Happenings & Activities On Cedar Pond

Monday, September 20, 2010

Spots At The Puyallup Fair

When we were at the Puyallup Fair a few days ago we spotted this newborn calf and her mother.
The calf was so new her umbilical cord was still wet. Aren't they beautiful?
We also saw this little spotted piglet and all her brothers and sisters.
This week, from Wednesday to Sunday, you can see my spotted sheep. Right now they are drying off from the baths I gave them earlier today. Yes, I bathed them in the little bit of time it was NOT raining today,trimmed their feet, clipped off tags of debris and manure, then put them in this pen with a heat lamp. They might need it because they are still wet. They will stay here until we load them up Wednesday. I was just outside watching them while I sipped hot tea. I love to watch my sheep in the evening when the world is more quiet and I can hear my sheep chewing their cud.Not only could I smell the hay, but my sheep smell like the coconut scented animal shampoo I used. I don't think I will be giving Goth the Ram a bath though.~
So come on and see some spots, Free Your Glee and do the Puyallup!


  1. Morning Kathy, I love the music and such a cute photo. Do they dislike a bath? They sure are beautiful! Best wishes at the fair this week.

  2. Sound like so much fun! Your sheep are beautiful. I don't blame you for exempting Goth from the bathing experience!

  3. Mildred, yes, the sheep don't particularly like the bath. I have a sheep stand that I holds them while I bathe & trim them though and they settle down quickly.

    Debbie,I'll probably clean his ears and polish his horns as we load hip up, then I have Jim to help!The fair is fun once we get unloaded and set up. There is a lot involved in that though and it starts weeks in advance~

  4. I love going to the fairs...and I love that cute spotted baby pig..too cute! :D

  5. Awww, if only they could stay little... sigh... so cute all those spots!

  6. So many beautiful animals and spots.....
    Good luck at the fair....

  7. I noticed a theme - the spotted creatures are mighty pretty! I think Goth might benefit from a trailer pulled through a car wash??? then he'd be clean - incredibly angry but clean -
    many people doing hard work so visitors can enjoy the animals at a fair -

  8. The fair sounds great. I always love looking at the animals. At the Houston Livestock show a few years ago, I walked through the entire arena filled with stalls and stalls of Brahman Bulls. Little tiny kids taking care of them. That was an amazing sight.Have fun, your sheep look beautiful.

  9. wish we were neighbors so i could come. this is so what i enjoy out of life too. well, tomorrow we'll have tea together at least. thank you for all your beautiful messages on my blog so far. i read yours every day together with my friend maria cecilia's at www.casadulcehogar.blogspot. com. You'd like her.

  10. Aww..lots of sweet spots here. I hope you have a wonderful time at the fair. :)

  11. One of these years we'll have to make the drive down to 'do the Puyallup'!

  12. Julie and Vickie, I agree. The little piglets are especially cute but they sure don't stay little very long!

    Dolores, thank-you, I usually do have a very good time at the fair, but come home and crash!

    LindaSue, you are so funny! My husband got a laugh when I told him what you wrote. I can just picture Goth and his rack going thru the car wash!

    Southern Comfort,It is amazing to watch little children lead huge animals around as easily as if the animal were a docile dog. The cattle, especially some of the big bulls are amazing!

    Peregrine Blue,thank-you! I would love to have a cup of tea with you and see your creations.I am looking forward to tea tomorrow too.

    Daisy, thanks! I will be spending the rest of the week at the fair admiring spots, and people watching!

    Pondside, oh that would be fun! I might meet you and the Great Dane in person!


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