Happenings & Activities On Cedar Pond

Sunday, July 25, 2010

A Favorite Place With My Favorite Person

Just look at Mt. Rainier peeking through the clouds overlooking Tacoma's waterfront. This is one of our favorite places. My husband and I spent a lot of time in this area while dating, and in the early years of our marriage we lived very close to the Pt. Defiance waterfront area. We even had a teensy view of Puget Sound from the home we lived in close to this beloved place. I used to get up in the very early, still dark A.M. and walk this area with a friend. To celebrate our 37th wedding anniversary my husband and I decided to spend a few hours strolling the beautiful waterfront and having dinner here. "A wedding anniversary is the celebration of love, trust, partnership, tolerance, and tenacity. The order varies for any given year." Paul Sweeney
Another view from the deck of the restaurant where we had dinner. "Success in marriage does not come merely through finding the right mate, but through being the right mate." Barnett Brickner
We walked the docks and checked out the fishermens' catches.We saw a seal and learned from a man crabbing that the seal was stealing the bait ( chicken) and the catch.The seal looked pretty well fed and happy. No one seemed to be catching any fish but they kept on fishing. It was a beautiful day to just be outside near the water. "Chains do not hold a marriage together. It is threads, hundreds of tiny threads which sew people together through the years." Simone Signoret
"In a time when nothing is more certain than change, the commitment of two people to one another has become difficult and rare.Yet, by its scarcity, the beauty and value of this exchange have only been enhanced." Robert Sexton
We had a lovely time on our anniversary while enjoying the company of one another in a place we love, a beautiful place. We ate at a chowder house and talked to each other about our day, our dreams, the scenery.There is so much to be said for the simple things in our life that are easy to take for granted. We no longer take the every day blessings for granted and often I want to shout from the mountain tops, "Look all you people,life is awesome, amazing, blessed! Love your family , love your friends, and love the country God has chosen for you. It can all be taken away in an instant! Husbands and wives, love one another~ til death do you part!" In marriage, in life without a spouse, in life in the city, country, suburbs~in life with or without children, with or without riches ,I would hope for all of you to be able to heartily say "...for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am... I can do all things through Him who strengthens me." Philippians 4:11,13 Happy anniversary my beloved . As time marches on I am more and more thankful for you. You are most definitely my better half.Thanks for putting up with me. Thank-you for being so loving, steadfast and dependable. No matter what. "There is no substitute for the comfort supplied by the utterly taken-for granted relationships." Iris Murdoch Of course, I do not take you dear husband for granted.
I love you!


  1. Happy Anniversary to you and your husband, Kathy! What a wonderful way and place to celebrate the occasion.

  2. wonderful celebration of your marriage - yes it is the millions of tiny threads which hold us together - not the least is the comfort of knowing someone who has seen our worst still prays for us to be our best. Bless y'all

  3. Happy Anniversary Kathy and Jim. What a great day you had to celebrate your lives together in such a lovely setting. Beautiful quotes and photos. May God continue to bless you and your family.

  4. That is a beautiful place to celebrate. I love the view of Mt. Ranier and would like to see it someday. Happy anniversary!

  5. Happy Anniversary to you and your husband! There's another thing we have in common - we were married in 1973 too - but in October, so you have a two and a half months on us. All I can say is 'Amen' to every one of those quotes, and to your last thoughts.
    I've never visited Tacoma - always stop at Seattle. I think we'll have to take a look at the Tacoma waterfront the next time we're down that way.

  6. Happy Anniversary to you and your favorite person!

  7. Happy Anniversary to you both what a sweet way to celebrate it and with your best friend still...just wonderful :D

  8. Happy Anniversary! Glad you had a relaxing time together even if you didn't get full off your dinner of chowder, fat fries and cilantro. ( I think the chef should've just thrown some baked beans on your plate at the end and called it a day. =) Glad you two got married so I could be born.

  9. Our anniversary was the 22nd of July! We're celebrating with a trip next week to the beaches of Mexico! Our favorite getaway!

    Happy anniversary to you two, Kathy and Jim, and may you be blessed to have many, many more!

  10. Update me, Kathy! I got one more gopher in June! I'm still one behind Jim, but hoping for a few more before this contest ends! BTW, when does it end???? ;o)

  11. Congratulations for hanging in there and still liking each other! lol My hubby & I have been married for 37 years also! I can't believe how long it's been--and how young we were!

  12. Kathy your wishes and words to your husband in the last paragraph brought tears to my eyes...beautiful, joyful post.:-)


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