Happenings & Activities On Cedar Pond

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

TeaCup Turkeys

This was last week. Two turkeys in a tea cup. "Isn't this nice and cozy Tom?"
Today, the same turkeys in a tea cup, almost! "Tom, I am not sure you're gonna fit in the teacup with me." "Tina, of course I'll fit, let me show you."
"See ? I do fit right in with you Tina, and this is very cozy!"
"Um, Tom...you squeezed me out. Tom...hey,um..."
"I think I lost my place in the tea cup,and Tom planned it this way all along. Two turkeys in a tea cup my foot, hmmmpf!" Don't you think Tom looks pretty pleased with himself?


  1. I think Tom got in the Miracle Grow. Oh well, get a mixin bowl:)
    I haven't located any honey yet, in fact I've felt too bad to do anything. I think a doctor's visit is imminent. I'll have to begin the honey regimen this fall when the honey will contain this Spring's allergens. But I'll be ready for next Spring:)

  2. Too cute! They have grown a good bit haven't they?!?!?

  3. Where are Tom's manners????!!!!

  4. Poultry do grow so very fast - cute pictures and tom does look quite pleased with himself!

  5. Isn't it sad when we grow out of things! Kathy you and your turkeys are too funny.

  6. Such a beautiful tea cup. I have not seen babies before. We see mostly wild turkeys around here!

  7. Tina and Tom have grown, and have picked up quite funny sense(s) of humor!

    I have had setbacks with internet connections recently. As of today, I think I have the issues resolved. It has been frustrating, and has set me back time-wise. It makes a person wonder if God desires us to work out the issues, or pitch it all!

    Take care, Kathy!

  8. hee hee! i can't wait until next week!

  9. I love it! You made me smile :-D Love the teacup and the post itself. Connie

  10. Is this the teacup I'll be drinking out of at church on Saturday?

  11. Ha ha ha! Wow, they are really growing fast! Very cute, Kathy. :)

  12. Wanda & I are so pleased you stopped by for tea. What a special time you shared with all of us. I love your quotes. What a nice touch!
    I look forward to seeing that sweet polka a dot teapot soon.
    Hope to see you next week.

  13. Awwwww.... these are precious pictures! They're growing fast....

  14. Kathy, omigosh, they are too cute for words.

    Why do I get the awful feeling they will one day go from a teacup to a roasting pan?

  15. The look on his face is adorable! They do grow like weeds don't they? So cute how they already have long turkey necks :)

  16. So precious! I would have never envisioned turkeys in a teacup, my limited creative turkey experiences merely involve a roaster:-)


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