Happenings & Activities On Cedar Pond

Friday, June 4, 2010

I Am A Rainy Day Gal

I love rainy days. I am very much a rainy day gal. "Let the rain kiss you. Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops. Let the rain sing you a lullaby." Langston Hughes
This is a good thing because God has placed me in a state well known for rainy days.I love to fall asleep to the sound of rain outside our bedroom window.
These pictures are just a few of the reasons I love the rain. Green lush lawns,
abundant green foliage,
layers upon layers of green in our gardens.
If I want to decorate with moss I can just go out into our woods and gather all the moss I desire.
I can pick ferns for flower arrangements and grow them everywhere around here.
Hostas thrive, as do our Bleeding Heart plants, Lady's Mantle,Ajuga-
just look at some of these Hostas my husband cultivates. They bloom profusely in the summer and fall, but with foliage like this flowers are just the icing on the cake.
The Hostas peek out from under rhododendrons and Japanese Maples. Tiny miniature Hostas, large blue Hostas, bright white and green Hostas.
Rainy days , good thing I love them because we are having record rainfall and low temperatures for this time of year. Of course, the slugs love the rainy days too, but this is a bonus for the ducks for it provides slugs to eat and weather they thrive in! "Many a man curses the rain that falls upon his head, and knows not that it brings abundance to drive away the hunger." St. Basil
"If you never go camping without waterproof matches and a poncho, you live in Washington." Jeff Foxworthy
"For He draws up the drops of water,they distill rain from the mist, which the clouds pour down, they drip upon man abundantly. Can anyone understand the spreading of the clouds, the thundering of His pavilion?" Job 36:27-29


  1. Good Morning Kathy, You have the perfect porch for listening to the rain while reading or spinning yarn and sipping tea. Your yard is just so lush and green; very pretty hostas! I hope you enjoy the weekend.

  2. I miss all that green and when it rains it makes me homesick. We have been thinking if maybe when we retire we should just head back and buy us a litttle piece of land to cultivate until the Lord comes again or we go to be with him. It just isn't the same here. Humidity and bugs, I just can't get use to either:(

  3. I too love rain and all that green foliage you have.

    Happy weekend!

  4. Oh Kathy, your yard and plants are so healthy and beautiful..... cute kitty too.
    It rained here in south Texas this week.....we were so happy. We were needing rain.
    Have a happy weekend.

  5. I love listening to the rain beating down on our metal roof!


  6. Your pictures are just beautiful. We are very much in need of rain. They say it is going to come, but not for us so far.


  7. I love a rainy day, too. We've had a lot of 'cloudy' days. You posted some very pretty pics. Love them hostas:D

  8. God richly bless you and may you have a super week-end!

    Dear Kathy, your plants look so beautiful...absolutely lovely.

    I like gentle rains, but shy away from loud thunder and flashing lightening.

    Glad you like the rain,

  9. You also choose to look at the good side of rain!! Love it! I'd like to plant our garden one of these days!
    Hostas are a favorite here,too. We don't have the white centered variety. Very pretty.
    What is the green petunia called? I have to get one! Where did you get it?

  10. Beautiful post, Kathy- all your greenery is gorgeous! I love the Hostas- I planted some this year and it is doing so wonderful- I may go back for more.

  11. There's nothing like a nap on a rainy day...especially when you're sleeping under a tin roof.

  12. I love the way the air smells so freshly washed and clean after a rain. Have a nice weekend, Kathy! :)

  13. Hey, Kathy!

    You have a great hosta collection. I have a few and how they love the shade and damp!

    Well,, I must confess I actually do love the rain. I usually head out to the tin roof barn and just sit on a bale of hay and ....well, just sit there listening...wonderful music! LOL!

  14. Gorgeous spot you have! I don't ever begrudge the rain because I know how lush it will make our world!

  15. Kathy,
    Your plants and garden are so beautiful. I also like to hear it raining on the roof. Looks like your yard is so lush and green. Lovely photos.

  16. Just found your blog tonight,
    Kathy. It certainly is lovely
    and inviting.


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