Happenings & Activities On Cedar Pond

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Sleep~ A Gift Beyond Measure

Our youngest grandchild fell asleep behind Goth's pen and beside the wheelbarrow during the family visit to my exhibit at the Puyallup Fair. I had a pillow and blanket ready for him, the very pillow and blanket his older brother had been using for naps while he helped me out during the 5 days of the fair where I exhibited my Jacob sheep. During the day our youngest grandson slept thousands of people, and I do mean THOUSANDS, walked by, or stopped by our little display. The barn was packed from front to back and side by side for hours. According to the official fair numbers our 'Animals of The World Barn' had at least 70,000 people go through. In spite of the noise and numbers of people this little one was able to sleep peacefully and awake refreshed and ready to go.That kind of sleep is a blessing, a gift. "To sleep is an act of faith." Barbara Harrison Sleep, never appreciated until it is unobtainable. Sleep is that mysterious thing that eludes many, yet demands you give it large portions of your life. When I am worried or busy I often willingly forfeit sleep to my detriment.Busy-ness is one thing, but worry and great distress have robbed me of sleep and my health, especially in these last few years. I have no one to blame for this except myself because really, this shows how scarce my faith in my God is. That I will worry and fret over things I have no control over, so much so that I will not sleep. "In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat...." Psalm 127:2
"I will lie down and sleep in peace, for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety." Psalm 4:8
Our oldest Grandson is sleeping in the back of our exhibit. He has worked hard today and we have been up for many hours. Although there are many people passing by and there is much noise, he sleeps. He sleeps well and peacefully. "The sleep of a laborer is sweet, whether he eats little or much.." Ecclesiastes 5:12 "Sleep that knits up the raveled sleeve of care, the death of each day's life, sore labour's bath. Balm of hurt minds, great nature's second course, chief nourisher in life's feast." Shakespeare
Remember ~ ..."for you alone O Lord, make me dwell in safety." Psalm 4:8 & " I lie down and sleep;because the Lord sustains me." Psalm 16:7 & "He who dwells in the shadow of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty." Psalm 91:1


  1. Oh, how I love a good sleep and so seldom get it! I just can't sleep like I used to. I keep waking up. I heard that an ounce of cheese eaten before bedtime will help. I love cheese:D

  2. I love the pictures of your sleeping grandchildren. I cannot sleep anywhere during the day, much less in a group of people! I think the sleeping children were a sweet part of your display. And that is a nice carpeted area for the exhibit as well.

  3. Our Bible school lesson this week is on the importance of rest.

    I can't believe how many people have attended your festival. That's great!

  4. Yes, good old sleep! Something we take for granted until we can't! I have just started to sleep well again...menopause was so bad at taking sleep away! ;D

  5. What a precious picture! Anymore it seems like I can not sleep for more than 3 or for 4 hours at a time before I wake up.

  6. A sleeping child always looks so incredibly peaceful, especially when you think about how busy and active you saw them earlier in the day!! :-)

  7. You could have been writing for me, Kathy, when you wrote about elusive sleep and the way that allow worry rob me of rest.
    I've told The Great Dane that next year we are definitely going to the Puyallup fair to see your sheep and he has looked quite interested!

  8. I love this post, Kathy! Growing up I always resisted sleep--now I welcome it. At difficult times, I have found myself unable to sleep. After suffering terrible hives for months, it was only when I rested and slept as much as possible, that my body was able to heal.
    How I wish I could have been at that fair--I love the barns at the fair and ours will be here in Oct!!! Your grandboys are cuties!

  9. So innocent and pure. I love the name of your sheep, Jacob.

    Always remember what John Paul II said: FEAR NOT. I, too, have spent many a night vigilant. Caesar's world puts so many pressures on us, yet OUR FATHER always takes care of our every need and when we look back we ask ourselves what was all the worry about.


  10. I think sleeping children are so sweet to see! They look so peaceful. Love your post today! blessings,Kathleen

  11. These sweet pictures makes my heart purrrrr.... there's nothing like looking at a precious child sleeping.
    Hugs to you,

  12. It's amazing the places children can fall asleep! I miss good sleep! Takes me forever to get to sleep, then I wake up too many times!

  13. The Harrison quote is quite fabulous! When sleep is faint to come, a mug of warm milk will bring sleep quickly. I am thankful I like milk...warm or cold.


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