Happenings & Activities On Cedar Pond

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thanksgiving~Already A Memory?

The table is set with my favorite Blue Danube China and the children's place cards this year are snowmen with leaf beads and ribbon around their necks, sitting on a leaf. Why? Well, we will probably not see the grandchildren who live on the other side of the mountains until after Christmas , and it has already snowed there, so I decided to give them their traditional Christmas ornament from us as a place card to take home and put on their Christmas tree. Each snowman has the name of the child receiving it and the year it was received written on the bottom. I scattered the fabric leaves around the table and hung blue glass ornaments from the dining room light to tie in the color and theme...plus, it was pretty. ( to me , anyway)
Our oldest granddaughter and her sister, our 3rd granddaughter do a "Vanna White" to point out the table setting!
We roasted AND fried turkey. 2 turkeys for the crowd around our table .Here in the garage our oldest son and my husband discuss the world situation and other matters as they tend to the serious business of the turkey being fried .
My dear husband sits at the head of the table, so very thankful to have all our grown children and their families here with us this Thanksgiving. I think he looks very, very, VERY happy.
One side of the table....
Another side of the table....
A better shot of some happy eaters....and not shown are the two oldest grandchildren who had their own little eating nook very close-by, with their own china plates and little snowmen place-cards.
Later we walked next door to my husband's youngest sister's home to see even MORE of the family and snap a picture of my husband's parents with a few of their great-grandchildren! ( 8 of the little ones are our grandchildren) Alice of Wobegone Cottage, we got to see some of your grandchildren!
Thanksgiving:"A public celebration with religious services in recognition of divine mercies; a day set apart for such celebration." Funk & Wagnalls Dictionary
"Act of giving thanks,the expression of gratitude." Funk & Wagnalls Dictionary "Surely the righteous will give thanks to THY NAME." PSALM 140:13


  1. Kathy, I am so happy for you that you had all your family about you on this Thanksgiving. The 'vanna' girls looked very excited about the table, which I believe was very beautiful. Yes, your husband does look happy and he has one of his biggest fans sitting to his right, I believe:)Is that Marine still sporting a service haircut?Those little snowmen were a wonderful idea. A memory to take home and keep for a lifetime.
    Thanks for your comment on my blog; good to hear from you.

  2. Debbie, thank-you! The Vanna gals were very happy and wanted to stay here...but I don't think they realize that if they lived here there would be a lot of every day chores. Thus far they LOVE cleaning out pens and egg-gathering.
    Yes, I guess the saying is true, "Once a Marine, always a Marine". He is sporting the haircut with a growing beard. Signs of his changing life..he really misses the Marine Corps, always intended to stay in for many years, still loves it. But, his daughters come first and he really gave up one of his loves for his true love....his family.

  3. Beautiful, happy pictures of all of you together - truly a Thanksgiving. I noticed right away that Little T is seated next to Poppa too! I have recently started following Alice's blog and I know she is thrilled to see this photo of the whole group together. I love the snowmen and I hope years from now some of these grands will be blogging about their memory of the day they received them!

  4. Now that looks like a great Thanksgiving - we join you in giving thanks for your whole beautiful family. The grandkids are just growing like crazy! Wonderful memory maker - you and Jim really are special grandparents.

  5. What a lovely Thanksgiving gathering, Kathy. So wonderful for you to be all together. I love the table setting, and the take home snowmen place cards is a really fun idea. I bet the grandchildren loved them.

  6. Kathy, what a wonderful day it must have been for all of you. Your pictures have captured some beautiful memories for the youngest in your family. Santa looks very content. I suspect Mrs. Claus was too.

  7. Looking through your post bring such a warm feeling in my heart! You really know how to celebrate and make a memory! The snowmen are a perfect reminder of the season and snow!
    I had to chuckle when I saw your table. I have the same glasses only in red and your dishes are the exact set I gave our daughter when she married.

  8. Kathy, such a beautiful setting and gathering. Personalized for the children (the Vanna's). Wonderful memories.

    I have to click when I am back at my other computer to read what Santa does for the rest of the year.

  9. What lovely pictures, gorgeous food and table decorations. All seems very well with the world at your home last Thursday. Congratulations on your lovely family.
    Blessings, Star

  10. Thanks for taking a picture of the kids. They do get to come for Christmas this year and Paul and I are having a hard time not spoiling them too much. I just love it when Alyssa says this is the best time she has ever had. It sure is nice when your whole family is together I am very glad for you.

  11. Wonderful family pictures and memories, Kathy. Your hubby does look proud and happy & I know your face reflects the same!

    I love those Blue Danube dishes. My MIL had those and I will get them all - place settings for 16! And all the serving pieces. They are beautiful. I love your little snowmen place cards! Cute idea for the "littles".

  12. Mildred, yes, Little T was as happy as happy can be...all was right in her world these past few days!

    LindaSue,Thank-you very much. Yes, the girls and the boys are growing too quickly, I can hardly lift or hold most of them now, but they are so much fun to talk too!

    Daisy, thanks! Yes, they did seem pleased they each had their own snowman to take home.

    Mary, Mrs. Claus was very content, and full of love and good food.

    Flower, sounds like you have very good taste in dishes..and so does your daughter.And thank-you.

    Mary, yes, the Vanna's were a lot of fun and wanted to help, help, help!

    Star, thank-you so much. We truly did count all this time as a blessing we do NOT take for granted anymore.

    Alice ( Wobegon Cottage) I have some better pictures of your kids and grandkids, will e-mail them to you...but it was a blessing to see them for a short time, and they all look happy and healthy and beautiful!

    Vickie, maybe you will post pictures of your Blue Danube set at one of your dinners...I never tire of pictures of blue and white dishes and themes. And thank-you very much!

  13. It looks like your family had a wonderful time, Kathy!! ANd the table you set was just gorgeous- I love the blue in your dishes and glasses!

  14. What a beautiful celebration you had! So much love to go around!!


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