Happenings & Activities On Cedar Pond

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Sweet Sunday Evening

This is the Christmas centerpiece for our dining room table. There are 4 simple vignettes on this Lazy Susan, and you can view each one by turning it. Each scene is of Santa and his elves or with his reindeer. The candle sheds a nice warm light in the evening when we have on only the tree lights , as we sit by the fire together in the evening. I made them pose for this picture, they looked so nice.Our daughter and her husband had a Christmas party to attend this past Sunday and we were able to babysit their 4 children for them....oh my, what would we ever do with 4 grandchildren here for the evening?
Poppa had a very attentive grandson here. Little J wanted to be with Poppa all night!
Poppa and his two grandsons , CT and Little J look out the window with excitement at the falling snow, CT hoped there would be a lot of snow. Poppa, who has to drive a long way to work was hoping there would NOT be much snow! Little J was more interested in our ducks waddling around in the falling snowflakes in front of the window .
The children and I worked on a project they can give as Christmas gifts. Shhh~ Don't let their mom see or hear about this just yet!It's a surprise.
After a less than nutritious dinner with lots of Oslo Kringle ( a dessert) we pulled out the queen size hide-a-bed in the living room, put lots of pillows and blankets out, stoked up the wood stove in front of it and put on a Hallmark Christmas movie I had recorded for them to watch with us. I popped a lot of popcorn and poured a lot of cranberry juice for them. After they got done bouncing around on the bed they finally settled down for a movie, and the youngest two also got a lot of cuddling and snuggling with Grandma and Poppa . ( in the picture above Little J is sitting on his big brother who was not feeling well and could probably have done without all the bouncing around)
My sheep shelf, decorated for Christmas. This shelf is where i keep the many miniature sheep I have collected. I also have many more on my Christmas tree. You might note I do not have any of my wee little sheep on this shelf, and that is because Miss Marple steals them and if she does not tear them to shreds, she hides them. So the Wee Little Sheep I do display are behind glass cupboard doors. Sheep and shepherds are the best Christmas decorations I think, Jesus, the Lamb of God came to redeem us, His sheep. We are the sheep of His pasture~
What a busy and blessed Sunday for us! I needed Monday to rest up after Sunday though, I think Grandchildren keep me young because I take such long naps after they go home!


  1. Beautiful pictures so full of love and joy. Family and to be with ones family is what Holiday season is all about. You have a beautiful daughter.
    Lovely place.;)
    Thank you so much for your visit and for your kind words at my place.;)

  2. Your daughter and SIL are a very attractive couple and their children are gorgeous. They always look so happy! I can understand why Poppa doesn't hope for deep snow! Your GC will have so many good memories of your home when they grow up. How nice to have them so close! It sounds as if you are enjoying the season and that Joy has found a place in your home.

  3. I loved this post, Kathy. So much love is evident there in your family. I'm sure you and your husband had a wonderful time with your grandchildren.

    I like your sheep display too. Definitely appropriate for the season.

  4. These pictures are so sweet! Those grandkids are adorable! I know you enjoy having them over.

  5. Kathy, it sounds like a picture perfect day to me. Time with the grandchildren is precious. Your pictures of the day are wonderful.

  6. It's a lovely post! I can understand the children waiting for the snow...my daughter is also waiting for it and it seems that we will have a white Christmas :o)!!
    Your grandchildren are lucky to have such wonderful grandparents :o)!

  7. That evening sounds like one of those perfect family gatherings to me. So cozy and fun. Your daughter and her husband are good looking. You must be so proud.

  8. Ahh what a sweet peak into your Sunday. Oso Kringle is a fine nutritious dinner!

  9. Oslo Kringle???? Oslo Kringle!!! I didn't get any!!! Hey, are you making lefse this year? I'm hungry for lefse. =) Thanks for watching the kids for us. They get so excited for us to have to go somewhere so they can play at your house!


  11. Your home looks like a happy place to be. Your family is beautiful. It must be wonderful to be a grandmother and to give your grandchildren the gift of special Christmas memories.

  12. What a great night, the kids will always remember the fun they had at your house. It's such piece of mind when your kids are little to leave them with grandparents...you know they will be safe. I think watching your children's, children is one of the greatest gifts you can give as a parent.

