Happenings & Activities On Cedar Pond

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Just Crafty, Or- What to Do With An Old Sweater

I had this pink angora / lambs wool sweater I had not worn for quite awhile. There was nothing wrong with it, I just did not wear it anymore. Since I have been learning a lot about wool, felting, and the amazing character of wool which allows for so many creative options I decided to offer my granddaughter the chance to create her own sweater. She is much , much smaller than I so I washed this sweater in a hot wash / cold rinse in the washing machine TWICE! There was the chance it would shrink to a teeny size and then it could be a doll sweater, but it did not shrink too much. I got out a selection of pretty and colorful buttons and trim, needles and thread, and invited her over. She seemed delighted. She chose her buttons and also turned up the cuffs and placed tiny daisy buttons on them. I think she showed restraint with embellishments. I also think the sweater looks much better on her than it did on me.
Then she asked if she could go outside and rake leaves! And she did.
How did my bazaar go you might, or might NOT ask? Well I will tell you, I think it was great! I sold quite a few of my wool felted balls. ( above) I sold several miscellaneous items, weaving, locker-hooking supplies, fiber.
I sold some of my hand~spun yarn.
And I sold a LOT of these!
We did get off to a rough start because the first morning of the bazaar I awoke to discover my car battery was dead. My husband had bought a new battery the night before which he had to install before I went off to Lake Lawrence and he went off to work. The second day of the bazaar my husband informed me our well pump had gone out, we had no water. Oh well, that has now been remedied. All that was needed is time and money! Now we're expecting a very big storm...I am off to fill water bottles and make sure I have the candles, matches, batteries and firewood ready! Oh, and turn my computer off at the first sign of flickering lights.


  1. Kathy, I am glad you went to the show despite everything that seemed to want to hold you back.

    It sounds like you did well. I am not surprised that you sold wee sheep. I trasure mine!

    Your grand daughter appeared delighted wth her sweater craft. I noticed her long hair in the last photo. Beautiful!!

    Well pumps...we replaced 2 this year. Blah!!

    Have a wonderful Monday.

  2. Good Morning and congrats on a successful show.
    That sweater is adorable on your granddaughter and how sweet of her to rake leaves!
    I hope the storm that is predicted does not do any damage to your house/property. Stay safe & take care.

  3. I'm glad to hear you had good success at the show even if it did get off to a bad start. Those little sheep are so cute!

    The pink sweater turned out so cute Kathy! Your granddaughter looks so sweet in it!

  4. That pink sweater looks great on your granddaughter! And she looks happy, too :O)!

  5. The sweater is adorable on your little one! Such a sweet picture of her raking leaves. So good your bazzar turned out good! Water wells and such are always going out here as well, as other mishaps. My son works all night and as he was headed off last night, a deer actually ran right into the side of his car!Leaving a good dent and some hair, but no where in sight. He was going slow to stop at a stop sign, and it rammed him. He heard this morning that a deer around the area we live in, ran into the side of a house and died. We are not sure if it was the deer that hit him and we are wondering if it might be a rabies outbreak. Never a dull moment when you live out in the country! {: blessings,Kathleen

  6. Such a cute little one! Sorry about the bad luck..hope thing improve!Seems like life never stays calm for very long! Come say hi :D

  7. When it rains it pours. I remember when our pump went out (burned out actually). Car batteries, time, money, water...good thing you had that pretty ray of sunshine in your little granddaughter, isn't it. She is really beautiful in pink.

  8. Mary, yes, well pumps- can't get along out here in the country without them but boy, when they go out life is a bit inconvenient! As for my granddaughter's hair, I keep telling her to give me some, she just laughs at me.

    Mildred,thank-you.My grandchildren LOVE to rake leaves, I am not kidding. It is an event for them! We are experiencing another wave of storms right now and many areas around here are without power so I am keeping an eye and ear out for strong wind gusts, then i need to turn the computer off.

    Susie, thank-you.I was surprised by her restraint in how many buttons she chose to use.

    Timi,Thank-you! My granddaughter loves to come over and sew, embroider, or craft with me and I have so much fun too.

    Kathleen ( eggs in my pocket)before I even read what your fear about the deer is I thought 'rabies'. I hope it is not rabies too. I remember when we lived in Louisiana and it seemed there were constant outbreaks of rabies there. That was in the 60's, but still, it was scary, especially when we had so many woods and brushy areas where we lived that were inhabited by many wild animals. But of course pet cats and dogs were the biggest danger then.

    Julie, I think the hectic and problem ridden times make us appreciate all the more the peaceful and nice times.

    Southern Comfort, thank-you. She is a ray of pink sunshine!

  9. Congrats on the show! I love the pink sweater and those little sheep are just too cute.

  10. Always like to hear that things go well when selling handmade wares!
    Oh! how I love those sheep!
    Blessings from the Cabin!
    Claudia O.

  11. The sweater turned out very cute! Glad to hear that your bazaar went well after the trouble you had.

  12. Ahh, little Pocohantas. =) She wears that sweater quite a lot.
    Really like those little sheep - like the face on the one on the left! Glad you did well at the bazaar this year. Made it worth the work!


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