Happenings & Activities On Cedar Pond

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Tea Time Tuesday~ Just A Tiny Tea

I have been very busy lately and have been making my tea in mugs to drink from while I work. Mr. & Mrs. Little were delighted to have you over for tea and show you their favorite tea cups!It might be more accurate to say these are their ONLY tea cups! But Mr. & Mrs. Little are very fond of this tea set my husband and I found in a gift shop on one of our trips , so 'favorite' is a very good word for the way they feel about this special , almost translucent china that graces their table. Mr. & Mrs. Little and their family reside in a small apartment on one shelf of my china cabinet. They have been observing me pulling out my special cups and saucers and tea things weekly as I participate in Tea-Time Tuesday. They have expressed their concern over me allowing turkeys to rest in my Blue Willow tea cup and insist I make sure the tea cup is washed thoroughly before I put it back in the china cabinet, the Littles' home. ( Actually, Mrs. Little has been kindly but firmly disapproving of me allowing turkeys in my teacups!) The Little family cats play around the tea table as Mr. Little reads and Mrs. Little wraps a gift for their baby's birthday coming up soon. Maybe they will invite us to the birthday party, I know my granddaughters would love to come! If you would like to visit others participating in Tea Cup Tuesday, and all things tea, just click onto Martha* , Terri*, and Lady Katherine's * names and be transported magically to their blogs , thank-you!
"A woman is like a tea bag, you can not tell how strong she is until you put her in hot water." Nancy Reagan


  1. Thanks Mr. & Mrs. Little! ;-)


  2. Kathy, I would dearly love to visit you and enjoy all the wonderful treasures you have. Those are the cutest little figures and kitties and tea set! The quote is too cute! Thank you for such a sweet post.

  3. What a charming pair to watch over your daily maintainance!

  4. Hi Kathy: As always, I enjoy the treasures you share. The tea cup set is so beautiful. I look forward to what you will share with us next week. Blessings, Martha

  5. Too cute!
    In the summer, I'm a slave to ice tea and would love to drink it by the gallon every day. By the time I fall into my porch chair, I'm too exhausted to make a pot of tea and go through the ritual. But I'm not too tired to drink a glass of ice tea -grin-.

  6. Amy, the Little's say "You're welcome!" .

    Mildred,if ever you venture this far west you are most welcome!

    Mrs. Mike,they do keep an eagle eye on all things "china" around here, especially at Christmas.

    Martha, thank-you, I am enjoying this very much!

    Sandra, I like Ice tea but funny though it may seem, I especially appreciate a hot cup of mint tea on the very hot days.A good excuse top enjoy the shade while I sip tea and read a good book.

  7. I just love your post! How sweet and creative. The little's may have a point about the turkeys...
    Thank you for sharing their lovely tea set today.

  8. Terri,thank-you. I think Mrs. Little should be fearful for my tea cup, those turkeys are getting pretty big!I will relay your comments to Mrs. Little.

    Susie, thanks!

  9. I think Mr. and Mrs. Little would be good company to keep. Very cute figures, Kathy. Made me smile. :D

  10. I love the Little's Tea! It is so darling! I love the woven rug! I weave, and have a similar cloth on a table at this moment. This is one of the most charming Teas! Love the cat! Mine like to jump up on my table outdoors! Hard to keep her off. lol Thank you for joining me for Tea Time Tuesday!

  11. Darling Time Tea!
    Love Nancy's saying and agree with her.
    God bless,

  12. Tiny tea is RIGHT! Very cute little family that resides in your china cabinet. I think I would not want turkeys in my home either! They would leave huge messes for Mrs. Little to clean up!

  13. Daisy, thanks! Mr. & Mrs. Little try to remind me in their teeny tiny way to enjoy my china, and while I am taking china in and out of their home might I please do a bit of dusting while I'm there?

    Lady Katherine, I also weave and did weave the rug in the picture with them. It was one of my first few weaving assignments. I have enjoyed your blog and your pursuits are very much like mine, and we share the same name too, with slight variation~

    Deanna, thank-you! That saying is so true!

    Vickie, alas, Mrs. Little insists I clean up after the turkeys because after all, she did not invite them to tea!

  14. We are up late!
    Your little tea set and the "Little" family are just adorable! And, just the kind of thing that any child at heart would be enthralled with!

  15. oh, i just adore the littles and the
    entire teaparty set. did you make


    the nancy reagan quote is great, too.

  16. I love the Nancy Reagan quote...and how true.

    The Littles are so cute!!!

  17. Flower, the story of my life, really~ "up late". Are you a night owl too? Yes, my grandchildren do like very much to see the Little's place, but only the most careful can play with the Littles.

    I made the rug and the table, not the people or tea set. I love miniatures and used to have a doll house set up in the living room, now they occupy space in the china cabinet and my life is busy with so many other things, but I do enjoy the Little's and their family.

    Dolores, I think Nancy Reagan knew the true sentiment of that saying and then some! ( so do you, and you're made of very strong and good tea)

  18. Very cute, I love miniature collecting, it is such a fun hobby.

  19. Mrs. Little might dissaprove of your turkeys in your tea cups but she lets her husband smoke his pipe at the dining table. =) Cute post!

  20. I had forgotten how much I loved doll houses and miniature tea sets. I had a couple myself!

    When I was younger I used to dream about crawling into the dollhouse and becoming a part of the family for a short while. It was fun. Mr. and Mrs. Little are beautiful.

    Kathy, I thought of your Google Reader situation (not updating non-Blogger blog activity) as I checked on my Google Reader tonight. I wonder what would happen if you listed one of the non-Blogger blogs under "My Subscriptions" instead of "Blogs That I Follow?", or vice-versa? It is worth a shot!


A kind word lifts my heart,a humorous word makes the day lighter,a word of wisdom gives me perspective,thank-you for your comments. I am truly honored you have read my blog and taken time to leave a few words about it. I read all the comments, and often answer them here in the comments page.~ Thank-you ! ( Because of the enormous amount of spam from anonymous comments I have decided to not accept "anonymous" comments anymore. )