Happenings & Activities On Cedar Pond

Thursday, November 12, 2009

NOT Jamie Oliver Friday, How Bazaar!

I have been crazy busy getting ready for the Lake Lawrence Christmas Bazaar that starts tomorrow. My husband and I set up my booth tonight, which means I was NOT cooking...however last night he cooked for us! He is an excellent cook.( He is the better cook in the family, but don't tell him I am admitting to that!) Since he was the cook he did not use a Jamie Oliver recipe, he used one we read on Noble Pig's blog. Here was my dinner last night, Vanilla Cider Pork & Walnut Wild Rice. It was delicious. My husband was not too crazy about the pears but it turns out his pear was almost too ripe before he sauteed it but I thought my pear was perfect. It was warm and flavorful and still firm inside. The cider pork was perfection and the wild rice dish could be served as a dish all by itself. In fact, I think we will be making the rice dish for a potluck and we had better make a lot because I could eat a LOT of this! To get the recipe from Noble Pig herself click here* and check out the November 4th recipe. ( For some reason my computer will not allow the hyper-link to the specific recipe, sorry) I made this pie for a potluck awhile ago and this Mile High Apple Pie With Cranberries is from Mary's blog One Perfect Bite. I love, love , love cranberries. Sometimes I eat the cranberries just by themselves, no cooking, or sugar, or embellishments of any kind, so I was delighted at the idea of adding them to apples to make a pie. We have a lot of apples from the trees in our orchard and I have been told my pies are pretty good so hey, I tried it. Looks good on the outside if I must say so myself, and there was no pie left-over or tossed in the garbage at the potluck so it must be tasty. My grandchildren informed me it needed more sugar and I can see where they were coming from. I used the least amount of sugar called for in the recipe, next time I will add the max amount. The grandchildren ate their pie, so it was good, they just prefer MORE sugar!For this recipe click here.* I can't wait to have the busyness of the bazaar over so I can get down to holiday baking and cleaning and decorating and....


  1. This pie looks fantastic and YUMMY...:o)) You are very lucky to have a husband who likes cooking..:o)!

  2. I hope the Christmas bazaar goes well for you Kathy. Your dinner looks delicious and I thank you for the links to all the recipes. Hard to believe that Thanksgiving is almost here.

  3. Have a fun and successful time at the bazaar. Sometimes a husband that cooks is the best gift of all. Your food looks delicious!

  4. Your dinner looked delish Kathy! How lucky you are that your honey likes to cook.

    I think your pie looks wonderful. Almost too pretty to eat!

  5. Good luck at the bazaar, Kathy! What a delicious looking meal! Your pie looks picture perfect too, and I'm sure it tasted that way also. Looks like food to feed your hunger and your soul.

    word verification for this post is: infeedd HA! I thought it was funny it had the word "feed" in there.

  6. I used crasins in my pie so it was better the next day are you using regular cranberries? I would plump them first if i make it again with crasins.

  7. Oh wow, what a meal...thanks for posting it!

  8. Are you sure you guys never visited Italy and adopted a cute baby girl there and brought her home to Washington? I think I might have been adopted. Not sure why I haven't aquired any of the tastes for food that ANY of my family has - but oh well! I do say that pork dinner LOOKS good and I'd probably like it if I tasted it. I do like wild rice. Not sure about the pears with it. Always fun for me to see what things you and Dad enjoy! I wonder what Tom and I will cook ourselves when the kids are grown and gone.... Good luck at your bazaar!

  9. I swear to goodness, I gain five lbs. every time I visit your blog. Omigosh...!!! This recipe looks wonderful. Guess what I am going to make this weekend. :-)

    Have fun at the bazaar. I am going to our local bazaar this weekend too.

  10. Thanks so much for your kind words and the link to my blog.

  11. I do not do craft shows or bizarres because of the distance, and, I am the chief animal keeper. My thoughts go out to you, and others, I can only imagone they are a lot of work.

    Your meal and pie look great. I need a computer that ca read, copy, and cook right now!

    Heading to the shop to put an order together for shipment tomorrow. I waited late, but preferred the priority time with my husband today.

  12. Boy! Did I ever pick the wrong time to post my slapstick Tarzan/Jane recipes and narrative.

    Kathy how delicious your culinary capers look


  13. Oh, how I would like to have been seated at your table for this delicious meal. I imagine it is every bit has tasty as it looks.
    Best of all wishes for a successful bazaar:-)

  14. Who knows? Perhaps some day your husband will be having his own cook book! Lucky you!

    Your pie looks great. I like your little cutout on top. I also love the idea of putting cranberries inside the apple pie - must give the pie just an extra taste of tart. I bet it's good. I'll have to remember to try that during the holidlays!

  15. I'm glad things went well for you at the bazaar.

    The sweater your granddaughter remade into one for herself reminded me of a book we have at the library. I don't remember the title, but it is a whole book of projects of things you can make from old sweaters. It has some neat ideas of ways to recycle and reuse them. I think your granddaughter looks lovely in her redone sweater. :)

  16. I saw a couple of other similar ones to this at Amazon, but I think this is the one we have at the library. :D


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