Happenings & Activities On Cedar Pond

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Outside My Window

Just look at what I spied when I looked out my window!
I know this is a hawk but I am not sure what kind, maybe an immature red-tailed hawk. Red-tails are very common around here.
This hawk is perched on a post that is part of our unfinished arbor. The post is very close to our dove pen, the doves are the object of this hawks' attention.
It is a good thing the doves are so well protected in their pen. We have had many hawks perch near by, and also owls. One morning there was a spotted owl perched on the fence by the dove pen, for a long time too. "Is it by your understanding that the hawk soars, stretching his wings toward the south?" Job 39:28 ( God asks Job this question) "Then the Lord said to Job, " Will the faultfinder contend with the Almighty? Let him who reproves God answer it." Job 40:1,2


  1. Yes Kathy I do believe it is a Redtail Hawk. My husband was a wildlife artist and saw him paint quite a few of these. These are awsome creations!
    Thanks for the positive "can do" on my curves. In fact, that's what I'm going to start with this morning - some curves. Will post the outcome.

  2. I know you don't want hawks around your doves, Kathy, but they are beautiful creatures. Great pictures! Enjoy your weekend! :)

  3. Neat photo! What a beautiful site to see.

    Kathy, Thank you for your prayers concerning thyroid health. God bless you!

    Have a sweet wk-end,

  4. So beautiful Kathy...the photo and scripture. Just amazing.


  5. even though they are fierce predators,
    i adore hawks and could watch them
    soar across my sky endlessly. one of
    them has his eyes scanning for my

  6. Scary to see the hawk that close to your doves but like many others have said, it is a wonderful photo and a rare look for me at this bird.

  7. I hope your doves know they're safe in their pen, it would be scary seeing the hawk staring....

    Great pictures and scripture!!!

    I love, love, love my teacup pincushion!!!

  8. I know nothing about hawks. I do think they are amazing, very attractive birds.

    Kathy, I visited your new store yesterday. I like what you have set up. It seems to represent exactly what you want with you wares, high quality and homespun. Made with care and love.

  9. What a beautiful post. How wonderful to see a hawk so near and trust the protective fencing around your doves...loved the verse.

  10. Fascinating to watch birds, isn't it? I enjoy visiting your blog. Bless you!

  11. I do love hawks..they are so beautiful! We used to get them hanging around our chicken coop. I always love to spot them up high where ever they perch! :D

  12. What a beauty! Isn't it special when one has a visit from such a wonderful creature?

  13. We have quite a few wild birds here in our area. I just love them all! Have a great week ahead! blessings,Kathleen

  14. I think they are beautiful but I hate they devour such docile creatures.

    Glad to know you have your doves in a pen.

  15. Ahh..the hawk's are so majestic and I hear them in the woods. They perch high above the chickens..which we have netted carefully. What a sqreech they make! Your doves are safe and you get to see the beauty of the big bird! And, so do we! Thanks for that!

  16. not a wonderful thing for birds like your beautiful doves - but I do have a love for raptors - we had an immature Harris Hawk learning to hunt around here early in the summer - he seemed to be eating something on a fencepost and I went over after he left - he was consuming a huge cicada. Anyhow - your pictures are great - glad doves are safe in the dovecote. Am sure the hawk thought it was an all you can eat buffet!


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