Happenings & Activities On Cedar Pond

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Yarn & So Much More

My heart has been bursting with the joy of these Autumn days, sunshiny and crisp, how can it not? Perfect for spinning my wool up into yarn as I sit on the porch.I can enjoy birdsong and bird squabbles over the feeders full of sunflower seeds .I take in the changing colors of the leaves, I watch my sheep from my porch.There is time to be quiet, to think. Look at this beautiful wool. It is from my ram, Goth. Who knew such a bashingly bad ram could give me such lustrous, soft fleece. My husband has been very patient with me as I keep showing him this wool while I spin it up. "Look at this! Isn't it beautiful?Look how much wool I got from Goth! Look at the long staple, isn't the color scrumptious...yadda, yadda."Sometimes I even push the lovely wool into his hands or make him sniff it! ( What a patient husband I have.) Can you see just a little bit from this picture how pretty Goth's wool is?The variations of black and white.His black is fading into a very sweet shade of blue-gray. What is the point of this post, well....I am happy and thankful for my sheep, for the ability to use their wool AND enjoy watching them. I am thankful for my husband who builds all the pens and housing for the sheep, even though he would prefer to have NO sheep.I am thankful for a husband who will let me fill a room with wool, loom, spinning wheels~ and not begrudge me the time to use it all. I am thankful for the time to meditate on The Shepherd, who watches over me, one of His sheep. I pray He allows the wool of this sheep ( me) to be spun up into even a tiny strand of wool yarn to be knit and woven into the fabric of a life glorifying Him, all else is but fodder for moths. To God be the Glory, forever and ever!
"The web of our life is but a mingled yarn, good and ill together." Shakespeare
"Charm is deceitful, beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised." Proverbs 31:30 "Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in Thy sight Oh Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14


  1. You paint a lovely picture in my mind with your words Kathy. This is a glorious time of year to be out on your porch spinning the wool of your beloved sheep. Hope you have an enjoyable and blessed Sunday.

  2. That was lovely, Kathy. I think it would be grand to sink my hands into that soft wool and then watch you do your work to turn it into yarn.
    The Great Dane is very happy with the books and was showing them off to our guests last night. Later in the evening I noticed one of the men really intent on the log house book - what is it about men and building thins with logs?

  3. I would love to watch you spin, having never seen this done.

  4. Can you ask your husband to take a little video of you spinning, out on your porch? I so enjoyed reading your post, seeing your spinning wheel (envy), your yarn (more envy), your porch (even more envy) etc.
    I have different things to do in my garden, which today is cold, too cold to sit out in but perfect for pruning the shrubs. There is a lovely smell of autumn in the air. It is a great time of the year to count your blessings and look forward.
    Enjoy your weather while it lasts.
    The yarn is gorgeous, just gorgeous. I would LOVE to feel it and sniff it and handle and spin it.
    Blessings, Star

  5. I'm so thankful that God gave us the 4 beautiful seasons to enjoy.....
    Your sweet and picturesque words make my heart sing with joy.... thank you!

  6. Oh my, Kathy! That is lovely wool, and it looks so soft. Looks like Goth is earning his keep to me. :-)

    Happy Sunday to you!

  7. He really does make great yarn Kathy! Looks pretty and soft too!

  8. this must be so relaxing. i know what it is to smell this wool since we have lots of natural wools in chile. i also do the same with old books, they smell soooo good. and there's something so attractive about a spinning wheel, your own. youlive such a bountiful life kathy.

  9. Ooh, Kathy! I love this post! Goth has beautiful wool, indeed! I wish I could knit something other than a straight line!!!

  10. Lovely post! Gorgeous wool! How I envy your peaceful home-based lifestyle. I am yearning to be home--working at home instead of trudging out everyday! Praying that a way to do that happens soon!

  11. Isn't it a lovely thing to sit calmly and sanely and produce something beautiful? I've been sewing/quilting Christmas stockings and having a ball.


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