Happenings & Activities On Cedar Pond

Monday, May 17, 2010

TeaTime Tuesday

It is again TeaTime Tuesday hosted by Martha* and Lady Katherine* ! Just click onto their names and you will be magically whisked away to their blogs to see the teacups and tea party settings of many others . This is so much fun, I enjoy seeing all the teacups and tea settings.
The teacup I am using for my tea today is Blue Danube, by Noritake. This cup is one of many that go with my favorite set of china. You can see I have snack plates and napkin rings in my china pattern too. "The mere chink of cups and saucers turns the mind to happy repose." George Gissing
For tea today I had mint tea with my egg salad sandwich and grapes. "Hospitality and love go together like a teacup and saucer. Both can stand alone, but one without the other is not complete."
The grapes were part of my centerpiece, and I also added some of last weeks' tea cookies to the edible display. "I always fear that Creation will expire before teatime." Sydney Smith
A pretty ivy-filled pink polka dot tea pot~I just might use this tea pot in another Teacup Tuesday very soon. "Tea has qualities that refresh and relax, that warm and comfort. It was said in Victorian times that a good cup of tea would unlock all the secrets a woman carried in her heart." Mary Mason Campbell


  1. sweet and lovely setting and teapot and cups look soo pretty too! thanks for sharing..

  2. I like your Blue Danube teacup and not just because we live just near the river Danube...:o)

  3. What beautiful pictures of your lovely tea time today. The napkins and rings are so sweet. There is an old Victorian house in a neighboring city named Tea Leaves and Thyme ~ the porch has been enclosed in glass and when passing by you can see ladies in their hats sipping on tea. Wish you were close enough to have brunch there with me!

  4. I like those blue and white tea cups and saucers and the matching napkin rings. But I also like your pretty linens. I have no tea cup, but my coffee mug has a picture of a bear holding a Coca Cola. I feel so dowdy! Thanks for your comments on my blog. I wondered if your husband has any allergies in the Spring.

  5. Hello, Happy Teacup Tuesday! A very lovely setting you have shown us ladies today :) Thank you for sharing. Have a wonderful day! Warmest, Brenda

  6. Good morning....Your tea time looks so inviting and beautiful!

  7. I like the way your centerpiece turned out. Cute tea cups too!

  8. Kathy, I love the teacup and saucer. It reminds me of my 'Blue Bonnet' by Harmony House (which I showed the plates for in my tea post this week) - I don't have the cups - mine are thrifted and I only have dinner and salad plates. Lovely pattern, though! Pretty napkin and napkin ring too.

  9. well, that was just precious! i love the
    ivy tumbling out of the polka dotted
    tea pot.

    the ritual of tea is so soothing. and you
    made yours beautiful, too.

  10. Beautiful settings...
    Hope you have an awesome day.
    Blessings, andrea

  11. Mmmm - I can smell that mint tea - and egg salad is my favorite sandwich. I'm ashamed to say that I am rather greedy about them at luncheons, church coffee mornings etc!
    Very nice tea time setting - enjoy!

  12. What a beautiful tea set, love it! I don't drink tea but we love to have tea parties with hot chocolate! Come say hi :D

  13. What a lovely setting for tea. I would certainly enjoy a cup with you in those surroundings. I hope you are having a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

  14. Such a lovely cup Blue Danube, by Noritake. Is the rooster tea pot from the same company? I love it!
    You reminded me how much I love Ivy~
    I used to live where we had a big front porch and Ivy hung down, It helped shade the area and always looked so beautiful~ Happy Tuesday, Theresa

  15. I love your tea pots! I love roosters :)
    This year, we had a Fairy Party for Lola. I posted the party last week.
    It is so cute.
    Thank you for your sweet comment :)

  16. Oh boy!...polka dots. Come on over and take a look at my obsession. I especially love your napkins rings...they're perfect. What a great set. Have a wonderful week.


