Happenings & Activities On Cedar Pond

Monday, October 18, 2010

Flying Goose Teacup~ Tea Time Tuesday

Last week I loaded up two of our dogs into the car and headed off to soak up the Autumn color. I also had a destination in mind, a small town nearby that has a row of antique stores on it's main street. I did not care if I found anything to buy, but teacups were at the top of my list of desirable purchases. Boy oh boy, teacups are expensive!Since I really don't NEED any more teacups I am picky about them. They have to be appealing to me and fairly cheap. Look at this teacup I found! This looks like a flying goose to me. I am not sure what the black thing is, maybe the tree trunk, or something more sinister. When I first glanced at this teacup on the shelf in the store,behind a lot of stuff, I thought the black was a fox or cat after the goose. Can you see the detail on this saucer? The gold is very bright, the green leaves of the tree are so delicate. Somehow this teacup manages to be bold and delicate at the same time. The china is so fine I can see the design on the front through the back. I am sipping tea from this cup right now as I write this post and I can see the liquid through the outside of the cup even though the lights are dimmed in this room. The lady who sold me this teacup said she would sell it to me for $6.00 because it was unmarked. We both held the saucer up to her sunny window to make sure there was no mark and although we saw a small green blur, there was no apparently visible writing or marking. My receipt from her reads " unmarked cup and saucer- $6.00 ". You can see the reflection of me taking the picture of the opposite side of the cup . As I was preparing this Tea Time Tuesday post I again held the saucer slightly slanted under a bright lamp and wouldn't you know it, there IS writing! Very small, but very clear tiny green letters saying "made in Japan".The way the letters appear make them seem like they are supposed to be a secret, only to be seen in a mysterious way, I like mysteries. Does anyone out there have a clue about this teacup and saucer? Sipping tea out of this teacup is like sipping tea out of a delicate gilded eggshell. I truly love this beautiful gem of a teacup, this treasure I found on a bright and colorful October drive through beautiful country. The day I came home from a glorious day with a treasure, a treasure to share with you! I am leaving you with this quote from a favorite author who's books are a treat to read as you sip your tea by the fireside or sunshiny porch. "As October ends, the air begins to smell of windfalls that have been frosted. The leaves drift down, and most of the branches are bare.We see more sky. Night shuts down early. I miss the long summer twilights, when day seems to linger indefinitely. But the mornings have a sparkle , and I love to see the shadow of the house silver with frost when sun has melted the rest of the crystals on the lawn." Gladys Taber Please, pour yourself a cup of tea and share a bit of time with these ladies, you won't be sorry, they know how to do Tea Time Tuesday right !


  1. Good Morning Kathy, What a lovely tea cup, so delicate. I can't say that I've ever seen one like this. I love to get out in the fall of the year and find some little something special to treat myself. I know during the cold, winter months you will enjoy sipping tea from this and remembering your time with the dogs on a mild Autumn day.

  2. What a lovely tea cup and saucer!


  3. Hello Kathy :) Sounds like you had a wonderful time, and more so to find a pretty cup to add to your collection. I too love collecting teacups, my taste runs more with pretty pink roses, as I am a Rose-aholic, lol :) among other things :)

    Wishing you a lovely Tea Tuesday!!

    Warmest hugs, Brenda

  4. So pretty and delicate looking.

  5. Good morning!!! Thank you so very, very much for your incredibly kind words of encouragement re: my blog!!! That really does a heart good!

    Of course, I have visited your blog on Tea Time Tuesdays since I joined up a few weeks ago and admire your entries as well. (Especially about the wool!!!) This week's teacup entry is exquisite!!! You really CAN see right through it!!! I like the raised texture of the painting on the cup & saucer. That took a LOT of patience on someone's part! Great bargain for such a lovely set. Congrats!

    Have a fabulous week!!!

  6. Question? What the heck did you do with your two dogs when you were in an antique store??

    The teacup is so delicate and beautiful!!!! I love a good mystery.

    Sounds like a wonderful day and a good and beautiful bargain.

    Beautiful poem!

  7. G'morn Kathy ~ Sandra referred me to you. I think you live in or right near our hometown of Chehalis. I'd love to hear from you.

    I so love this teacup ... for all the teacups that we have sold in our shop, not once has this one crossed our shelves.

