Happenings & Activities On Cedar Pond

Monday, November 30, 2009

Death Of Local Law Enforcement Officers~ Senseless Murder

I had a different post in mind for today but when my husband and I turned on the news tonight we were horrified to see that 4 of our local law enforcement officers were gunned down, murdered, in a coffee shop not so very far away from us. Four people who have been in Law Enforcement for quite a few years. They were having coffee as they were about to start their work day, protecting the community. I was struck by the fact that all have families, and children they love, and who love them. They probably had a great and filling Thanksgiving meal just a few days ago...never dreaming it would be their last Thanksgiving here on earth with those they love. They were probably thinking about Christmas celebrations, what presents to buy, maybe even how they were going to come up with the money to purchase just that right gift for their loved ones. They probably kissed a loved one good bye and said they would see them later...then off to have coffee with fellow officers and discuss the coming work day. We all are most likely the same. The soldier at home, or even in the field ..the father or mother who drives off for work or every day errands, never doubting they will come back home to do the dishes and laundry, or mow the lawn...have the wife nag ( just a little ) for that one chore to be done, yeah, yeah. And we forget we are mortal. A few moments of violence or an accident can so suddenly remove us from the world of the living into eternity. Are we ready? My sincere and heart felt sympathies to the families of Officers Mark Renninger, Tina Griswold,Ronald Owen,and Greg Richards. To see in the news, the vehicles bearing away the bodies of these Law Enforcement Officers, and the long lines of fellow officers and the community standing silently by, saluting and shedding tears as the vehicles drove by , was somehow even more heart-breaking. This video is longer than I like to post, but seemed so appropriate. "The Lord is close to the broken-hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." Psalm 34:18 & " He will swallow up death in victory, and the Lord God will wipe away tears from all faces." Isaiah 25:8


  1. I am so sad for the families of these valiant officers. So much heartache and lives changed forever. Oddly, yesterday was the one yr. anniv. of mother's hospice chaplain being murdered by someone he stopped to help. Unimaginable pain for so many. My prayers are with them all.

  2. Kathy and Jim - wonderful post - when my Dad was in the service my Mom had a rule not to let him leave for work on "a sour word" - I've tried to do the same. We truly never know when our time on earth is done. Peace to the families although in a murder - hard to calm the emotional storms.

  3. Mildred, I remember your post about this tragedy, and the trial and outcome of the murder of this beloved Pastor. It seems such a short distance between self-interest and violence leading to murder to get it doesn't it?

    LindaSue, your mother sounds wise in what matters , and I have often thought about our really not knowing when our time is up and how leaving loved ones not knowing we love them and some very important things left unfinished and unsaid can not be in the best interests of those we leave behind. Thank-you for your comment.

  4. I saw this yesterday and thought how horrible. I can't imagine how terrible your community must be feeling let alone the rest of the nation.

    I will be keeping these families in my prayers.

  5. Dear One,
    I did see this aweful news on television.

    May God comfort their families and the community.

  6. The families and community are in my prayers.
    Ecclesiastes 8:11 says
    "Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil."
    How true and when, if then, will we ever learn?!

  7. We watched this on the news, shocked at such a horrible thing to happen. My prayers are with all who knew them. blessings,Kathleen

  8. Yes, Kathy, we've been watching these events on TV. So sad, so senseless. We just never know when our time is up. We must always be at the ready to meet our Maker. I'm very sorry for your community and my prayers are with these families.

  9. When I heard this news yesterday, I was devestated. My son in law is presently in law enforcement and my daughter had been. These individuals seeem to be targeted because of who they are. I do not understand why so many people have such hate for people who choose to serve and protect others.
    I am glad that they have found the suspect. It will be interesting to hear the "why".
    Thank you for visiting and commenting on my Christmas post. I do love Christmas (I refuse to say Holiday season). We decorate and cook. Even when the kids were little they recieved 3 presents from Santa - the same number of gifts the wisemen gave for Baby Jesus. Very little shopping now AND never Black Friday shopping:-)

  10. I didn't hear about this tragedy until this morning Kathy and it broke my heart, but to know it hit so "close to home" for you is even more terrible... it's sad any time of the year, but when things like this happen around the holidays, it's even more sad. My thoughts and prayers are with their families... makes me want to hug my loved ones a little tighter, you know?

  11. What a tragic event. It is so important to remember that we are not mortal and that we should always tell the ones we love just how much they mean to us. We will keep all of these families in our thoughts and prayers.

  12. So much lawlessness....and for what? Their families have to be sick, and devastated so. I need to pray for them, and forget my own seemingly insignificant troubles. How great is our God...He cares and we can all turn to him in times like this and lift these families and that community up in prayer. Thanks for the tribute...

  13. I will never understand how people get to the point where they can take a life of another. When even one life is taken so many are affected. Such a tragedy. God bless the loved ones.

  14. We share your horror. Another needless senseless tragedy wrought by a hardened killer.

  15. The more I am learning about the killer , the more outraged I am that he is even loose among the general public...and lest everyone believe the media blaming Huckabee, well, it seems Pierce County , WA, my home county dropped the ball pretty big too, they have had ample opportunities and legal reasons to have had him behind bars but allowed him to make bail! The blame game has begun , the murderer is still on the run apparently getting a lot of help from friends and family which begs the question...what is wrong with these people? The killer even raped his 12 year old stepdaughter...and to think these people are raising more children to what end?

    Meanwhile, 4 local law enforcement officers are dead leaving families behind to mourn, and live without them.

  16. sad times we live in and so close to home. some very near where I was born...and my father was born and his father.

    Your other post makes me wish I was a kid again....

    Kathy I have been working very hard on an article for TheColumnists.com letting the public know what has happened to David all these years after the one titled, The Innocent Face of Tragedy and I haven't been on my blog at all. I won't be long until I'm done



A kind word lifts my heart,a humorous word makes the day lighter,a word of wisdom gives me perspective,thank-you for your comments. I am truly honored you have read my blog and taken time to leave a few words about it. I read all the comments, and often answer them here in the comments page.~ Thank-you ! ( Because of the enormous amount of spam from anonymous comments I have decided to not accept "anonymous" comments anymore. )