  17. Glad to stop by to see your TeaTime on Tuesday. Sweeeeetttt!

  18. Beautiful blue set! Thank you so much for sharing it with us.

  19. WHat excellent taste we have! I have Blue Danube, too!

    I do like that little polka-dotted tea-pot. I'll bet your little granddaughters would love to have tea out of it!

  20. Such lovely china you have your teapot is whimsical yet formal at the same time and I like that. Maybe it's the blue white combination that adds that dimension of formality and charm.
    Your setting is just beautiful.
    Got to run. Have a nice day.

  21. That teapot is absolutely exquisite!
    I think it would make even the worst tea flavorful! LOL

    Nice dainty post.

    Oh, those sheep...isn't it always how it works....always a few that think the grass is greener elsewhere.

  22. Hi: Once again you have shared beautiful tea cups with us. Thank you so much. I can't wait to see what you will show us next week. Blessings, Martha

  23. Sweet setting for a tea party! Love your china! ~Maryjane

  24. A very welcoming setting and a lovely blue and white teacup. I have enjoyed your blog, the Scotsman video sharing the good message, the story of the barber, and your husbands bees. There's a lot of good reading here, with a bit of wit, that makes it very enjoyable to stay for a while.

  25. Fitty, thank-you!

    Timi, you live near the Danube? You are surrounded by so many historic places, the places I learned about in Ancient History. Do you and your daughter visit many of these places?

    Mildred,Oh I would so love to have tea there with you, maybe someday, really!

    Debbie,any mug or cup that cheers the heart is the best one for tea or coffee. I would enjoy drinking a cup of tea served in a bear mug with you.

    Brenda, thank-you so much!

    Dolores, come on over and join me~

    Susie, the best thing about the centerpiece is we can eat most of it~thank-you!

    Beth, I stopped by and really love your blue and white "Blue Bonnet" china. Thrift store or garage sale china are the best!

    Debbie, thank-you!

    My Letters To Emily,I have to give Safeway credit for the Ivy Tea Pot. It was seriously discounted on sale and I decided it was a great buy, and did, buy it. I know I will use the tea pot and re-pot the ivy in another pot soon.

    Andrea, thank-you. I did have an awesome day today, Praise God!

    PondSide, we have a lot of egg salad here because I have a lot of chickens. Good thing we love a good egg salad sandwich !

    Julie, when we have children's tea parties, hot chocolate is the favorite thing to serve in the tea pots!

    Mary, thank-you. Today was wonderful! I had a whole pot of mint tea while I worked here at home, my kind of day!

    Theresa, ( Msartist) The rooster tea pot is a gift from a friend, and becoming my favorite. My friend knows me.It is not the same as my china pattern. I have discovered I cannot afford a Noritake Blue Danube tea pot, but that is O.K. Gives me much more room for creativity!

  26. Frenchy, I did see the fairy tea party and it made me happy.

    Bunny, I took a look at your tea set and love the red polka dot tea set! That would all go very well in my home~in case you're wanting to get rid of it you know where to send it! ( ha ha)

    Deanna, thank-you!

    Terri,thank-you for dropping in for tea!

    Vickie, we are ladies of excellent taste! Blue Danube china sure sets a classy table, dont'cha think? And yes, I have plans for a special tea with granddaughters and will serve it with the polka dot tea pot.

    Amy, thank-you!

    Penny,thank-you very much. I am partial to blue and white.

    Carol yes, hot water served in the tea pot seems to have a fulfilling taste!

    Mary-Jane, thank-you! I checked out your tea party and discovered you have a vintage travel trailer, I love it!

    Kimberly Shaw, thank-you very much, your words are very kind and I am happy you chose to visit for awhile!

  27. Very lovely. And I love your post about the two turkeys!



A kind word lifts my heart,a humorous word makes the day lighter,a word of wisdom gives me perspective,thank-you for your comments. I am truly honored you have read my blog and taken time to leave a few words about it. I read all the comments, and often answer them here in the comments page.~ Thank-you ! ( Because of the enormous amount of spam from anonymous comments I have decided to not accept "anonymous" comments anymore. )