking out as a give-away. I propped it up here in the spot I found it for you to see. Then as I was putting away the dust mop... ....Miss Marple was back, in a flash! I snapped her picture and rescued the only slightly damaged bear.So~ my yarn, my wee little sheep, wool felted balls, plastic bugs and teddy bears are not safe with her around. But neither is vermin, so I'll keep her.
Besides, I love her.


  1. That Miss Marple! Funny that she is always moving and hiding things. She sure is a beauty and I know you love her dearly.

  2. Yes, that is true love, for sure!

  3. Can't blame you for keeping her, she is so cute. Sounds like a good kitty to have even if she does like to hide things from you.

    Our little Mr. Man will be back today from seeing the vet. It's good to know he won't be helping make any little "Mr. Mans" in the future.

  4. I love cats for reasons like this! And just look, she gave you a treasure hunt right there in the middle of your day..how fun is that?!
    Come say hi :D

  5. Think of how interesting she makes your life :-)I love to hear about her capers and I just love her name.

  6. You almost make me want another cat. I'll just enjoy yours:)

  7. The giggles brought tears to my eyes. Ms. Marple wants that bear!

  8. Yeah, she's a nice big cat. One that could give a bald eagle a tough time. We need a BIG cat.
    I can't believe Kathleen can crochet those bears so fast.

  9. Must of been the one I hid the catnip in Ü

  10. A.Joy, she just might take on an eagle, but I think they know better...and teddy bears don't have talons.

    Anonymous, did you really hide catnip in the little bear?

    I had to hide the bears for now because Miss Marple will not leave them alone.

  11. Look at that face! How could you not love her? Kathy, I got a good laugh from your lost bear adventure. Miss Marple likes to keep you busy, I think. :D

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Well, now that I have been filled in on the neighborhood news from one of my daughters, I will only say that yes, Miss Marple is a wonderful cat. (sorry that I had to deleat my earlier comment, no one tells me anything around here)

  14. She's beautiful! She just wanted to play with your present too!

  15. No, I didn't really put catnip in the bears - that would really be asking for trouble, darn cats Ü
    - maybe I should make Miss Marple her own little bear? Or a mouse?


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