Happenings & Activities On Cedar Pond

Saturday, July 17, 2010

A Sheep's View

I was tending my sheep and glanced at our front porch from the sheep pen. The picture above is the view my sheep have of our home. From this view our sheep see our comings and goings, but only from this view. The sheep do not see the rest of our acreage, nor what goes on inside our home. As much and as often as my sheep see me, they could not possibly fathom my life or thoughts beyond the care I give them. They know my voice and react to my voice as no other human voice moves them, yet as sheep, they are unable to be concerned about anything beyond themselves and the sheep pen. My sheep would not know how to behave in our home, or comprehend the every day aspects of my life, the life of their shepherdess. I realized then how very much this reflects my life as a sheep of God's pasture. God has given me His Word, and His Holy Spirit that I may know Him and learn His ways. His voice calls me and the more familiar I am with His voice, the less likely I am to succumb to the false teachings and promises of voices imitating Him to deceive and devour me, yet I am as unable to even begin to fully comprehend or appreciate the majesty, the Holiness, the sovereignty of God as a sheep is to comprehend me. As stupid as my sheep may seem, they do know I am their shepherdess and protector, and I will do with them as I see fit.I decide which sheep stay , which are sold, which are culled. My sheep really do not have a say in the matter because I know what is better for them than they do. My sheep are precious sheep to me, but they are just sheep. To give my sheep free reign over themselves would be a death sentence for them and show me to be an uncaring shepherdess. Hmm, could this be my answer to the many times I have asked God, "Why God...?"
"As for you, My sheep, the sheep of My pasture, you are men, and I am your God" declares the Lord God." Ezekiel 34:31 "Can you discover the depths of God? Can you discover the limits of the Almighty?" Job 11:7 "But as for me, I would seek God, and I would place my cause before God;Who does great and unsearchable things." Job 5 8,9 "Oh the depth of the riches both of wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and unfathomable are His ways!For who has known the mind of the Lord, or who became His counselor? Or who has given to Him that it might be paid back to Him again? For from Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever. Amen." Romans 11 : 33-36


  1. That is a delightful and insightful post and I enjoyed it very, very much. To like our lives with those of a sheep is to follow the teachings of Christ very closely. He is our shepherd, if we care to follow and we are his sheep. You are the shepherdess of your flock and you take care of them, each and every one, according to her/his needs.
    Bless you this Sunday.

  2. Good Morning Kathy, A sweet post and wonderful analogy. In the song, Somebody's Praying, in part the lyrics say, "Protect me from what I cannot see." That is what our Heavenly Father does just as you protect your sheep.
    Wishing you and yours a blessed day.

  3. This was so well written, and it is an amazing thing to consider this Sunday morning. Thank you Kathy.

  4. Those of us who have chosen to care for herd animals are given a special gift of insight. Now I really understand what seems vile and hurtful in my thinking (as a sheep or goat or whatever) is careful tending and training by the Shepherd. I'm happy to know I'll always be in the care of the Shepherd - and am not going to ever be culled from His pens. Thank you for thoughtful reminders of our special place.

  5. Yippee! I got the notice that you'd posted, so now I won't be missing any of these.
    Reading this post was a great way to start my day.

  6. I love yor post--it reminds me of the writings of Phillip Keller and how I learned so much about "sheep" from him.

  7. What a wonderful post, Kathy. This analogy gave me a perspective I never thought of before. Thanks! Hope you enjoy your week ahead. :)

  8. Nice post...and a good reminder of things.

    I love the line-up of the grandkids on the sidebar! They're all so beautiful and each in their own way...so special aren't they?

  9. Wise observation! A good thought to meditate on. The shepherd knows!
    It has be delightful here in the Northwest lately! We are so blessed to enjoy cooler days than usual! Have a good week!

  10. This is beautiful and well said.

  11. From Him and to Him are all things! Amen. Wonderful post, Kathy!

  12. Great analogy, Kathy - thank the Lord that we have the ulitmate Shepard that laid down his life for his flock! Now all we have to do is follow!


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