  13. I love your centerpiece! How very creative! I can imagine what would happen to "sheep" if they were anywhere near our pets! Torn to pieces indeed! Our doofus Golden, Beau, found one of my vintage flocked bird ornaments which must have fallen off the tree, and when I found it, it was in itty bitty birdie pieces....all over the living room.
    And your grandchildren are so adorable! I cannot wait to get my hands on our sweet grandbaby Trena! They will be flying in from Montana on Sunday!

  14. Protoge, thank-you! It is easy to leave kind words at your blog, you inspire them.

    Debbie,thanks. Of course I think my daughter and her hubby are attractive and my grandchildren among the fairest in the land...don't all parents and grandparents? These 4 grandchildren are happy children too and that makes my husband and I happy.We are enjoying this December, very much and fully aware of how blessed we are.

    Daisy, thank-you. You know, it is hard to find many sheep ornaments except in Nativity scenes and creches and I have often wondered why..seems the perfect adornment for any Christmas theme to me.

    Susie, my husband and I love having them over, we just wish our son and his 4 daughters lived closer for more visits.

    Mary,we both know time with our grandchildren is priceless and more special than words can express.Your grand-children must have many such special memories and their memories must be filled with great food!

    Timi, thank-you! You will have snow for Christmas? Excellent...this means snowmen and days being cozy inside while snowflakes fall outside, I LOVE days like that.

    Southern Comfort, thank-you! My husband and I are proud of our daughter and her husband, our son now, because they strive to honor God in how they live , in all ways. They are a true blessing to us, as are our sons and their families...I read in your blog your son and daughter are thus to you and your husband, no higher and more wonderful blessing to a parent who wants God's best for their children and grandchildren.

    Lanny, you're right, Oslo Kringle has 3, yes..count them ..THREE eggs in it so of course it is nutritious, plus 1 cup of butter and 1 cup of flour...and the confectioner sugar icing...very nutritious!

    A.Joy, yes I will be making lefse. I am bringing it to the family Christmas party and maybe if you're good Santa will persuade me to make enough for Christmas day dinner!

    Julie, so you know what I mean about the After-the-grandkids-leave naps! With all your blessings of grandchildren I do believe you know this very well!

    Leslie,it is wonderful to be a grandmother and all the cliches' are true, in time you will know for yourself. I think my husband and I are more conscious of the knowledge that the little snippets of time our grandchildren have with us really do make for life-time memories.

    Noble Pig, you are right about that. WE do not under-value the gift of knowing our children have confidence in leaving their precious children with us. I wish every child-care provider realized how much trust is involved in leaving a parents' most cherished person in their care...to look at child care that way just might be a key factor in providing the BEST care away from parents that can be offered.

    Farmgirl Cyn, you get to hold your grandbaby Trena on Sunday! Yay!!!! Yes, we have 5 Labrador retrievers and a Vizsla and they all love to get their little ( big) paws on any type of bird, so I don't have real bird things around the house and the real birds are behind bars in the sun-room. Miss Marple, our cat, is pretty sneaky about snatching my little sheep and teddy bears though, so I take the precaution of making sure they are un-obtainable to her!

  15. Now, there's a new twist on how grandchildren keep you young!

    Loved the photo of "Poppa" and children looking out. All hoping for a different outcome.

    I have been very busy. Missing my visits to friend's blogs. Better late than never. Life is good.

  16. Forgot to say, I think that is such a cute photo of Dad and the boys looking out the window!!! =)

  17. Beautiful pictures ans such sweet happiness! Blessings,Kathleen

  18. Thank you for allowing "us" to have a glimpse into your special, special times! You are such a great grandma and pappa!
    You had snow...ahhh...we wait for a little and hope with great expectation!

  19. I love your holiday decor...what a clever use of the lazy susan. Your grandchildren are adorable. I had to laugh at the conflicting wishes concerning the amount of snowfall:-)

  20. Mary, I think that is my way of rationalizing the NEED for a nap after they leave!

    A.Joy, I like that picture too, and they were looking out the window for quite awhile.

    Flower, my husband's wishes came true, enough snow to dust the area and make it appear more like Christmas, but it is all gone now...and I don't think we will behaving snow for Christmas this year.

    English Cottage In Georgia,thank-you very much! It is always interesting when a child's view of things is so different from us curmudgeonly practical adults, hey?

  21. Your daughter is beautiful, Kathy! She looks so much like you. Sounds like you had a "Grand" day!
    By the way- I love the sheep shelf!


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