Happenings & Activities On Cedar Pond

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Tea With Love On the Beach

My husband and I have been gone these past few days. We got home from the Puyallup Fair and immediately began cleaning up and packing for our trip to one of our favorite places, Cannon Beach on the Oregon coast. We camped in our new travel trailer and had a most wonderful time together. The Oregon coast is so beautiful. Above is a picture of the teapot we found on sale in a gift shop and teacups I found very well priced (cheap) in an antique shop. I arranged them on the table in our trailer.
"True love is as vast as the sky and as deep as the oceans." AU
My husband and I put our 'tea on the beach' in a basket and along with the dogs we headed for the beach.The teapot has a picture of the famous big rocks you can see from the beach, 'Haystack' is the biggest rock. Here is the teapot and one of the teacups. We brought books to read along with the peach tea and cheese & crackers for snacks. I am reading Mind Of The Raven by Bernd Heinrich,( so far, very interesting! ) my husband is reading The Presence of the Future by George E. Ladd.
I started this Tea Time Tuesday with the teapot and teacups in mind as the main topic, but I usually pray about my blog posts and all that kept coming to mind was my beloved husband and his love for me. His kindness and consideration for me. He helped me choose the teapot and encouraged me to find teacups I would like. He helped me tote the basket for Teatime Tuesday to the beach, not for him, for me! "Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength..." Lao Tzu
My husband played with the dogs on the beach. " For all that you are and all that you do, and for the many ways you make my heart sing..." Leland Thurry
The dogs really love play time on the beach!
Just look at my husband's dog Hawk run across the beach after a tennis ball. He fairly flies!
So here is Tea Time Tuesday and all I can think of is my husband who loves me so very much. My husband who helps me haul tea things to the beach . My husband who is content to sit quietly with me while we read.My husband, the man I love. "Love one another and you will be happy. It is as simple and as difficult as that." Michael Leunig Of course, I had to play with the dogs too. Don't you just love the way the mist makes the big rocks seem like ghosts in the back ground? Tea on the beach, tea on the Oregon Coast, tea with my Beloved... how can I even begin to express how wonderfully blessed I feel when I am with my husband , having such a great time at one of our favorite places? "The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves." Victor Hugo Back to Tea Time Tuesday...here is the underside of the teapot. It was made by Hooton, a potter in Union, Oregon. I like the color, blue & white. The lid reminds me of a sand dollar.
The back side of the teapot is plain, and the raised portions of the teapot are shaped like waves. The whole teapot is very illustrative of the sea and Cannon Beach.
Last, but most assuredly not least, the teacup. The pattern is Liberty Blue , Historical Colonial Scenes, made in England. Peach tea on my favorite beach with the husband I love makes this Tea Time Tuesday one of my favorites. "Love is the greatest refreshment in life." Pablo Picasso -To see other teacups and teatimes check out these ladies' blogs~ Martha*, Terri*,Wanda Lee*, Pam*, and Lady Katherine*. Enjoy while you sip a cup of your favorite tea. Then kiss your beloved and thank God for all His blessings, for they are abundant!


  1. I enjoyed this post very much Kathy. I am so happy that you two had some time to relax in such beautiful surroundings. I love the tea pot and cups and the picture of the dog running on the beach - Harriet is envious of his long legs! I can just imagine the sound of the waves and the scent of the breeze. Thanks for sharing today.

  2. What a beautiful place Kathy! How I would love to visit there someday!

    This is a really sweet post. Your hubbie sounds like a wonderful mate.

  3. Kathy, your post are always so beautiful and inspiring. Your trip sounds and looks so tranquil and filled with peace and love.
    I love all the pictures!!!
    God is good!

  4. Such a soothing, beautiful setting on the beach! May you and your husband have a wonderful week!

  5. Gather those days of love and hold them close against the chill of difficult times.
    God is able, bless His name forever.

  6. Hi Kathy,
    What a fabulous post! You've talked about all the things close to my heart; God, my hubby, the beach, and tea things! Peach tea on the beach sounds exhilarating! Love all your quotes and photos! Your blue tea things are lovely. Thank you for taking us along on your trip to one of my favourite places! Have a beautiful day.


  7. What a wonderful place to have Tea; right there on the beach!! Beautiful photographs!! I've enjoyed my visit :)

    Wishing you a wonderful Tea Tuesday, warmest, Brenda

  8. I think your tea time must have been just about perfect. I love your new teapot - a wonderful souvenir of a special autumn holiday at the shore.

  9. This is a beautiful post about beautiful people and lovely dogs :o)!!! I love these photos! Thanks for sharing them!

  10. I loved your post today...Loved the special tea pot too and the beautiful views of the ocean and rocks! But the most special part was about the love you and he share..priceless! My husband loves me like that too, nothing sweeter! Come say hi :D

  11. Your tea set-up on the beach is so special! You sure enjoy the beauty and simplicity of life. Stopping by from Tea Tuesdays.

  12. It looks like you had a lovely time at the beach with your hubby. The photos are beautiful too.
    Your tea pot is sweet and your Liberty Blue teacup and saucer is so lovely.
    Tea at the beach must be really peaceful.

  13. Hi Kathy!
    What a delightful time at the beach I had visiting you today!

    I would like to hear the ocean waves and birds in the sky. Sooooo relaxing.

    God bless,

  14. What a pretty beach teascape!! I see you have the same pumpkins that I do!! At the Dollar Store, right????


  15. Well your teapot is beautiful...but even more so is the wonderful tribute to your dear husband.

    Our family went to cannon Beach a few years ago, so we got to see firsthand the beauty of Haystack Rock...and all the magnificent creatures in the tide pools around some of the other rocks.

    Daughter and I went to Seaside two years ago, but hubs and son dropped us off at our hotel and then camped the Oregon coast...so we were left without a car and couldn't get back up to cannon Beach. We are used to the Florida beaches, though...definitely MUCH colder water in the northern Pacific.

    Anyhow, your tea party on the beach sounds perfect...I LOVE the beach, and I LOVE teatime. Putting the two things together makes for a doubly special time.

    Patti (Fill My Cup with Beauty)

  16. What a heavenly trip you have described! I love that you had tea on the beach and what a sweetie of a husband that you have. Glad you had such a wonderful time and it looks like the doggies did too! :-)

  17. what a sweet love story and beach
    tea party. my husband are finding
    our way as empty nesters after
    raising five kids. it is alternately
    sweet, fun, and sometimes lonely.

    we're trying to push through our
    missing them so much.

    this has given me lots of incentive.

  18. Tea time on the beach sounds lovely, Kathy. I love the beach pictures with the mist in the background too,

  19. Looks like a great time with your best friend! That is a really nice tea pot!
    Great photos too.

  20. oh my, that beach is awesome, misty and sea breezy. i love to see dogs on the beach, they have so much fun. and when they swim and bring back a stick, another priceless vision. i couldn't participate today, i have been overwhelmed with work plus i only have one teacup left to display. i need to buy a few more if i want to continue participating but i've noticed they are quite pricey these days. blessings as always kathy, to you and the bee keeper.

  21. Enjoyed the pictures!


  22. This is such a wonderful post, Kathy! The pictures are great, the setting is beautiful, and you and your Hubby's love for each other is so sweet!
    (And the tea set is gorgeous!! *Squeeal*)

  23. Your teacup and pot is so lovely. I love blue things. I also love the pics you showed of the beach. I would love to live near one someday.

    Thanks so much for visiting and commenting on my blog.



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