Happenings & Activities On Cedar Pond

Monday, November 22, 2010

Snow & Thanksgiving

I am thankful for the first snow of this season. Cedar Pond is a snowy, white wonderland. The sheep have their woolly coats to keep them warm.Our ducks, chickens, turkeys and doves have the warmth of the protective and beautiful feathers God has given them and the shelter of the housing my husband has built for them. Our dogs have their fur coats and beds in the house for the night.Our cat sleeps safe and warm on the sofa... ...before the fire in the wood-stove, burning hot and steady. It warms our whole home , fueled by the wood from the trees here on Cedar Pond. I am thankful for the first snow, I am thankful I can enjoy this frosty beauty from the comfort of our warm home, and that our animals are safe and warm too. I am thankful tonight I know my family is safe and warm. November is a month and season with a beauty all it's own. There are still red and brown leaves stubbornly clinging to the trees, the sunny days are often a bit dim and damp, or frosty and bone chilling. Not quite fall, not quite winter.A time of transition. Don't rush into Christmas just yet, take time to savor the lull before the dashing madness of Christmas time, and the swiftly approaching new year. I am thankful for November, this is a month that has brought me some of my greatest joys. Every year and every season God grants us is an opportunity for great joy, and I am thankful for that especially. "There is nothing better for a man than to eat and drink and tell himself that his labor is good. This also I have seen, that it is from the hand of God. For who can have enjoyment without Him? For to a person who is good in His sight He has given wisdom and knowledge, and joy." Ecclesiastes 2:24-26


  1. It does look pretty there, Kathy. No snow to speak of here, yet, but I'm in no hurry for it.

    Lovely post! :)

  2. It is mostly brown here with the leaves just beginning to turn. The temperature for the next few days will be around 81 degrees with a cool front forceast for Thursday. It is amazing how the weather can be so different for you. It is hard to realize how far away you actually are from us. I'd love to have some of that snow for a while. Happy Thanksgiving.

  3. What a beautiful picture you paint in my mind. We are all indeed blessed in this country. We don't have any snow yet, but we are warned that it will be a wet winter :D

  4. I can't believe that beautiful snow already. So pretty!

    The fire looks mighty cozy.

  5. Your words paint a cozy picture in my mind of your world. I can just see all the animals content and resting. With the bazaar over, maybe you can slow down and enjoy reading by the warm fire and enjoy that beautiful snow scene from the window. God bless you Kathy.

  6. I like this post....it's so warm and lovely.
    We don't have any snow here ... yet ..:o)

  7. You have snow already? It sure looks pretty but you can keep it there thank you very much. I prefer to enjoy snow through pictures. lol

  8. Oh Kathy, I just want to come in and warm myself by your welcoming fire and enjoy the lovliness that surrounds you. Your reading from ecclesiastes so befits this time of year. Thank you. Have a Blessed Thanksgiving to you and your family. Lady Jane

  9. so toasty and warm. i love these cast iron wood burning heaters, they remind me of the past. and yes, we live in a beautiful country with all the hues of nature from sea to shining sea, no need to go overseas for vacations really if you think about it.

  10. So true, Kathy, November is a time to take stock, to rest, to be thankful and enjoy some of the bounty and harvest for which one has worked so hard during the year ~ and that the Lord has given the increase!

    77 degrees here today and they're saying 78 tomorrow. Sigh...

    Your winter pictures with the white snow and the black and white sheep are my favorites of yours. They really stand out! What are you working on in the way of wool right now?

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday with your family and loved ones!

  11. The snow in your picture is so lovely, and the fire looks so warm and cozy. Like Debbie said, you paint a beautiful picture with your words.

    I hope your have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!

  12. Hi Kathy, I am so envious of your wood stove. We've not been able to use ours since Dave developed COPD and I miss the wood stove. I miss the comfort, coziness and warmth of the wood stove and, while I enjoy the gas logs, it's just not the same.

  13. It looks beautiful! It would be nice to have some cooler weather for Thanksgiving. I'm still in shorts here.

  14. Oh, Kathy- I love the picture of your Jacobs in the snow!!
    Wood stoves are so wonderful and cozy... I am soo thankful for ours because we are able to heat our entire house with it and keep the heat pump off- saving on our electric bill. (Thank the Lord!)
    Not to mention I just love to watch the fire flicker!! *squeal*

  15. Oh, Kathy, I do agree! Savoring the Autumn still...the richness of its colors and smells. I remember those days well when I was younger. But living now in SE Texas we don't get to experience the best of Autumn or Winter for that matter, and I find myself longing for those simple, cozy experiences again. I make the most of any little bit we receive here. Thank you for your wonderful photos. It takes me where my mind wanders, and my hopes are fulfilled.


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