    Hope you have a lovely day ~
    TTFN ~ Marydon
    PS I am going to follow you ... hope you will join me

  8. You found a very charming tea cup...it is fine! Having cup of tea on these perfect days and reading a little Gladys Taber is my idea of peaceful! I have several of Gladys books....they are not easy to find these days. :)

  9. Hey Kathy! I had an inkling that your cup was Japanese - the images on the cup and saucer reminded of something oriental. It's beautiful but I can't tell what that black thing is either - I wondered if it might be the tree trunk, but now I don't think so.

    I'm not familiar with Gladys Taber but it sounds like something I would like - will have to check her out!

    Tell Jim - after our rain last week, the gophers were renovating their dens. I was able to catch 3 of the little boogers - all in one day! How's the mole business up your way?

  10. I am not a tea cup collector, but do enjoy collecting and reading Gladys Tabor books. Recently bought 3 at an estate sale for 25cents apiece. A real deal. Enjoy your tea.

  11. Hi Kathy, That tea cup is special! I have never seen one like it and I'm so glad you found it (what a bargan too!) and glad you showed it to us, too. Have a great day!

  12. Hi Kathy!

    What an amazing teacup and saucer! I have never seen one like it. It is just beautiful. And so pretty held up to the light! Wonderful find!

    Have a terrific week!

  13. Hi Kathy,
    Your teacup is quite unique! I love how translucent it is. I have no idea what the black thing is, sounds like no one knows. I do like the goose and the leaves on it. It is very nice and I'm glad you were able to find it. What fun to sip tea from a mysterious teacup such as yours! Thank you for sharing it with us and I hope you are having a lovely day.


  14. WOW! I think I'm in love with your flying goose! So pretty and delicate. Happy Tea Day!

  15. I love your cup! I have two similar, and I love the way the light shines through too.
    Thank you so much for sharing with us today.

  16. I have been gone on vacation and am catching up with you today..loved the cute post on the bird dog and cat! We have been in Illinois and stopped at so many antique shops all along the way..so fun! Love the cute new tea cup! ;D

  17. What a lovely find. Your new teacup and saucer is awesome ans so delicate.

    Thanks for sharing.


  18. What an exquisite tea cup, Kathy! Very pretty. I thought the black shape was a cat too.

  19. Now that teacup I would be afraid to touch...it's gorgeous....so artistic and fragile looking. I'm kind of like the bull in the china shop....

  20. Hello there dearest Kathy,

    I just love your unusual, yet elegant, 'flying Goose', teacup!

    What a fabulous pattern, especially in the Autumn..,

    Thanks so much for sharing your treasures with us!~ You always do such interesting and utterly delightful posts Kathy!

    You are always most warmly invited to pop by for a tea visit in my little corner of, 'Tuesday And Wednesday Teatime In Blogland'!

    ..,(This week has marked my 53rd, 'Tuesday Tea For Two', blog teaparty, my 44th, 'Wednesday Tea For You And You And Me')..,

    ~ Also with dear Pam, (of http://breathoffreshair-paperbutterfly.blogspot.com );she and I have celebrated our 25th, 'Teapot And Tea Things Tuesday'..,


    ~ I guess you could truly say; 'I love Afternoon Tea' and most of all sharing the experience with my fellow bloggers!

    I will always love to share yet another Tuesday Tea, heartwarming visit and cup of tea with you and have always so enjoyed our visits from the past and present, dear lady!

    Have a marvelous week!

    Cheers and hugs from Wanda Lee
    @ http://theplumedpen.blogspot.com
    and also @ http://silkenpurse.blogspot.com

  21. Hi Kathy: What a stunning cup! It is so beautiful. I am so glad you found that treasure and shared it with us. Have a wonderful week. Blessings, Martha

  22. Very pretty and delicate teacup.
    The black thing is intriguing, would it not be a chasing catlike animal???
    Sometimes it is nice when something does not reveal what it really is, that keeps the mind inquisitive.
    Happy day,

  23. So very lovely! Yes, it does look delicate as an eggshell! It appears to have be lustreware, isn't it?

  24. So funny...as I was reading your post, I thought, "made in Japan, late 40's early 50's, perhaps". It has the hallmark of "made in Japan" and would have been made after WWII, after the Occupation. Give my poor brain time and I'll remember what that particular type of china is called...can't bring it to mind right now. It's beautiful though, I wonder at the hands that have held it.


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