Happenings & Activities On Cedar Pond

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Have A Thankful Thanksgiving~

Have a thankful Thanksgiving,and be thankful you're not a turkey! Our turkeys are not aware of how thankful they should be this Thanksgiving. We could not find the time to prepare them for the Thanksgiving table , so they will happily gobble and eat their fill of grain , thinking turkey thoughts, dreaming turkey dreams. Our days around here are full of keeping the house warm and water in the animals' troughs. The power went out in the early hours this morning and came back on this afternoon. The weather forecast is for much of the same below freezing temperatures through Wednesday.( We are colder than the North Pole is right now!) Because of the uncertainty of electric power and that the rest of the week will be full of cooking and enjoying family, I will not be blogging for a few days. Happy Thanksgiving to you! ~"It is good to take time to be thankful, for it is all too easy to let the world's trouble sweep over one in a dark flood and to fall into despair." Gladys Taber ~" The Pilgrims made seven more graves than huts. No Americans have been more impoverished than these who, nevertheless, set aside a day of thanksgiving." H.U. Westermayer ~ "Thanksgiving Day comes , by statute, once a year; to the honest man it comes as frequently as the heart of gratitude will allow." E.S. Martin ~ "Thanksgiving , after all, is a word of action." W.J. Cameron


  1. Wishing you and your family a blessed Thanksgiving Kathy!

  2. I will pray for your electricity to continue!
    Happy Thanksgiving,

  3. Stay warm, Kathy! I hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  4. Kathy, Praying for you to be warm and safe. Happy Thanksgiving.

  5. Hi Kathy - I hope your Thanksgiving was a grand one with as many family members present as could get home.....or wherever you celebrate!
    We have been hit with record breaking weather, so I imagine you must have been too. I look forward to hearing about how things went.

  6. I've been praying and hoping that you had a safe, warm journey to your son's home for wonderful Thanksgiving and a safe trip home!!!

  7. Hello, Kathy...A grateful,thankful Thanksgiving indeed. I hope yours was safe, happy, and delicious.
    Many blessings to you, and your family,(and the turkeys, too).

  8. Hi, Kathy! Your quotes are really something to think about.

    Hope that things will warm up.

    I call home (WA) every day to see how things are getting on...we've never, in my recollection, remember it this cold so early in our part of the state!

    It's been cold here also... 40's..low 50's and so very windy cold. Not what one would expect of AZ weather. But each day we just give thanks that we are alive and kickin'... regardless. LOL

  9. Just dropped by to say hello and hope that you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! blessings,Kathleen

  10. I can relate to the north pole cold. I think you may have more snow than us..is that possible?? I really take electricty for granted and thought I better get some supplies for emergency cooking in case ours ever goes out. The extra water might be a good idea too!! Happy Thanksgiving and enjoy your family. I would like pictures if you care to share:)

  11. Wonderful post, Kathy- and thanks for the chuckle over "thinking turkey thoughts and dreaming turkey dreams"... *haha* too cute!


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